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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    Building my first IB subwoofer setup

    Haven't had time..the holes are in the wall you don't need them yet. lol
  2. NDMstang65

    Building my first IB subwoofer setup

    Brian might wanna read up on some of that stuff about letting the drywall "float" of sorts on the walls if they haven't drywalled them yet. There's a ton of info on wall treatment stuff so you don't have annoying rattles and busting drywall I've seen people do it in the past..might be something to read up on.
  3. NDMstang65

    what to get

    Q's would be fine... Just please make sure that you understand how to set your gains, and subsonic filters..not using any bass boost etc.
  4. NDMstang65

    140 db set up on a single Fi Q12?

    Ported... But why care about numbers? Listen to music for what it is...SPL stuff sounds horrible and is..pointless If it sounds good and gets loud enough for you shouldn't that be what's more important?
  5. NDMstang65

    RIP to my Q's...

    Just a fyi.. You got the CA hot enough to melt and fail...there is a very good sized glue joint underneath the dustcap and all of the spiders are laminated together... You got it hot enough to vaporize the CA on the joint...because the CA isn't on the former anymore Little happy with the knobs perhaps?
  6. NDMstang65

    Options checking

    not without cutting it apart..
  7. NDMstang65

    Comp sets

    Nope They're 7's..
  8. NDMstang65

    Comp sets

    They do not have crossovers...it's just mids and tweeters. You must run them actively. Passive crossover networking is a huge dis-service to those.
  9. NDMstang65

    Tracking information

    A tracking number was sent to the email that you entered upon ordering...if you hit a wrong key or entered something wrong then you won't get a tracking number. It happens all the time. UPS Quantum view emails you a tracking number...all of the Q's are up to date and have left as far as I know.
  10. NDMstang65

    Will FI make the BL with a single slug motor?

    the only difference there is the dealership will take your old one in on a trade and give you credit on the new one. too bad that rarely happens in the audio world. speakers don't exactly hold value like a car does lol aside from that it's so hard do recondition something that is magnetized..
  11. NDMstang65

    Will FI make the BL with a single slug motor?

    If that was the case then we'd still be making the triple stack BTL's There is a difference.. As previously said..nobody knows anything until the day that it shows up and is available for purchase. I know there is a slight difference, but Scott told me there is not a signifigant difference between the single and triple slugs. Go look at how many triple stack 220mm motors you see Go look how many you see like the flying saucer Looks..are everything
  12. NDMstang65

    Will FI make the BL with a single slug motor?

    Might be tomorrow..might be 3 years from now. Nobody knows...and that's how it rolls It doesn't make your sub inferior...it's just like a car..new models come out when it is time for them to come out.
  13. NDMstang65

    AA Havoc 15" Daily Power Handling

    1250 watts...is the RMS..and it is the RMS for a reason. 99% of that energy that you are putting into that coil is NOTHING but heat
  14. NDMstang65

    whats the difference between a bl and a ssd off 1k

    Really isn't worth getting a BL with that amp... I'm honestly surprised you haven't had issues with burning things up on the SSD. We've had a number of people have issues with those amplifiers and frying things.
  15. NDMstang65

    Will FI make the BL with a single slug motor?

    If that was the case then we'd still be making the triple stack BTL's There is a difference.. As previously said..nobody knows anything until the day that it shows up and is available for purchase.
  16. NDMstang65

    need bl 12

    Never heard anything back from you after I emailed you the shipping cost as you decided that you wanted a BTL if I recall correctly. We don't have any BTL's as the magnets are on backorder again until the end of July...we sell them faster then we can get them.
  17. NDMstang65

    Will FI make the BL with a single slug motor?

    Never know..nobody knows until it shows up.
  18. NDMstang65

    How to change basket on 15 btl

    xmax option is the high xmax coil... the 15 needs the 2 spacers with it (if you have them you should keep them, we won't send new ones if you already have them) and 30mm long screws
  19. NDMstang65

    Dose an fi q 18 require a signature?

    We've had probably 5 subs get destroyed in 4 years...we pack them properly..it's rare to have an issue. Others...now I can't comment on how they do things.
  20. NDMstang65

    How to change basket on 15 btl

    Yes you have to pay shipping to us..and then whatever it is for the recone plus shipping back to you (you can calculate that yourself on the website) We do not charge for labor...just whatever it is for the parts plus shipping back to you. It will cost more money for you to ship it to us than it would for us to ship it to you as we get really good UPS rates.
  21. NDMstang65

    Dose an fi q 18 require a signature?

    Nope..unless you are in an area where drivers decide to make things signature required (apartment complex etc.)
  22. NDMstang65

    How to change basket on 15 btl

    You can buy a recone and a basket off of the website. You'll need a recone anyhow, you cannot use those parts. But you'll also need to purchase an impact screw driver in order to get those screws out with a 3 pound sledge hammer...they are very very tight. If you are unsure, send it into us. We do not charge labor for doing the recone. You just have to pay return shipping back to you.
  23. NDMstang65

    My new ported box for my Fi Q12 2 Cubic Ft. @ 33 HZ

    You're going to pop spiders and stuff tuning that high..because you need to tune your subsonic filter 2-3Hz below the port tuning frequency..so you're going to miss out a ton of the low end tuning that high..
  24. NDMstang65

    Bl 10" Basket question

    dude you'll melt the surround off of it..welding = heat. It's trashed, needs a complete rebuild...and there is absolutely no way that thing was shipped in the wooden crate with the foam that it came with either...unless they drove the truck over top of the sub lol.
  25. NDMstang65

    A Recon needed i think

    We can either send you a recone kit, or you can send the sub in for us to do. That's up to you. If you want to send it in for us to do you can easily order a recone off of the website and select "Send in sub" and it will charge you for return shipping. It's definitely annoying for somebody to mess with settings and burn things up