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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    just getting used to car audio

    How loud something is..is simply up to that particular scenario. Apples and oranges can't be compared
  2. NDMstang65

    2 12 btl's

    Gains aren't volume knobs.
  3. NDMstang65

    Fi won't e-mail back

  4. NDMstang65

    FI Customer Service Suggestion (updates)

    It doesn't make any sense to tell everybody every single day that we're waiting on magnets. We got a few of them on our first container and they were not split how we thought they were going to..so the people who have been on back order since May got their orders filled. When something changes, then everybody needs to know that it has changed. They'll be notified via phone or email...we can't call as many people that we have on the back order list and tell them every day that we're waiting on magnets, that's a huge waste of time..when they know we're still waiting on them to be cleared by customs
  5. NDMstang65

    RE MT 15 or FI BTL 18

    BTL is superior in every way... We wouldn't take a step backwards in development...the MT's are simply an older design that was never meant for music..at all.
  6. NDMstang65

    got my new woofer

    Don't throw that packaging material away..please keep it. You'll never be able to build a crate like that should something ever happen and you need it reconed. Hope you enjoy it
  7. NDMstang65

    Need Measurements

    SSD's are 190mm, Q's and BL's are 220mm You'd probably be best off with SSD's personally.
  8. NDMstang65

    FI Customer Service Suggestion (updates)

    It's the same story..we don't know when we will have them. The magnets are held in customs...they have them and there is nothing we can do about it. They can hold them for 1 day..they can hold them for 3 weeks..if not longer. US customs can do whatever they want to do..we're at the mercy of them. No point in updating every day saying they are still in customs..it makes more sense to say they have cleared and we will have them on X date but until our shipping agency calls us and says that..it's still the same story .
  9. NDMstang65

    10" what model & options?

    Keep the MBQ amp, get a pair of High Qts SSD's and call it a day...you don't need more power.
  10. NDMstang65


    Eq should be set to flat. NO bass boosting or super bass EQ on the headunit. Subwoofer output should be 0 dB...if you want to turn the sub(s) down then turn the sub output down on the headunit. ..and unhook that damn bass knob, it's just going to get you into trouble.
  11. NDMstang65

    Avalanche 18" That unfortunetly I blew out

    Don't get an epicenter...you'll really fry speakers then. A subwoofer should only play from 20-80Hz. Realistically...that's a 600 watt sub at tops..just because of how short the coil has to be to work. No issue in getting a recone kit for it though. Are you wanting to send it in to have it done or are you wanting to do it yourself?
  12. Um... I hate to tell you this. But you obviously unloaded them sometime..some how..some way...because you uh..locked the coils outside of the top plate...that means the former came out 10mm PAST the top of the top plate...because the pole piece is hyper extended outside of the top of the top plate...so you were WAY past linear limits... Speakers do NOT do that..unless you unload them in either a ported box that is way too big (yes) with woofers that aren't made for a ported box (again, problem number 2)
  13. NDMstang65

    SSD or BTL

    They are polar opposite subs... Look at the information on the website, RMS and technical data is gone over very clearly there.
  14. NDMstang65

    subsonic quick help

    click that
  15. NDMstang65

    FI BTL stopped working

    Where was your subsonic filter set? Gains? Volume knob? Any bass boosting features on the amp or headunit? People rn upwards of 4kw to a BTL and never have an issue..the only time there is a problem is due to somebody having something set up improperly.
  16. If you do something stupid of course it is going to break. It's like asking the ford dealer if i drive my car into a bridge am i going to get a new one? ...speakers are stupid, they do what YOU tell them to do..so if you burn it up..then it is you burning it up, it is at no fault to the sub what so ever.
  17. NDMstang65

    08 or 09 BL

    Measure the diameter of the magnets. If it is 7.5" its an '08, if its 8.66" its an '09.
  18. NDMstang65

    Since everyone seems to want Neo...

    I'm wanting to say this ones is like at 58lbs or so...so it should be able to be shipped to Europe without an issue.
  19. Of course you are going to get to full excursion on tuning..with a IB woofer..in a 128 cubic feet ported box. We've told you countless times...we're not going to spend 100 thousand dollars on tooling stuff to sell you something for 3600 bucks. The XXX is a boat anchor...and I don't think you understand that it is a boat anchor...nobody else can do anything like that because they simply do not understand HOW to do it...much less have the resources and the machinery to do so. Isn't happening. It isn't that we can't do it..we can do anything. It's simply not wise to put that kind of money into something..for a crowd of..1.
  20. NDMstang65

    1500bd vs Dual 4ohm

    Moving to general subwoofers...this doesn't belong here. To the OP, the diagram has been posted for what you need to do...the lines connect the coils together how they should be connected.
  21. NDMstang65

    BL seal with passive radiator?

    ^ I see the professional maturity has not diminished. I really hope i get to meet you one day. 1:1 ratio w/ TC Sounds designed woofers and passive http://www.sunfire.com/productdetail.asp?id=8 cheers Being professional, and being honest is two completely different things. I'm just honest, don't believe in bending anybody over on products and ripping anybody off, give a man a fair shake and he will return the favor...and I don't believe in sugar coating anything to make it seem like something it isn't and in my professional opinion, due solely on track record and field observation, my comment is 100% accurate. The function of a high roll surround where it snaps and puckers works nothing short of horrible, and metallic cones snap. You yank the surround to the mechanical limitation and it tacos the cone like a fat chick in a lawn chair. I don't come to your court and tell you how to play ball, so stay out of mine...you come here with a target on your head. I'm not a bit scared to pull the trigger.
  22. NDMstang65

    BL seal with passive radiator?

    I spend most of my time in home theatre, relatively new to car audio, where the rule of thumb has always been at least double the cone area. Many guys on the home audio forums have as much as 3-4 PRs per active driver. But then again, for HT we're looking for flat responses down to 15hz.... You know what I'm trying to accomplish (ported SPL from a BL driver, but in a shallow as possible enclosure). I can dedicate about 2.5cf gross volume for the box, larger if absolutely necessary. Can you make me a pair of 15" PR's, and give me recommendations on which options to get with the 12" BL. I'll be running a USAmps 4000DE (1ohm, 1600wrms) I'd like to place the order ASAP (today if possible). thanks, Linh Not a problem doing that. Go ahead and order the sub off of the website how you want it. Immediately after ordering the sub shoot an email to [email protected] and [email protected] with your order number (It will be a I-1xxxx/00 number) stating that you were wanting the passive radiators. We'll do them for $85 a piece. Put your phone number and contact information in the email so we can get in touch with you to charge your credit card for the passive radiators as we do not have those coded in and available on the website. Thanks, Nick
  23. NDMstang65

    Fi Recone help! sending in sub!

    If you did exactly that then you would never have burned it up .. When we receive the sub then we'll dissect it and tell you exactly what you did wrong. Clipping is simply over driving your signal on your RCA's. Your headunit puts out a voltage signal, it is a sine wave up until a point then it starts to get a square/notch wave form in it..your amplifier only makes this bigger. Where did you turn your volume on the headunit? How was the gain set up?
  24. NDMstang65

    Fi Recone help! sending in sub!

    You don't need a cooler. You need to learn how to not clip your amplifier, and set your subsonic filter properly...and not burn everything up. The cooling technology in the BTL simply works better then anything else on the market..period. If you are burning tinsel leads and stuff up it is simply due to what I said above. Massive amounts of over excursion and severe clipping. 99% of the energy that you are putting into that sub is nothing but burned off and wasted heat. You ONLY hear 1% of what you are putting into it...which is why cooling technology is so important. BTW, you do NOT want the flatwound coil on the BTL. You want the High Xmax coil. Otherwise you are only going to have 19mm of excursion. Also..you ordered the wrong coil on the recone. You need a dual 2ohm coil, not a dual 1ohm. That amplifier is designed to do power into 1ohm..which is a dual 2ohm coil in parallel. Which I'm guessing..you probably wired the amp to .5ohm with the original coil because you saw videos on the internet and your friends told you that .5ohm is better and louder right? There is a sticker on the outside of the box that explains everything. BASS BOOST IS BAD, don't use it. Don't use any sort of "super ultra mega bass" Eq setting on your headunit. Your subwoofer portion of things should be set to zero, do NOT boost it. Do NOT wire anything under 1ohm...it is a quick way to burn stuff up.
  25. Well...That takes into account that you are assuming by using the .707 caluation that your voltage is "this" ..but your amp may never reach that voltage which causes people to set their gains up wrong all the time...so that might not work so well when you put a load back on the amplifier for it to drive..I'll have to test that.. Turn your subsonic filter all the way down, put a tone CD on. Put a track where you 'think' tuning is and ease the volume up. If the speaker is moving a LOT then you are playing below tuning, bump up a track. When the speaker is moving the least amount that is where the port is doing all of the work and is where it is tuned to. Once you take note of this, click the cd player down 3 tracks. Then adjust your subsonic filter up (to the right) until the speaker stops freaking out. This is how you set it 2-4Hz below your port tuning frequency.