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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    Customer service?

    Things are running a bit behind, you can figure an additional 2 weeks or so on normal lead times as Scott said quoted earlier they were exceedingly behind due to large international orders. If you ordered the 6th you're at like 14 business days right now.
  2. NDMstang65

    PSI Custom 15's - Any good?

    just a suggestion..look into the x series subs.. i've got 16 in the truck, it goes boom with very little power
  3. NDMstang65

    12'' Q to 15'' Q motor swap

  4. NDMstang65

    12'' Q to 15'' Q motor swap

    Gotta use a impact screwdriver to get them out. Other then that you're good to go.
  5. NDMstang65

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    bullshittin' in the chat..
  6. NDMstang65

    Blown SP415

    A piston might be a piston..but if you don't get the right rings for it it'l never seal in the block, never make compression..and never fire I wouldn't waste my money ordering something that's not intended for it.
  7. NDMstang65

    Blown SP415

    Get a tube of amazing goop or E-6000 from walmart/home depot etc. Your best bet is going to be putting tape on the inside edge of the surround (green masking tape) and rubbing the glue up on the back side of the edge and let it dry over night. Next day you can repeat the same process on the inside until you can afford to do a recone..that should patch it together, albeit not the greatest looking thing...it'l get you back in the road. The surrounds aren't available, you have to do a complete recone. The cone bodies / surrounds are purchased together.
  8. NDMstang65

    Blown SP415

    Subsonic filter is the problem..playing it below tuning yanks the surround past the mechanical limitations and shreds it right at the bond joint on the end of the cone. It's kind of like bending a pop top back and forth on a coke can all the way. You can bend it within its mechanical limitations and it will never break, when you start yanking on things is when it falls apart and snaps. Recone the sub, turn the subsonic filter up more on the amp and keep riding.
  9. NDMstang65


    x2 ^
  10. NDMstang65

    where is my order #1100

    A month is completely normal...and things are a bit behind at the shop. I know a great deal of delayed orders are going to be going out this coming week.
  11. NDMstang65

    order process time

    has to be built man..everything is machined in house and built to order..it takes time.
  12. NDMstang65

    Fi Q Motor Question

    Don't do that..that's a D1 motor, the D2 coil will NOT fit.
  13. NDMstang65

    Concerned about shipment

    Shouldn't have shipped..if it would have shipped you would have had it by now. It's most likely in process of being built.
  14. NDMstang65

    Fi SSD 10" lead wire

    Subsonic filter issue..soft part assembly moved too far and snapped the leads.
  15. NDMstang65

    Fi Q Motor Question

    Yeah they will be more alike..just kinda stinks it isn't there now.
  16. NDMstang65

    Fi Q Motor Question

    They're within 1% of each other..they'll be fine. The one with the cooling channels in the top plate is missing the bp power plug..it looks like they knocked it off of there for one reason or another which kind of sucks because it cools significantly better
  17. NDMstang65

    Question on minor foam surround scratches.

    If it delaminates you can either throw some 'amazing goop' on it or this stuff called e-6000...and if you don't want it looking like it will look after you do that a recone will always fix it
  18. NDMstang65

    Question on minor foam surround scratches.

    should be fine as long as it isn't punctured all the way through, there's multpile layers of different materials in that surround body the outside one for the most part is cosmetic
  19. NDMstang65


    'new single magnet' is what you are looking for
  20. NDMstang65


    Fs has absolutely no correlation at all what so ever to frequency response of the woofer..nor does it mean where the impedance will peak...that is a product of the environment in which the speaker is in and will change according to that environment and the elevation It is simply a natural resonance of the assembly at sea level in an anechoic environment.. higher Fs does not mean you will have louder and less punchy...it's actually more punchy on the n3 because it has an excess of motorforce which dictates the 'transient response' or 'punch' that you are looking at. lower Fs does not mean that it is punchier, actually it can be the total opposite..but it comes down to the soft parts assembly, overall motor strength etc. you can learn way more about a sub given its Vas and Qts than anything..it will tell you WAY more than Fs will. and you never always gain 3dB by doubling power and/or cone area...that's theory, not law. you run into this jacked up thing called diminishing marginal returns that jacks that parade all up.. troll on
  21. NDMstang65

    fi ssd 15 rattle

    edit read that too fast.. the dustcap could be a little lose and causing it to do something a bit weird, that is odd though
  22. NDMstang65

    fi ssd 15 rattle

    might have swelled the former off of the wire on the coil..does it scratch or anything when you put it in?
  23. NDMstang65

    si mag viii recone?

    Order a Q recone off the website, it will work fine in there.
  24. NDMstang65

    problems with new fi ssd subs!!!!

    OP need you to help me help you..or did you get something figured out?