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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    Please Help With questions on Q/BL

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7158 You don't have to use paypal that thread explains everything. Also, how much room do you have to work with?
  2. NDMstang65


    Not really, MT's take a far different coil than what the BTL does.
  3. NDMstang65


    Shoot me an email
  4. NDMstang65

    I need recones!

    IIRC The motors have to be machined to fit the baskets...so you'd have to send them in to get it done.
  5. NDMstang65

    Scott need your help on a damaged speaker

    Chill out, Scott is out of town until sometime tomorrow. I was unaware of so as i was out of town and away from my PC as well. We'll get you taken care of...there's no sense in bashing the forum on other forums due to people who have no affiliation with us at all what so ever. Thanks
  6. Looks awesome man If the seats out the caddy need to find a new home let me know, i've got a street rod thats itching for a set of those rear seats
  7. NDMstang65

    thanks scott

    The white shirts were the freebies that we gave away, you have to buy those dickies shirts...and those are dark grey.
  8. NDMstang65

    RE + Fi = fire

    That takes talent to do something like that...how in the hell did you do that?!
  9. NDMstang65

    recone possible on old mag?

    Easier to recone the sub, and you can re-use the old dustcap if you don't tear it up when you cut the soft parts out of the motor... New parts are far better and you'll still have the 'old look' as well.
  10. NDMstang65

    max r.m.s. to a fully loaded BTL

    I've said it once, ill say it again. We rate them at 2000 watts rms, at this point you will have 0 issues and nothing will break. Now, what you put to them is your own discretion. Thanks -Nick
  11. NDMstang65

    Scott, Nick??????

    Don't have any emails from you, Scott should be on here this evening and get you taken care of.
  12. NDMstang65

    Burping Power

    When you break them that was too much . Honestly man it's 100% install dependent...there is no say that it can take a certain amount of power for a burp.
  13. NDMstang65

    Ok...I feel dumb for asking this

    the terminals are marked on the side, + and - should face you thats casted in the plastic, if they are put on backwards you cannot see it
  14. NDMstang65

    P Chamfer

    Nope, we don't have any pole vents. You can't see the pole chamfer when the sub is complete. Thanks -Nick
  15. NDMstang65

    Sig's are here! updated

    thems pimp mang
  16. NDMstang65

    Customer Service

    If its any more then 2 days then we likely didn't get it. As far as i know everything has been caught up from Scott being out of town. Who did you email? And/Or what were your question(s)?
  17. NDMstang65

    Cone Getting Hot

    Yep, and don't get as happy with the volume knob. Your likely amplifying a clipped signal.
  18. NDMstang65

    SSD 15 in a regular cab

    Honestly man, Tom had his 15's in 2 cubes a piece sealed...sounded good, got stupid loud. I doubt very seriously if you are going to fit a 15 in a regular cab and actually have room to stretch your legs..or even ride comfortably for that matter.
  19. NDMstang65


    Looks good man!
  20. NDMstang65

    Cone Getting Hot

    Jim pretty much hit the nail on the head, i'd take a look at your gain settings and watch the volume knob, no reason it should get hot with that little bit of power. Thanks -Nick
  21. NDMstang65

    Customer Service

    Indeed, Thanks man!
  22. NDMstang65

    is this normal for a Q

    DMM doesn't tell you if your clipping a signal or not. I really wish the people on the forums would have NEVER told/mentioned about how to set a gain with a DMM or that you "HAVE" to set your gains with a DMM...the only time you need to set them with a DMM is when you are gain matching multiple amps on one single sub, or one single load. All it measures is AC voltage, now doing the weird funky equation coming up with you should use "35 volts" has quite a few flaws.. That 35 volts may have the amp wide the hell open bass boost cranked and everything else to get it, by that time its a 100% clipped, dirty, square wave signal that the amp makes even worse. All a gain is is a knob that lets you adjust the RCA output voltage to INPUT voltage on the amp, when you abuse it bad things happen, (Deck output = Amp input) The two should be the same. If your deck does 2.5v out, then you should set the gain accordingly to 2.5 volts of input. General rule of thumb - Stay under half way, no more than 3/4 gain...and don't go wide open on the volume knob...NO BASS BOOST...bass boost is a knob that shouldn't even be there, does nothing but make an even dirtier signal. Easiest way to do it, turn mids/highs to your normal listening level on the headunit, back the gains down on the amps, adjust up accordingly until it sounds as if it blends well... Regardless - If you are hearing a 'pop' sound you are unloading the woofers, easy on the gains and the volume knob.
  23. NDMstang65

    Inside FI?

    That's Paul, he works for Scott. Tom = to my right, or Shawn's left ..off to doc's appt
  24. NDMstang65

    Amp to much?

    Nothing says you have to run that amp wide open either I've got a little over 900 watts on my tweeters...but i damn sure don't use it all.
  25. NDMstang65

    Inside FI?

    I'll post a pic up later, we're all in the performance auto&sound...i've been in car sound a few times myself... Gotta lay a roof today