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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    I want to play a game....

    Yep today is the day. I'll close the thread later today and go through it and figure out who is the winner by tonight! Keep your eye out for some more fun stuff VERY soon
  2. NDMstang65

    my btl broke

    Former user probably hurt and and you finished it off... The subsonics on the rockford amps are sub-par at best.
  3. NDMstang65

    Military discount?

    Well aware of what goes on in the front lines...i've designed and implemented things for it...and have nothing but the utmost respect for the men and women that are there as I've talked to many of them to find out what it is they need and how they think...I have many friends that have been there and came back. Both Army and Marines. They actually use those things in that environment and they are there to make their lives easier and better there...on the front line where it really matters. Not for a speaker from a different entity that has nothing to do with those device(s). Again..sorry if you do not approve...it is what it is. We help in ways that nobody here could possibly fathom...it is much more then a 'discount'..far more then any other company in this industry does. Cheers!
  4. NDMstang65

    Still waiting on stickers (scott or nick)

    You should have had those a LONG time ago... Email me your address and I will check on that tomorrow. Nick ' at ' ficaraudio.com Thanks!
  5. NDMstang65

    Military discount?

    Everybody is treated equally...regardless...always have been and always will be. Trust me, I do a LOT of work for the military that nobody knows about, behind the scenes helping in ways that only those who are directly effected in the field even know about. The guys who purchase the speakers in the car audio market simply believe in a truly American made product and don't mind paying for it ...many times it is cheaper than woofers that are of Chinese descent. My apologies if you do not approve.
  6. NDMstang65

    Military discount?

    No..sorry. We've built enclosures and loaded subs in them and sent them to iraq for a few of the guys in the barracks. Other then that there are no discounts for anybody...everyone pays the same price
  7. NDMstang65

    my btl broke

    No way the subsonic was remotely close to correct...that is a mechanical failure that comes from yanking the soft parts way below tuning. It doesn't have anything to do with clipping...(that part at least) You've got an astronomical amount of pressure going on there...we've got guys in super street with over 16kw per woofer with no failures like that... Nothing that a recone can't fix, but we need to figure out why that happened .
  8. NDMstang65

    Old and new BTL in same vehicle?

    The parameters are significantly different.. If parameters are different then response curve is different... ie: Cancellation. Bad idea..
  9. NDMstang65

    New Shirts! Stickers!

    fuzzy dice..i doubt lol. keychains and laynards soon
  10. NDMstang65

    New Shirts! Stickers!

    Got some banner material...just don't like how they turn out yet Gotta scratch my head some more on that one
  11. NDMstang65


    Don't have gold...and I'm not too sure if you can get the dustcap off without tearing the cone up...
  12. NDMstang65

    18" Fi Q Tuning

    I predict a 'i broke my sub' thread and 'how much is a recone' thread in your future
  13. NDMstang65

    Old and new BTL in same vehicle?

    Don't do it...baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea. It's like putting diesel in a gasoline motor..it might work for a bit but it is damn sure not going to be effective.
  14. NDMstang65

    nightshade 15s or fi bl 15s

    BL motor is actually a shade stronger... Just a fyi.
  15. NDMstang65

    Dust cap.

    How did it get pushed in without cracking??? They are made of really really hard abs plastic..
  16. NDMstang65


    it is to keep leaches from leaching off of the for sale section and participating in the forum... "..." does not qualify as 'useful' posts in the community... No offense..but you'll probably get a vacation
  17. NDMstang65

    I Need Some Help...

    You'd be better off with the BL's
  18. NDMstang65

    True rms power for a BTL?

    SSF needs to be 2-3Hz below the tuning of the enclosure.
  19. NDMstang65

    Okay 2 12" Fi SSD D1 ohm subs

    Can't with Dual 1's... What amp do you have?
  20. NDMstang65

    New Shirts! Stickers!

    No we actually screen print everything ourselves in our screen shop...same with the stickers. So it'd be a bit difficult to do that, it's easier for us to just sell shirts and hoodies.. Oh yeah we've got both black and grey hoodies as well i need to put that up. I'll look into polo style shirts though.
  21. NDMstang65

    Fi Q Minimum RMS?

    I've had the amps..I do not have them any more because I sold the LP's that I had...because I found a sucker to pay the big price tag for them They're a class A/B amp...the most of which in modern circuits are at best 70% efficient...and that is the most efficient ones of today. Not to mention the s/n ratio of 85dB is far below par for the course of today's A/B amps. I'm talking about efficiency as how much power you are putting into the amp...and how much you are getting out...and those amps are DEFINITELY not known for that. Get a DC clamp meter...see how much current the amplifier is drawing on a 60Hz sine wave. Then measure the voltage and current out of the outputs. Do the math and you will get something that is less than 70% of what you get out of the amp from what you put into it. If I remember correctly they also used to require a fuse that is a 'slow blow' 60 amp fuse...which i've drawn in excess of 500 amps across before... Give Richard a call...as far as I remember nobody has beat his amplifier challenge...and that has been going on for more than 10 years... Again, I am not saying that the amplifier isn't solid..because it is. But it is by no means the end all be all...otherwise everybody would still be making the amplifiers the same way..and there would be no other amplifiers in existence PS..you might want to read this...this is coming from other people who have previously owned the amplifiers http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117121&page=68
  22. NDMstang65

    I want to play a game....

    Done! That's sweet! Please shoot me an email!
  23. NDMstang65

    Fi Q Minimum RMS?

    I can build a amp that is the size of your hand, greater than 90% efficient..and cleaner...and has the exact same function of the LP amp... Those amps are horridly inefficient (40% at best on a good day)... It is nostalgic because people remember how 'great' the Shelby GT-500 was...and that's why they pay for it. It brings back memories of days past... Not saying that it is not a good amp...because it is (as is the GT-500). But to act as if it is the holy grail that you are drinking out of is a bit foolish...
  24. NDMstang65

    BP Power for Q series subs! FREE!!

    It feels like a good Friday to give away some free stuff...for the next 250 Q's that are ordered you get a FREE BP power upgrade! www.ficaraudio.com When will it end? No clue...jump on it while you can
  25. NDMstang65

    Fi Q Minimum RMS?

    "It's not that amazing of an amp" So hilarious!!! That's why this 15-20 year old amp still sells for 1K-1300 on ebay to this day. In good shape , mind you. A 1965 shelby gt-500 will sell for 100+++ thousand dollars... Or I can pick up an Atom for 30,000 dollars and run circles around the shelby...but the atom does not have the nostalgia that the shelby does. People will fork over that kind of money because of nostalgia and perceived value. Just because something is nostalgic doesn't inherently mean it is leaps and bounds better than everything else..eletrolytics and such inside of it will fail as they have a life span before they need to be replaced..