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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    Fi IB3-18

    Not registering on another forum..I can barely keep up with this and SMD. If i register there, people will start asking questions and expect a reply..and quite honestly ill forget about it.
  2. NDMstang65

    Fi IB3-18

    I can't post there.. But tell them to relax, they must understand that we are forging all of our steel here now...and the aluminum for the 18" baskets..others will trickle down. When we have it in hand, I'll announce it...everybody will know. It is not going to be months, we :should: have our baskets in hand in about 4 weeks. Steel parts before that..but we can not do IB318s with out 18" baskets.
  3. NDMstang65

    FI site?

  4. NDMstang65

    Any way to find out progress on subs from bl?

    Believe we should have steel in hands on Thursday.
  5. NDMstang65

    Special DD subs

    See what I mean, about the whole having to ram ideas into people's heads. Thanks for taking the time Nick. There are a few of us here who appreciate and enjoy reading the inside info. Not a problem. I'm not a fan of mis-information. More motor strength is not always better, we've been there and figured that out with the really strong supergauss motors that we've made. The Qts starts out at .02 and it shifts to .08 in play...which yields a peak in the 180-190Hz range with nearly a pound of moving mass... If you have a Kia rio..something that goes good on gas mileage and gets you from a-b, there is no point trying to drop a top fuel nitro engine in it. You will never ever hook that stock p185 series tire with front wheel drive...all that you will accomplish is burning rubber. Which..if burning rubber is your goal, then I guess mission accomplished. I can make something have 1.2 tesla in a minuscule sized gap for bench racing and bragging rights...doesn't mean it is going to be worth its weight in salt though.
  6. NDMstang65

    Special DD subs

    But you basically described really any decent sub company person with higher powered subs. Fi for one. I would consider the Zs if I was into hardcore SPL but that's about it. Nothing about the rest of their lineup makes me want to pay the price without going to another company. I started this as a find out type of thread. With the 3515's price tag, I can get an N2 BTL. It spawned from another thread that no one could tell me why they would recommend the dd3515 over the AQ HDC3 or FI BL. I started a thread just like this on 5 other sites. But i was calling out the SSA ZCON. with an estimated 500$ price tag. Why would someone buy a ZCON for 500 when they can get a better n2? this is a business and people dont understand that. no body cares about you, or your setup. they care about your wallet. SSA, DD, and AA for example. all high end retailers, that are in for the kill on some cash money. DD does the best to be honest. my friend brian who is a AA dealer, makes decent margin, but DD is the best money maker. also whoever said a 3500 over an HDC is horiibly mistaken, my old HDC motor is almost as big as my 9500 heres an insider tip the SSA ZCON basically uses the old crossfire motor that Fi oemd. i could buy that sub for 300$ back in the day, now they have brought back the same motor, made it a little better and JACKED UP THE PRICE. why... TO MAKE MONEY!!!! theese subs look famaliar to your HDC, 3500, and ZCON? this is the AB VFL, which basically uses the 3500 motor for half the price http://www.kochaudio.de/shop/index.php?cPath=196_930_937&osCsid=9f18c59201d4eecd74aef550408c140b AB XFL look like the HDC? carbon cone, dd basket, direct connects, JUST A DIFFERENT DUSTCAP!!! http://www.americanbassusa.com/front/showcontent.aspx?fileid=213 Crossfire AHHHH, my favorite company. i am trying out for the team this year. here is the original ZCON, what you guys are about to pay 500$ for http://www.crossfirecaraudio.com/htdoc/cf_m01_product_05_xs.asp business is business go fuck yourselves Wow hostile much? Yes this is a business, and making money is the end goal. Congrats glad you figured that out all by yourself. Now let me ask you this, have you used PERSONALLY each sub you bothered to mention in your post? And I'm really proud that you equate SSA and Crossfire. Its a great comparison, especially when its made 'a little better'. That being said what was 'back in the day' when you cold get the XS from Crossfire for 300 bones? Was it within the past year? Two years? Five years? Time changes price guy. Quite alot. Just look at gas and vehicles. J alright here we go hostile much? Yes this is a business, and making money is the end goal. Congrats glad you figured that out all by yourself Didnt see you come up with any of this before me? let me ask you this, have you used PERSONALLY each sub you bothered to mention in your post? i currently own an HDC, and i have already disected my friends VFL, not the XFL... heres my youtube, and you can find the others on his youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/user/illredsea?feature=mhum I'm really proud that you equate SSA and Crossfire. Its a great comparison, especially when its made 'a little better'. That being said what was 'back in the day' when you cold get the XS from Crossfire for 300 bones? Was it within the past year? Two years? Five years? Time changes price guy. Quite alot. Just look at gas and vehicles. Back in the day was winter of 2010, when they still carried the XS v.1, now they have the Fi made XS v.2 which basically uses the mayhem motor with a 4" coil. Ofcourse time changes price, but 1 year and 200$ dollars? so that means the inflation rate would be close to 200%? yeah not happening... i dont want to argue with you, i personally like you and what you have to say. so ill leave it at that. i have tried several subs and a few of which we are talking about here. You are also missing the cost difference in all of the pieces used as well. 1) It is not a mayhem motor with a 4 inch coil, the ID on the magnets used on the mayehm are 25mm tighter than the ones used with a 4" coil. 2) There is more steel there with a 4 inch pole. 3) Top plate is definitely different and the motor is chrome finished as well. 4) 4 inch coil costs almost double what a 3 inch coil does, as does the basket, and does the suspension. The price difference reflects cost difference...and its their business, not mine. I just want to correct your statements as they are incorrect. To the guy that was arguing that brand X has the strongest gauss motors in the world: Food for thought: I can take a top plate and shrink it down to 1/4" tall on a 190mm diameter motor...and make it have say an arbitrary 10,000 guass...that's great, but how tall is your gap height? (The answer is 1/4 inch) So, when your coil is in motion, it is only in that high concentration of gauss for 1/4"..if the coil is 2.8" this means that the wire is away from the B portion of (B x L) for over 70% of the time...which causes tons of distortion issues and HUGE swings in regards to your inductance curve..amongst other things. You then have things like we developed in supergauss, which has a common main gap that has say an arbitrary 8000 gauss through out the entire 2.4" tall gap height, instead of the 1/4" that we had before. So when you slap a split coil or a main coil in there that is 1.4 or 2.8" long this means that the wire is in a high concentration of flux density..through out the entire range of movement. You have less distortion, less flux modulation, and less inductance shift..because the wire does not move out of the area of high concentration. The point of a permanent magnet structure is to have steel where the wire of the coil is, if you cross drill and get rid of steel where it should be (pole piece etc.)..you lose motor strength. Meaning you have to change from a 220mm motor to a 280mm motor..to get the same parameters...because you took the steel away from where it needs to be. I can bench race all day long. There isn't anybody else in the industry that can say that all of our steel is dug out of the ground here, forged here, machined in house here exactly to your order for the price point that we do it at.
  7. NDMstang65

    Special DD subs

    But you basically described really any decent sub company person with higher powered subs. Fi for one. I would consider the Zs if I was into hardcore SPL but that's about it. Nothing about the rest of their lineup makes me want to pay the price without going to another company. I started this as a find out type of thread. With the 3515's price tag, I can get an N2 BTL. It spawned from another thread that no one could tell me why they would recommend the dd3515 over the AQ HDC3 or FI BL. I started a thread just like this on 5 other sites. But i was calling out the SSA ZCON. with an estimated 500$ price tag. Why would someone buy a ZCON for 500 when they can get a better n2? this is a business and people dont understand that. no body cares about you, or your setup. they care about your wallet. SSA, DD, and AA for example. all high end retailers, that are in for the kill on some cash money. DD does the best to be honest. my friend brian who is a AA dealer, makes decent margin, but DD is the best money maker. also whoever said a 3500 over an HDC is horiibly mistaken, my old HDC motor is almost as big as my 9500 heres an insider tip the SSA ZCON basically uses the old crossfire motor that Fi oemd. i could buy that sub for 300$ back in the day, now they have brought back the same motor, made it a little better and JACKED UP THE PRICE. why... TO MAKE MONEY!!!! theese subs look famaliar to your HDC, 3500, and ZCON? this is the AB VFL, which basically uses the 3500 motor for half the price http://www.kochaudio.de/shop/index.php?cPath=196_930_937&osCsid=9f18c59201d4eecd74aef550408c140b AB XFL look like the HDC? carbon cone, dd basket, direct connects, JUST A DIFFERENT DUSTCAP!!! http://www.americanbassusa.com/front/showcontent.aspx?fileid=213 Crossfire AHHHH, my favorite company. i am trying out for the team this year. here is the original ZCON, what you guys are about to pay 500$ for http://www.crossfirecaraudio.com/htdoc/cf_m01_product_05_xs.asp business is business go fuck yourselves Couldn't be more wrong about the zcon/crossfire sub
  8. NDMstang65

    About the X ?

    In a ported box you should have similar output..you are down on displacement a bit though with the x's. The subs sound fine, many people just shy away from them because we rate them at 250 watts..
  9. NDMstang65

    Any spring sale event soon?

    No sorry, we're working trying to get the steel and basket situation under control and in our hands.
  10. NDMstang65

    Need info for setting Amp Adjustments

    If it is a sealed box you should not need a subsonic filter.
  11. NDMstang65

    2011 BL 12 Spiders

    Same suspension as the N2 or previous btl's.
  12. NDMstang65


    bite your lip and give it hell.
  13. NDMstang65

    When will i get my BL???

    We'll have our own 10-18" basket. 8's are a pain in the ass for us..simply because we build all of our own stuff. If we outsourced them and did not have to deal with the kidney stone of building them it would not be anywhere near as bad. But, they wouldn't be built how we build them..and issues would arise. It takes the same amount of time to build an 8 as it does an 18...its a no brainer there. Same amount of time and no profit to be made is foolish.
  14. NDMstang65

    When will i get my BL???

    I am not putting an exact date on it. I will make an announcement when we have it in our hands..until then what has already been said is all I am going to say
  15. NDMstang65

    When will i get my BL???

    Not for long 18" will be the first usa basket.
  16. NDMstang65

    How-to remove excessive expanding foam

    You're going to delaminate the surround if you put acetone on it...especially enough to get that much foam off. Hate to say it man but you're kind of screwed...it's leave it until it breaks and then recone it..
  17. NDMstang65

    When will i get my BL???

    As soon as we have all of the new steel in hand and we are caught up on back orders, normal lead time will ensue.
  18. NDMstang65

    When will i get my BL???

    Just the BL and SSD
  19. NDMstang65

    When will i get my BL???

    No..we only have to make the dies once. After that..it does not need to be made or re-done until they are worn out. (many thousands of parts) Our lead times for raw materials are going to go down significantly, after we get out of the transition period. As soon as we know when we are going to be able to get the steel in our hands, we will make an announcement and let everybody know. It is not going to be 30 days.
  20. NDMstang65

    When will i get my BL???

    No..we're in a transition period right now. We are no longer sourcing materials from china, this is one of the draw backs for this for the first time. Our lead times for things from china were topping 150 days..and that is unacceptable. Our lead times on having our forgings and materials here on our new stuff will be less than 30 days once all of the dies and stuff are worked out and we are rolling smoothly.
  21. NDMstang65

    quality of my fi btl n3

    It is impossible to get them to line up 100% perfect. There is not any metal shavings inside of that cylinder that you see in the middle that surrounds the coil. If there are shavings on the outside that is typical.
  22. NDMstang65

    Any AA questions.

    Email me. [email protected]
  23. NDMstang65

    Re cone kit purchased, few questions

    Nothing is pre-made, we build everything. We only do it once per week as I said before, yours will be in next weeks batch.
  24. NDMstang65

    Re cone kit purchased, few questions

    Then you'll get the recone kit to your door step if you did not select send in sub.
  25. NDMstang65

    When will i get my BL???

    I've caught up on most of the emails..we've been gone with world finals in daytona just got back yesterday. Like everybody said..I will just tell you the same thing that has already been said here