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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    Need some technicalities cleared up

    Gotcha.. You could easily make a 12 bolt on and hang down into the trunk area without obstructing the ski hole much at all..
  2. NDMstang65

    Need some technicalities cleared up

    Sure you can stuff a 12 in the rear deck..you just make a manifold to hang one in there and 'port' it via a hole into the cabin. We're not going to make IB10's, as the parameters for them are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay off. 12's is as small as they'll go.
  3. NDMstang65

    Since everyone seems to want Neo...

    Way off
  4. NDMstang65

    D1 or D2 for a Mayhem 12" ?

    I wouldn't run 4kw on a Mayhem..especially daily. That's just asking for trouble
  5. Believe I will be attending.
  6. NDMstang65

    fi q recone question

    Displacement actually needs to quadruple to maintain the same SPL level one octave lower. At one meter; SPL = 102.4dB + 20log(Xmax) + 20log(Sd) + 40log(Freq) or SPL = 102.4db + 20log(Vd) + 40log(Freq) Brain fart, you are correct sir. Either way..dude needs a LOT more then what he's got for something to be just as loud
  7. NDMstang65

    Need a lil advice from ya smart guys!

    Just a suggestion..because you missed that you are going to have to have some MAJOR electrical system upgrades if you do a BTL. ..Why not do a single SSD 12? or 10?
  8. NDMstang65

    Fi IB3

    Cone area and displacement reigns supreme.. If you want more output stuff 2 of them in there. You aren't going to get a perfect alignment in a car either way you go..but regardless of who wants to argue and get anal about something. As much cone area as you can stuff in that thing is going to be the loudest, regardless if you don't have 10x the VAS for volume. It will sound fine...done it numerous times myself and plenty of people have as well.
  9. NDMstang65

    How much would it cost

    $35 to redo the motor..that's if the magnets are not cracked. If they crack it's pretty much junk as we do not use those magnets anymore. You can send it into us and make sure you package it properly..all of your contact info needs to be in the package and we'll contact you when we get it rebuilt. Need to have your Name, Address, Phone Number, Email address, What you are sending in, What needs to be done, What it needs to be built to etc. Frame size, Coil impedance, and Dustcap color.
  10. NDMstang65

    Warranty for SSD?

    A recone will fix it fine..the only problem is if you throw it right back where it was then it is simply going to do it again. Speakers are stupid..they only do what you tell them to do, that includes committing suicide as well.
  11. NDMstang65

    what is high QTS?

    Nothing wrong with running the High Qts version in a ported alignment...it just turns the sub into a Mid Qts woofer instead of a Low Qts woofer (which btw sounds horrible in sealed)
  12. NDMstang65

    Warranty for SSD?

    ..and clipping the piss out of it..
  13. NDMstang65

    How much would it cost

    The pole will not shift..there is a bolt going through it. The top plate is shifted or the backplate is shifted..if the magnets are not cracked we can do something with it. If they are cracked, you're screwed. We do not have any more of those magnets.
  14. NDMstang65

    fi q recone question

    Probably the enclosure.. You do understand when you drop an octave to reach the same output level your displacement must double right?
  15. NDMstang65

    Bass terrorist gets what he deserves!

  16. NDMstang65

    ebay seller for FI or AA ?

    I've never got an email from you regarding a mayhem to there..
  17. NDMstang65

    Adire Audio is for sale

    Has nothing to do with XBL.. You're just buying a brand name that is..well..dead. lol
  18. NDMstang65

    Adire Audio is for sale

    That was weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks ago
  19. NDMstang65

    chat time

  20. NDMstang65

    AA sticker?

    We've got some 12" ones...email me your address.
  21. NDMstang65

    RE SE style dustcap with standard recone

    It probably doesn't do 2500 watts.. Regardless, if you abuse it..they'll break. Knob happy is not the way to be
  22. NDMstang65

    AA sticker?

    Sure...you just want the logo?
  23. NDMstang65

    what is high QTS?

    Won't hurt a thing..just is not going to sound optimal.
  24. Beginning to fight a cold...been a rainy nasty few days here on the east coast...up to take a dose of emergen-c and figured i'd hop on here since I wasn't here this evening.