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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    How is Fi pronounced?

  2. NDMstang65

    How is Fi pronounced?

    Yeah it's all caps..but if you look off to the right it is how I actually typed it.
  3. NDMstang65

    How is Fi pronounced?

    Humor is a good thing If you can't take a joke..then well..i'm sorry.
  4. NDMstang65

    How is Fi pronounced?

    If you don't laugh at this then I'm sorry. http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/11307191
  5. NDMstang65

    Questions regarding subsonic/infrasonic filters.

  6. NDMstang65

    Questions regarding subsonic/infrasonic filters.

    Yep that thing is junk at best for a filter... I don't understand why Rockford won't spend the 3 dollars on a pot, 2 resistors and a capacitor to make it adjustable and 18dB/octave..
  7. NDMstang65

    Questions regarding subsonic/infrasonic filters.

    Filter is too shallow at 12dB per octave.. We suggest putting an in line adjustable in and setting it 2-3Hz below tuning. You can get one from harrison labs.
  8. NDMstang65

    Your Vote Needed!!! Final round!!

    Last day to vote guys! Please vote if you haven't!
  9. NDMstang65

    Your Vote Needed!!! Final round!!

    Ladies/Gents, Some good friends of mine from college are in a competition for a Dream Wedding giveaway. They are in the running with a local radio station to have their dream wedding given to them if they get enough votes. The final round of voting starts today!!! They finished the second round in first place thanks to everybody's vote! Please vote for #10, Tiffany Phelps and Joseph Nichols I promise you are not going to get spam email or anything from entering your information. It is simply to keep people from 'cheating'. Please only vote once per round. I do not want them to get DQ'd. http://www.wvhl.net/wedding%20promo%20stage%202/vote_round_1.htm Click that, vote #10! Thank you so much! -Nick
  10. NDMstang65

    How is Fi pronounced?

    Second grade English class...the dearth of the public school system. We learned then that if something is capitalized and has either a F. I. with a period beside it, that would mean that it is an acronym...or it has significant meaning aside from the letters.. Take note that the " i " in Fi is not capitalized... So it should not be pronounced as its own syllable.. Figh is how it is pronounced. If it were Eff Eye..the ' i ' would be capitalized.
  11. NDMstang65

    When will IB3s be available?

    I'm not into home audio stuff but every home stereo I've ever owned used 8 ohm speakers so thats one thing that stands out as a problem for car audio application. If they end up being the exact same sub with a different name that doesn't bother me, I just need to know it will still perform the same as the ones I have now. I'm just sick of everything I like going away or changing for the worse. IB car audio may seem odd to you but you have a trunk with room to spare. The cars I build have very little to no trunk space so it's the best option for me. Thanks. That was the first car I used them in and was blown away by the performance. It's a proper IB set up and the subs have seen 15 hz notes without any problems. It was just sounding like they weren't going to be exactly the same product. ..They are not going to be 8 ohm speakers man. They are going where they need to be targeted, and upgraded at the same time. We are not going to "scale things back".. Bottom line they don't belong in a car audio targeted market with 16 year old kids that can afford a 3000 watt amp now. They will still be the same build quality and performance (a bit better actually) and still a single 2 and single 4ohm coil...with other options available as well with having a 6 layer single 4 and single 2ohm coil on the same former to short one and adjust parameters accordingly.
  12. NDMstang65

    Running single coil on dual voice coil sub

    You only have half of your motor force, half of your power handling mostly due to half of the amount of tinsel leads..and the rest of the coil is just dead mass.. Easiest way is to..not do it
  13. NDMstang65


    Only do emails around 3-4 in the morning every morning. We don't sit on the computer all day. Send me a picture of it and I can tell you if it is a flat wind or a standard motor. (have to be able to see the gap on the top plate)
  14. NDMstang65

    Need to change my order

    You'll pay for that (kidding) We'll note the change..glad you came to your senses on the half ohm wiring thing
  15. NDMstang65

    Question about my order

    It depends.. If we have all of the steel parts available and motors are all assembled two of us can do about 25-27 in 10 hours each.
  16. NDMstang65

    Question about my order

    Oops..meant the second..phone + email at the same time does not work out so well on 4 hours of sleep. My apologies. Relax..it's under control.
  17. NDMstang65

    Question about my order

    February SECOND..not 12th
  18. NDMstang65

    Cut sheets!

    All of the links below will link you directly to our box cut sheet page. Keep in mind these are general boxes for daily driving scenarios. If you are shooting for maximum SPL you are on your own. That only comes from trials and testing. X series cut sheets! SSD series cut sheets! Q series cut sheets! BL series cut sheets! BTL series cut sheets!
  19. NDMstang65

    RE HC 15 recone needed

    $90 + shipping.. We need to get the HC's coded and up on the website. Email me..hopefully i'll get it. [email protected]
  20. NDMstang65

    BL in smallest box

    Transient...snappy..like a whip crack?
  21. NDMstang65

    Let's see some pics!

    Ladies/Gents Looking for some cool new pictures of our products in your installs to put up on our facebook page! Post'em up!!
  22. NDMstang65

    Your Vote Needed!!! Final round!!

    They're in last place right now :\ Not much more I can do. I think somebody wrote a spoof code on that website as it's 9th grade coding at best and another couple is winning by a country mile now.
  23. NDMstang65

    N2 and N3 Enclosure Recomendations

    Won't hurt it at all at 80Hz..it's fine.
  24. NDMstang65

    new fi btl n312

    It is not going to explode or anything if you play music on it.. It simply has too much motor force in our opinion to be a worth while musical woofer.