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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    ascendant audio soft parts

    What you don't realize is the vast majority of the time that I am on this forum it is on a phone. I'm not typing out a lengthy response on that thing, I make a mental note and go back later. Sorry I have not posted on this, i've had a rough go of a summer job (yes contrary to popular belief i do work outside of Fi) with some very big issues going on and working 16 hours a day at this paper manufacturing company and some issues with the administration that I am fighting right now. When you see me on here it is me on my phone at work that i'm not even 'supposed' to be on. If i knew a price right off hand for the 8's then I would have told you from the get go. If your going to make this big of a deal out of a situation that really is not that bad then we'll gladly get it taken care of regardless. We'll get you 2 of the recones out for free. All i'm asking for is proof that we messed up and there is glue all over the place and there is no signs of abuse and there are clearly signs of a manufacturing defect on our part. You have two choices; You can either get some pictures to me, or you can pay to ship them in. I'm a very reasonable and understanding person, but I need to know where we are messing up to make things better. Get me some pictures, is all I ask. Don't want anybody to have hard feelings or anything of the sort. Thanks! -Nick
  2. NDMstang65

    Recone for 18 MT

    I've got the email flagged, i'll get back to you tomorrow when i get off work. Been having a rough go of the other 'summer' job and working 16 hours a day...but that's getting fixed very soon.
  3. NDMstang65

    10" fi BL with cooling option on opti2000d?

    If you abuse it it'l kill any woofer, regardless of who makes it.
  4. NDMstang65

    alternator quote

    That's a LOT of money for an alternator man.. Edit: Whatever you do do NOT buy one from iraggi...i'm highly suggesting that you do not.
  5. NDMstang65

    18 btl:: not moving air but...

    That'd be a heck of a pillar lol
  6. NDMstang65

    Questions : Dual-1 vs. Dual-2 Coil & Options

    Nothing wrong with having a little headroom. I'd go with dual 2's and wire to 1 ohm and just mind your settings properly. It's better to not have to use all the amp to power the woofer sufficiently, rather than clip it and make up for power that you simply do not have on tap. Thanks! -Nick
  7. NDMstang65

    billing information received...

    The email comes from UPS quantum view automatically from the email that you ordered with. The email does not come from us. Check your spam folders and what not with that email address, if you can't find it email me all of your information (Name, Address, What you ordered etc.) We'll get ya taken care of! Thanks! -Nick
  8. NDMstang65

    billing information received...

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7158 Read that thread Thanks! -Nick
  9. NDMstang65

    4.5kW available. What subs(s) to go for...?

    Why is it 4-500 more only if you get the btl? Well i'm guessing you don't want to spend that, if you want to get real low, you could get get 4 Qs..or 3 (maybe 4?) BLs if you want to get loud. (Pretty sure you wont have a problem getting loud with either setup though lol) It's that much because of weight and size, with shipping to Australia. So effectively, it's cheaper to buy a more powerful sub than to go for more less powerful ones, hence my choice of BTL's... That's your call man, if your willing to pay in excess of $1100 in shipping to get them to you on top of the cost of the woofers then we'll gladly send them to you. Thanks! -Nick
  10. NDMstang65

    how much do the havoc 15's weigh

    Assassin10 12lbs 12X12X7 Assassin12 13lbs 14X14X8 Arsenal10 22lbs 12X12X10 Arsenal12 23lbs 14X14X11 Arsenal15 25lbs 16X16X12 Chaos10 25lbs 12X12X10 Chaos12 26lbs 14X14X11 Chaos15 28lbs 16X16X12 Chaos18 32lbs 20X20X13 Havoc10 33lbs 12X12X10 Havoc12 34lbs 14X14X11 Havoc15 37lbs 16X16X12 Havoc18 41lbs 20X20X13 Mayhem12 62lbs 14X14X13 Mayhem15 65lbs 16X16X14 Mayhem18 70lbs 20X20X15 There ya go ...that should cover all of them Thanks! -Nick
  11. NDMstang65

    converting a 15" mt motor to an 18

    Shipped price depends upon location.. BTL parts will NOT work in a MT..pricing is a little different as well.
  12. NDMstang65

    18 btl:: not moving air but...

    Don't be so quick on the draw man...the 18 has WAY more displacement than a 9515 ever thought about having...much more of it is linear as well. It also need a lot of time to break in properly as well. There's no reason that if one would the other wouldn't, other than your car is flexing more and letting more pressure be absorbed through the car instead of being reflected into a 'hair trick' It's loud..if you want a hairtrick put a bunch of subs in something.
  13. NDMstang65

    New Btl

    Only thing you can do is buy a used motor or used sub and recone it if need be. We do not have any of the old motors left, nor will we. Sorry man.
  14. NDMstang65


    It'l go out on friday. Thanks! -Nick
  15. NDMstang65

    I WANT LOUD !!

    If you've got room go with the SSD 18's and possibly the flatwound coil option.
  16. NDMstang65

    SQ application/Question

    Things will hae to be changed if you are wanting to go IB. I'll caution you as well as your mechanical power handling goes way down, your output will suffer as well..(a GREAT deal) It'l sound good though.
  17. NDMstang65


    I didn't get it, i'm in Virginia man . I'll ask Scott about this today.
  18. NDMstang65

    Looking for my Q

    Don't think I have any emails from you, Email me your Name and Address and when you ordered and i'll see. Thanks! -Nick
  19. NDMstang65

    how much do the havoc 15's weigh

    Wanting to say liike 32-36lbs i can't remember right off the top of my head.
  20. NDMstang65

    Where to buy?

    I'm going to be taking over the mid atlantic region here shortly. Probably later on this week (Virginia and surrounding areas)
  21. NDMstang65

    Nick, Scott, Shawn, anyone else...system ideas

    So are you wanting to do a bunch of subs or just like 2-4 18's or what? Sealed? Ported? Power?
  22. NDMstang65

    Email and some order delays 10-11 through 10-15

    that was from 2007..
  23. NDMstang65

    18 btl

  24. NDMstang65

    4.5kW available. What subs(s) to go for...?

    Products (Show Dimensions) Estimated Delivery Time* Post Office Price Online Price Global Express Guaranteed
  25. NDMstang65

    I hate AA Havoc's

    Aye, nevermind then.