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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    chat time

    hangin out...hop in grab a beer and shoot the breeze
  2. NDMstang65

    BTL N1 Video!

    Exactly 3D FEA can only get you so far...if you don't understand the why's and how's behind it..you simply won't get it at all. It's really easy to take a xerox and hit 'copy'..doing something like this is a bit deep into left field for the car audio crowd
  3. NDMstang65

    BTL N1 Video!

    I've said this a million times. If you want to have ultra low frequencies, tune low. If the sub has enough coil to move...it is going to play them. None of our subs have any problems doing any of it..
  4. NDMstang65

    BTL N1 Video!

    Right off the top of my head I am wanting to say 28ish pounds. I'll have to ask Scott to throw it on the scale though to be totally accurate.
  5. NDMstang65

    BTL N1 Video!

    A Q coil, and a ultra low inductance coil as well. The low inductance coil will really kill thermal power handling though...but this is being targeted towards SQish applications.
  6. NDMstang65

    BTL N1 Video!

    Sorta.. It's a completely different understanding on how flux flows and works.. Generally speaking it is a fluid dynamics problem meets physics meets mechanical engineering and a dash of electrical engineering thrown in as well..given your background i'm you are all too aware of that one . Scott and I did the very first original N2..and for some reason I was looking at it with a smart ass little grin when I was machining the parts to go together and yelled at Scott to come out in the machine shop.. Simply said "I wonder what will happen if we make this thing a half motor...just to really mess with peoples minds" ..and here she sits now ..simply me being a complete smart-ass and it works beautifully.
  7. NDMstang65

    BTL N1 Video!

    Think of it as 3 cylinders, vs 2 cylinders vs 1 cylinder.. You don't hop in a prius and hang with a 5.0 mustang...and you damn sure don't hop in a mustang and hang with a top fuel car
  8. NDMstang65

    BTL N1 Video!

    omgomgomgomgomg excurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsion. /redneck voice.
  9. NDMstang65

    BTL N1 Video!

    The Q is a hugely different beast then the original one was..you've got 5-6 soft spiders on a 1000 watt sub now. Not that I condone running any more power to it..but it is a totally different sub than the original Q. The N1 will be more focused towards people who want to save weight, and run less power, smaller longer coils etc. This is just to show that it is real..it does work..for those who are saying otherwise
  10. NDMstang65

    BTL N1 Video!

    N1 will be a SQ focused sub..light weight etc. 1000 RMS, less on the special coil(s)?
  11. NDMstang65

    Btl update please

    None of the magnets are charged...they manually inspect packages because they are so dense and they can not x-ray them. (We do not buy our motors pre built and charged in boxes like other do..we machine and magnetize our motors in house) If you ordered an SSD, as far as I know they are still stuck in customs. I am not 100% sure though. A BTL is a no brainer...none of them will ship out until the last week in this month or so.
  12. NDMstang65

    2 Q series 12" Box design

    I'd highly suggest going ported. Subs up, port back. Let it wang. Sealed...eh. If you want to you can, ported is so much better.
  13. NDMstang65

    BTL-N1 pics

    And the fact that 99% of the energy that you put into the coil in a 94.1db 1w/1m speaker is nothing but burned off as heat.. You only hear 1% of what you put into it
  14. NDMstang65

    The Fire side Chat..

  15. NDMstang65

    ssd backorder

    Sorry man.. Customs can hold things for a few days up to 3-4 weeks if they so want to.. We can't do anything without the magnets.
  16. NDMstang65

    Fi BTL 18" N2 Box

    Right on!
  17. NDMstang65

    Fi BTL 18" N2 Box

    Give me a little bit to work out the math. It might be tomorrow evening before I can work it out and change the dimensions for you. You don't have the sub yet.. Edit: how wide and deep can you make the box and still fit in your car? I need those dimensions to go from there..because the box is already 40 1/2" wide.. I don't think you are going to fit that in your trunk.
  18. NDMstang65

    Cant wait any longer!

    Yep Looks like tetris gone bad We'll show it when it is time...big thing right now is for N2s to hit the market and people see how kick ass they are. Btw SubSam - Read that other thread, have we crossed paths before?
  19. NDMstang65

    Cant wait any longer!

    Nah not close... SG is a N2 derivative that looks like tetris gone wrong 3 pucks of neo would drop the qts into the .05 range..
  20. NDMstang65

    The Fire side Chat..

    Hop in tonight!
  21. NDMstang65

    Fi BTL 18" N2 Box

    Ahh..4ohm power. I don't like 2ohm power..but I can deal with it and have dealt with it. I don't mind a switching power supply...IF it is done properly..and well, you know as well as I do..switching shit at 120kHz is going to cause nothing but problems, but DAMN is it cheap. Have we crossed paths before?
  22. NDMstang65

    Fi BTL 18" N2 Box

    Not a problem sir
  23. NDMstang65

    Fi BTL 18" N2 Box

    My personal amp of choice is between the old zapco 9.0's, and the Crown amplifiers from JBL the bpx2200.1 was a FANTASTIC amp. I vow to my grave to never have anything to do with an amplifier until I do it myself..in house. If it happens..cool..if not, that's cool too. I see no point in jumping in a pool that 30 other people have already peed in and are swimming in. That's just stupid. 3 cubes is the bare minimum I would use one in myself..the smaller you make it the more the bottom end is going to be anemic.
  24. NDMstang65

    Fi BTL 18" N2 Box

    Begin rant: :stands on soap box: You don't want to get me started on any amps from Korea/China I will rant about them for days. Stephen Mantz and I feel the same way about them...it's kind of scary of how similar our views are. They're cheap..and they work ok to a point. But there is so much stupidity behind how they work and what they are doing it is annoying that an "engineer" would come up with what they do/did. The build houses in China/Korea are all about cutting cost and parts because they make a billion of the same things a year. If you can save a dollar on every board, that is a billion dollars which adds up..I can understand that. But me, being me and how Scott and I stay true to what we do and how we do things...I, myself will never be a person to buy something and resell it and have no hand in it at all other then the UPS label, sorry. It is not my style. I am a control freak and I refuse to associate myself with anything that I do not truly do myself here, in the states. I'd feel like an ass buying amplifiers and marking them up 150% to turn profit on something where I had zero effort in..and truly do not know how every single component works and its function as a whole. Only for somebody else to "borrow" what "I" came up with and put it in a different case and call it their own and undercut me and sell them for 100% per unit margin. When I get involved in something, I know it inside..out..and backwards through the entire process. You have far less 'copies' or 'knockoffs' when you actually build everything yourself and machine parts in house and have the machinery to do what you need to do. /rant. 2.8 cubes is a wee small for the N2's. It would be ok for a burp if that is what you are trying to do...for musical applications it is going to be a tad peaky and anemic on the bottom end.
  25. NDMstang65

    Fi BTL 18" N2 Box

    I'm not being a smartass.. I'm trying to help you out and save you some money? I would not have spent the time to explain why you should not do something..if you should not do it. Other people read these threads as well..they see you running it at .5ohm..and just like youtube video's you did it so i can to. Things are not that simple...just because john force can drive a funny car doesn't mean you or I can too..and I've been around drag racing my entire life and I know that I can't hop in it and set records. If you burn things up you simply can not say that I did not warn you...I do not want other users on this board to think that they can go do it. Because that is going to cause a bunch of recones...and I do not want that.