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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    Slapping noise?

    No. Tell him to do that and he will break it for sure. Shouldn't be having any noises...not really sure what to suggest outside of what others already have. Play it free air on low volume / power..see if it makes the noise.
  2. NDMstang65

    18" BTL FULLY LOADED ???

    Like i said If you order now and going to do that for you. But please note that it will be 4 weeks before we get the magnets back in stock, so it will take some time. We already know who orders them now what needs to happen and it will be noted. Just need to know your shirt size when ordering. Thanks!
  3. NDMstang65

    Spring Cleaning X series 12's!

    We were moving things around in the shop and found some of the old stock of the X series motors and put the 93 that we found together...I talked Scott into letting me do a "Spring Cleaning" special for the people here, they are only 12's, not doing any 10's because we built all of them into the 12" frames already. $79 a piece + shipping If your looking into mass quantity we can probably do a little something on the price. 4+ at one time and they are $70 each! + shipping. 12" Coils Dual 4 Ω Re 3.8 Ω / coil (7.6 Ω in series) Fs 25.7 Hz Qms 5.50 Qes 0.38 Qts 0.35 Mms 121 g Sd 480 cm^2 Vas 104.1 l SPL 88.6 1W/1m Bl 20 Tesla Meters Xmax 16mm (one-way) RMS 250W Sealed enclosure 0.8 - 1.6 CF Ported enclosure 1.75 - 2.5 CF Mounting depth 6.00" Driver Cutout Diameter 11.125" Driver Overall Diameter 12.500" Weight 16 lb -Nick
  4. NDMstang65

    18" BTL FULLY LOADED ???

    You'll have to wait 4 weeks for them. If you order now and are willing to wait we will do full cooling for free and include a shirt with your order. We're currently out of magnets and are waiting for them to arrive. Thanks! Nick
  5. NDMstang65

    Contacting Scott

    Don't have a phone.. Email me with whatever you need.
  6. NDMstang65

    Fi sticker colors

  7. NDMstang65

    15" BTL power handling

    I've never lived in Las Vegas lol I used to compete years ago..got tired of it and retired.
  8. NDMstang65

    Shipping to Australia

    Pop server is down for whatever reason..can't receive emails right now. But yes, we can/will ship to Australia. Thanks! Nick
  9. NDMstang65

    15" BTL power handling

    You aren't far from me
  10. NDMstang65

    Spring Cleaning X series 12's!

    Yep we've got some left... Didn't have a chance to get them back up on the website is all. We can still get some to ya though
  11. NDMstang65

    BTL 15's question

    For it being optimal you will need 1 of those amplifiers per sub. Thanks! Nick
  12. NDMstang65

    about the dellivery

    Japan...we can ship straight to you. What are you interested in?
  13. NDMstang65

    Blown Fi 15" Q

    You don't get "1000" watts at whatever gain..and 1200 at another.. How much power you produce is dictated by the volume knob, the output voltage that your headunit puts out should match the input voltage (gain pot) on the amplifier.. So if you have a 4 volt deck, your gain should be much lower than on a 1 volt deck.
  14. NDMstang65


    Adding to that..all the screws are there, if there wasn't a screw in there it would not have glue over top of it. Thanks! Nick
  15. NDMstang65

    BL vs SSD

    Bad idea. Get dual 2ohm coils and wire in parallel. You will break stuff..amp and sub both running at a .5ohm nominal load. SSD won't like that kind of power either in the wrong hands...
  16. NDMstang65

    Who wants 7kw at 14.4 for $1049?

    Not to point fingers or anything...but you can see the square wave you get at 12kw out of the 8kw amp...it's way far from a sine wave, look at the scope. Yes, it is 12kw, but...at what point does it go from a true sine to something that looks like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDhRBMB3vok Taking that into consideration, you may get 6kw out of the 5kw amp before it starts doing that? Regardless, still a pretty good deal for that kind of power.
  17. NDMstang65

    FI X

  18. NDMstang65

    When are you guys going to make an 8" sub?

    Won't do an 8 until we're satisfied with our new basket.. Stock baskets suck for clearance reasons (terrible excursion..moving assembly hits the basket) ...so we don't see the point in making one until we're ready with the basket.
  19. NDMstang65

    Potential problem with my setup for fi Q 15's

    If you are burning something you are doing something wrong... Remember, speakers are dumb..they do what YOU tell them to do by the volume knob or the knobs on your amplifier...
  20. NDMstang65

    box help for 2 BL 10's

    I emailed you back.. Please note that isn't how you calculate port area .
  21. NDMstang65

    FI Internet problem?

    Internet got back up Friday evening...but it's Sunday Email me all of your information and I can update you on where its at. It should have went out, Scott had to make late runs to UPS on Friday because we missed the pickup at 3:30 due to the internet. Thanks for your patience! Nick
  22. NDMstang65

    cant get a hold of anyone

    No the internet went out at the shop.. Need a Name or something to work with then I can help you
  23. NDMstang65

    Question about Mayhem 18".

    Don't think a w7 and a BTL are quite in the same class... Sort of like comparing a mustang and a m1a1 abrams tank..
  24. NDMstang65

    Blueprints for BTL DbDrag Enclosure...

    If you want to be loud on the meter that is 100% up to you.. You will have to build and test and figure out what will work best. We simply can't design you something that will magically work... Sorry man