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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    UPS Drop Off 2 Days Ago

    No...first pics is what it would look like if you did not put the gasket back on it and let it dry. (That's not glued together, it is just sitting there) You put the glue on the spider landing and surround landing, you then drop the assembly down with the gauges in the middle of the coil, spin it so you are sure you have a good bond on the spider landing. Then you take the gasket and put it around the surround/edge of basket and let it dry. This centers it where it needs to be.
  2. NDMstang65

    UPS Drop Off 2 Days Ago

    Sure..gasket is $7 + shipping. Here's pictures..same exact one that you have.
  3. NDMstang65

    UPS Drop Off 2 Days Ago

    Because you are pushing it all the way out...it is not meant to be pushed all the way out. If you use the gasket to center everything it puts it into proper alignment..never an issue. It is the same tooling...exactly the same. It has not changed. Same part number..same tooling dye..same compound. Built thousands of subs with that exact same surround profile...it is not the surround, it is not the basket, it is not the tooling as they are all the same.
  4. NDMstang65

    UPS Drop Off 2 Days Ago

    It's a XXX. It uses the same 12 spoke basket..and the same surround profile...with the same surround landing ID and OD..with the same tooling. Scott used to own RE and designed the thing ..why would we send out things that don't work? That is how it is meant to be. Now, your XXX might have came with a wonky Chinese gasket..which is a good possibility as to why it fits weird, that did happen years ago. There were runs of them that some fit better than others...as vendors were changed a few times through the runs of those subs. Otherwise, the recone is what it is and is 'OEM equivalent'. Ask questions first...before pointing fingers. Watch the video. It is the exact same. Those dimensions on the basket have not changed in the past 15 years.
  5. NDMstang65

    Soft Part Assembly And Basket

    Sort of doubt it..the 2" coils we have are very long..and have a very wide OD for a 2" coil.
  6. NDMstang65

    UPS Drop Off 2 Days Ago

    No..you put it together wrong..or didn't know what you were doing. We've been using the same surround tooling die for every single 12" speaker that goes out the door...there is no way that it 'does not fit' as they are all off of the same tooling that we use every day. The edge of the surround is supposed to go flat around the basket... Watch the video...again, you are jumping the gun pointing fingers . Ask questions before you mess up..there is nothing wrong with asking questions. Thanks.
  7. NDMstang65


    On those yeah.. We've got a high xmax flatwound too..
  8. NDMstang65


    Look in the hole in the basket, if it looks like a flat wire coil then it is, if it's round then it isn't.
  9. NDMstang65

    when does free cooling on BTL end?

    Might be 5 minutes from now..might be tomorrow...might be 3 weeks from now...if not a few months. Ya never know
  10. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7158
  11. NDMstang65

    Fi BTL coil failure???

    Sorry, I haven't put my new price sheet on this laptop yet...they are $140 now for the 18. You can order it off of the site. Thanks! Nick
  12. NDMstang65

    2x12bl vs 1x12 btl

    2 BL's would be louder..
  13. NDMstang65

    Fi BTL coil failure???

    Isn't a warranty as they simply do not break (They do not have a warranty anyhow)....every one that does break is abused in some way shape or form. We do take care of defects...but it obviously wasn't defected when you got them because they worked fine from October up until now... Odds are it was probably a subsonic filter issue and/or a clipping issue sending a lot of current to one coil and burning the leads on it (There are 16 tinsels on every BTL, you simply do not burn them without trying very hard) 18" Recones are $120 + shipping.
  14. NDMstang65


    Baaaaaaaaaaaad idea. Just warning..do as you please though .
  15. NDMstang65

    Fi E-Mails

    Don't have anything from you.. Try to shoot me an email again 'Nick * At * ficaraudio.com' (nospam) Need your name and information as it is a lot easier to look up than the numbers...the transaction numbers is just billing stuff.
  16. NDMstang65

    Which Coil?

    Dual 1.. Really don't need a flatwind, copper would be ok.
  17. NDMstang65

    Fi E-Mails

    I don't have anything from you..what is your email?
  18. NDMstang65

    FI get my e-mail?

    Not happening...you'd pay an arm and 3 legs to get that thing to you in time. It should go out today.
  19. NDMstang65

    UPS Drop Off 2 Days Ago

    Contrary to popular belief we do not sit on the internet/computer 24-7 365 at everybody's beck and call. You got the recone 4 days before you should have gotten it anyways. Anyhow, Use that one as a Chinese hat..we'll send you another one since it is so unacceptable. The surround isn't "Deformed" We've been shipping recones like that for the better part of 10 years. You just stretch the surround back over to where it is supposed to be. It is a foam/rubber compilation, it goes back to the shape that it was pressed into. As far as the scratch..don't know how that got there, it wasn't there when it went into the box. Please remember we do these recones as a service and as a 'thank you'. We do not have to fix other manufacturer's stuff...it'd be a lot easier to say No, you have to buy a Fi product....otherwise you'd be paying 300 dollars for that same recone. Thanks, Nick
  20. NDMstang65

    I have a surprise coming!

    Best of luck... The internet is full of very small margins of the same ole stuff for 18 different prices where the lowest one wins. Nothing wrong with being an Entrepreneur..as I am one myself...but you need to think more then twice about jumping into the internet car audio market... If you are in it solely to make money you are already in the wrong state of mind and setting yourself up for a failure .
  21. NDMstang65

    Coil Reading Information

    Touch the leads together and make note of what they read and then subtract the difference. It'l still read the same once you do the math
  22. NDMstang65

    What causes the subs to stop hitting?

    He has his amps hooked up on a remote gain control knob..probably turned them off...or the amps clicked into protect.
  23. NDMstang65

    BTL Lead Time!

    lol you know what i was thinking...for those of us who ordered with the semi-long wait we should get the extra fast shipping ...haha just a suggestion..that'll put you guys over the top in my book $200+++ dollars in shipping.. No way...sorry You are already getting a shirt and free machine time with all of the cooling stuff
  24. NDMstang65

    Please Help

    Not enough port area.. 12-16 square inches per ONE cubic foot of volume.. Looks like you might have 20sq inches at most.
  25. NDMstang65

    Can Anyone Help me?

    Sure..you just have to pay the additional shipping. I'll have to make sure that we do not have a distributor set up in the Islands on Monday. What sub are you interested in? Thanks! Nick