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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    Fi SSD 15" motor

    Sounds like you clipped the amp and burned the coil up and locked it up. We've NEVER had a motor fall apart...the glue that we use to put them together is stupid strong.
  2. NDMstang65

    Going to order this week, need final thoughts

    Been in for a loooooong time...
  3. NDMstang65

    19Ov.2 motor recone??

    That's not accurate enough. I'm talking we need it down to the thousandth of an inch. Those coils are probably something weird like 2.504 or something... Only way you can do it is by cutting the sub apart and giving us the ID of the coil, the OD of the coil, The winding height, and how tall the top plate is... Aside from that we can't even use that basket with our parts... I really doubt we can do anything with it honestly. Sorry...
  4. NDMstang65

    fi decals

    Just a little bit of advice before you run into legal issues... That's our trademark, you can not sell it. You can make them for you, and your friends, however your friends are not the internet. Not trying to be a dick or anything..that's just how it is. Thanks! -Nick
  5. NDMstang65


    Recone ' at ' ficaraudio.com
  6. NDMstang65


    Standard 12" Q recone is $90 shipped. D1's and D2's are the same price. Thanks! -Nick
  7. NDMstang65


    Haven't gotten anything about a Q recone... What's your email address and i'll search my inbox with that. Sorry you haven't gotten in touch with us, just running every which way but loose the past few weeks . What size is your Q and what (if any) options does it have and i'll quote you a price here just in case you can't get through email. Thanks! -Nick
  8. NDMstang65

    2 weeks

    No, it's called the weekend gentleman. He's in Alaska..his sub will be there Friday. I've emailed him back and Scott has sent him the tracker as well. Sorry for the delay in replying! Thanks! -Nick
  9. NDMstang65

    fi decals

    Don't make big decals as we don't have a in house print shop.. You can go to your local vinyl shop with the file and have it made in any color and size that you want. Email me and i'll send you the file. Nick ' at ' ficaraudio.com Thanks! -Nick
  10. NDMstang65

    Trying to decide between AA Havoc and Fi Q

    Havoc doesn't have 4 spiders.. That's a type-o on the website lol. Follow our recommendations, you listen with your ears..not with your eyes. We know what works best with the subs The Havoc does fine sealed!
  11. NDMstang65

    Wall Setup

    Use a common chamber and load the ports on the bottom
  12. NDMstang65

    Fi SSD 15" motor

    Must have gotten dropped, we've never had one of those break before... Is the slug cracked?
  13. NDMstang65

    2.5" coil recone

    Not arsenal parts, it's pretty close to spec stuff from what it was... It'l sound fine.
  14. NDMstang65

    12" Q

    Need a name to work with and i'll check and get it taken care of asap. Odds are that the sub is already done...especially if it has been that long. We probably do not have the address to send it back to you is all it is. Let me know! Thanks! -Nick
  15. NDMstang65

    19Ov.2 motor recone??

    Kind of doubt it , get a set of calipers and tell us the top plate height and the OD of the pole piece and ID of the top plate and we can tell you if we can do it or not... I'd say that it's some sort of odd ball measurement that we probably can't do much with.
  16. NDMstang65

    2 12" SSD's or 1 15" BL

    I'd do the SSD's.
  17. NDMstang65

    ssd 15's or bl 18's

    The 4 ssd15's would likely be louder... The BL's would also do good as well.
  18. NDMstang65


    Shoot me an email, I'm the closest dealer to you. Nick ' at ' ficaraudio.com I'll get you taken care of! Thanks! -Nick
  19. NDMstang65

    Im so impatient

    It might have went out today, otherwise it will go out tomorrow. If it went out today you should have got a email that said it shipped out if it went out today, it not then you'll get one tomorrow notifying you that it shipped out. Thanks! -Nick
  20. NDMstang65

    2.5" coil recone

    We'd have to hunt around for a dual 2 or a single 4... Prices went up a little bit...
  21. NDMstang65

    The "New Line" information?

    SQish kinda stuff.. You never know what might pop up though
  22. NDMstang65

    2.5" coil recone

    Sure.. A recone $70 + shipping is Dual 4ohm coil... We can double stack the spiders on there to give you a little more mechanical power handling. Let me know! Thanks! -Nick
  23. NDMstang65

    Im so impatient

    Need a Name or something to work with...then I can update you. Thanks! -Nick
  24. NDMstang65

    Spec sheet for poly's/carbon

    Carbons play flat from 70-2400Hz if i remember correctly, roll off about 2.4dB at 2400Hz and play flat from there on up to 5500Hz...after that the breakup modes of the cones kind of kick in... Poly's didn't have the shelf in them...
  25. NDMstang65

    Blown Fi 15" Q

    You broke it...it needs a recone.. We really need to figure out how to educate people in not doing things like this... Lesson learned, you'll have to send it in for a recone.