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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    recones for punch hx2

    100% rubber? Nah
  2. NDMstang65

    Has anyone here ran an assassin sealed?

    They work ok sealed, however your output is going to suffer greatly.
  3. NDMstang65

    Need some references..

  4. NDMstang65

    Hixm vs standard BTL coil

    No clue, BTL recones will not work in MT's, if you ordered BTL recones your in for a suprise if they've shipped already. Email me your name and information regarding what email address you paypal'd from and ill try to get you a status update on Monday. We're not going to set the coils up any different then what we already do with our subs, they are set where they are for a reason, by sitting the coils forward on those other motors you were simply getting a higher number of windings in the flux field concentration... Many many many manufacturers or "manufacturers" build woofers and really don't have a clue how crucial setting the coil in the gap properly is for optimal performance. A quad stack of magnets is absolutely pointless and a waste of materials, hence why we only use a single slug on our new BTL...there's a lot more to it than just slapping magnets and steel together...sadly a lot of people bite into the 'bigger is better' marketing ploy..99% of the time..it isn't the case.
  5. NDMstang65

    recones for punch hx2

    Could probably recone it, don't remember if we have the gap dimensions on file or not though... Regardless your looking at ~95 a recone shipped..
  6. NDMstang65

    Hixm vs standard BTL coil

    Efficiency is pretty much a nill..not going to be a great difference between the two, the hixmax coil will have more wire in the gap though. Generally speaking the flatwound coil is generally louder in a fart/burp scenario. Coils are placed where they are for a reason, if you take more wire out of the gap it's going to do nothing but hurt performance...
  7. NDMstang65

    Pictures of Fi facility

    Nope, sorry.
  8. NDMstang65


    I don't have it, Scott was supposed to email it to you, apparently you didn't get it. It went out on Tuesday that's all I can tell you from here. Tracking number isn't going to make it get there any faster. I'll get in touch with Scott later today and remind him to send it to you again.
  9. NDMstang65

    Is it possible to recone a BTL to a AA Havoc?

    Not worth it man, they'll fall off the cones..it's a HUGE pain to get them to stay on
  10. NDMstang65

    Is it possible to recone a BTL to a AA Havoc?

    Nope, dustcap will shatter Sorry
  11. NDMstang65

    3hp(?) recone questions

    Yes you need a digital micrometer to measure the width of the gap and the height of the top plate..
  12. NDMstang65

    question for FI

    You should have a tracking number from ups quantum view.
  13. NDMstang65

    SSD 18 sealed, Win ISD thoughts

    I highly suggest not doing it, regardless of winisd says it honestly does not sound right... But if you feel like going for it then do it, you've got to listen to it not me
  14. NDMstang65

    help need recones for (2) q 15 d1 with bp power

    Ok if you feel that it's a warranty issue then get me some pictures or let me know how they failed... 95% of the time it's a subsonic filter issue, the subs have a long enough coil that they move. When you go below port tuning frequency the excursion shoots through the roof and you've got a dead sub...
  15. NDMstang65

    Pics of Ascendant/Sundown System

    looks good man!
  16. NDMstang65


  17. NDMstang65

    quick question

    This new option adds a machined aluminum compression plug to the pole which helps channel all of the air under the dustcap around the coil for better cooling. To aid with this increased airflow we also add 6 axial cooling channels in the top plate. Along with increased thermal capacity comes the addition of an extra spider and a changed spider pack for a little extra mechanical ability. All of these new features increase power handling from 200-500 Watts depending on the application.
  18. NDMstang65


    Eh he figured it out lol I'm not sitting here all day and doing that...i just got paypal myself a day ago.
  19. NDMstang65

    having issues paying thru paypal

    Ok got the payment, just want to triple check and confirm that its for a 15" dual 1 loaded BTL recone correct? Thanks! -Nick
  20. NDMstang65

    Cant get recone kit

    Standard recones for BTL's are 5 spiders.. Working on getting all the information up for the new recone process setup. I'll have a new document and everything setup tonight. Paypal will be recone " at " ficaraudio.com Each kit will be $110 shipped each. In the comment box please include your Name, Address, Telephone Number, Email address, and exactly what the money is for. Specifically say 15" dual 2ohm BTL recones for 2 slug motors.
  21. NDMstang65

    Cant get recone kit

    Don't have any emails from you. Sure you can get a recone for them, they come with the new style tinsels. Whats your zipcode and ill give you a shipped price. Paypal is fine..
  22. NDMstang65

    E mail delays

    It's not full, it can't fill up. It's setup on a email server. That email is just experiencing really high volume. Not enough hours in the day for Scott to do everything that needs done and that email as well. Mine is Nick " AT " ficaraudio.com
  23. NDMstang65

    E mail delays

    That's the sales email...good luck on that one lol Email me if you have any questions.
  24. NDMstang65

    Build plan

    Going to be a really long port, only thing is with the smaller side of the spectrum your bottom end output really suffers. With that amp i'd try to go on the mid/larger side of things. The BL's honestly dont get to full boogie until about 1500 watts.
  25. NDMstang65

    Cant get recone kit

    Whats your email address and ill try to search for it, it might have got hung in the spam folder...