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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    Problems with FI Q 10

    If it is clanging..that means the coil is running into metal. This is either caused by a leak in the box, or too much power..or a combo of both.
  2. NDMstang65

    Problems with FI Q 10

    2500+ watts on a 1200 watt sub might be the problem man..way too much power.
  3. NDMstang65

    Which 18" Fi subwoofer is this? Old BTL? Old Q? New BL? Double Sta

    Same parts..cooling and whatnot is way different in the new BL vs. the old BTL, just 6 years of change in technology, spiders, tinsel leads, cones, surrounds etc.
  4. NDMstang65

    Which 18" Fi subwoofer is this? Old BTL? Old Q? New BL? Double Sta

    You'll need a BL recone if you order a recone. That's a 1st gen 2 stack BTL though.
  5. NDMstang65

    The PT Bruiser, 159.5db!!

    Something is broken inside of the passenger door..if the window is down it can flop around and hit something and shatter it Pop the door panel off and start wiggling the regulator and the tracks..odds are you've broken/moved something
  6. NDMstang65

    having trouble with an order from FI

    They aren't going to rip you off, you should have been emailed a receipt to the email address that you provided when you placed your order.
  7. NDMstang65

    UFO mag compataibility

    Just lowered inductance and made the cooling work better due to a better compression ratio. Yes it will work fine.
  8. NDMstang65

    having trouble with an order from FI

    Keep in mind today is only the 13th business day as well, depending on when you placed the order. There was also a holiday in there too.
  9. NDMstang65

    Do i need a bigger battery??

    No, that is incorrect. The point of your battery is it for it to be there to start your car, it is reserve capacity. Once you have started your car you can remove the battery and it will continue to run because the alternator is running the electrical system because it produces electricity by spinning and creating a field. Do not attempt to drive the car because the alternator will full field and charge at 20+ volts because it will see that there is no battery and it will see it as "dead". To the OP - Yes, you need to add a bigger (preferably AGM or Dry cell) style battery to increase your reserve capacity for your electrical system.
  10. NDMstang65

    Infinite baffle subwoofer

    Displacement is king in IB, do the math..you'd have to buy twice as many AE woofers to equal the displacement of the IB3's. From experience, around .36 on the Qts end is ideal for IB..any lower then that things start acting funky.
  11. NDMstang65

    ssd 10 dimensions

    The magnet itself is the same size..at the end of the back plate it's pretty close to 4" if i remember off the top of my head. I don't have one around me to measure.
  12. NDMstang65

    SSD modified for HT duty?

    Stick a single 15 or single 12 in a ported enclosure with one of the down firing power ports that polk uses and use it as a coffee table, it'l work great. You could get the suspension a bit lighter on the SSD, but in all honesty you really do not need to. I've got a BTL with 5 spiders in my HT and it sounds phenomenal. Fs has absolutely nothing to do with the frequency response at all..it's just a urban myth that online junkies ride..for some unknown reason.
  13. NDMstang65

    Want To Change Order to Dual 1 Ohm.

    Before you do it, are you just wanting to use 1 large 1ohm amp now instead of two smaller 1ohm amps? If you are intending on wiring things below 1ohm for a daily scenario I would highly suggest you do not do it.
  14. NDMstang65

    ssd 10 dimensions

    Magnet diameter is 190mm and it necks down from there on the backplate, so 190mm is the widest point that is ~1.2" from the bottom of the basket flange (pulling this off the top of my head from memory)
  15. NDMstang65

    Fi's new website

    Cost of parts goes up and they've ate it for a LONG time..never updated the pricing accordingly. All of the stuff on the recones is written backwards for copyright reasons.
  16. NDMstang65

    Fi Q rust.

    The steel parts are coated and baked..for them to rust it must be really sticky where you are. You could knock it off with a little scotch bright pad and shoot a little more silver paint on it if you'd wish, but odds are it's probably going to rust again.
  17. NDMstang65

    Difference between 1st and 2nd Generation Q woofers

    The soft parts are the same for the most part, spiders are different now on the most recent versions. The motor/cooling technology is significantly different then the previous Q. It is simply a continuation in more advanced design that happens over a period of time .
  18. NDMstang65

    Compression plug; applicating.

    That should explain it, however you need to rough both surfaces up a bit with a little bit of sand paper, wipe both of them down with acetone and then mix a little bit of 2-part epoxy and put the slightest bit on the flanged side of the bp power plug, spin it around and let it dry over night. Hope this helps!
  19. NDMstang65

    Broken terminal holder

    Typical for people to throw them in the box and snap the terminal off of them because they are sissies.. You can get a new terminal..looking at around 10 bucks or so to ship one to you
  20. NDMstang65

    Uh oh....Xcon cracked magnet

    Law of averages..you will have some flawed magnets that will crack..it happens 1 out of every 3000 or so. They'll get you fixed up, par for the course is the dipshit postal workers to try to ram the box into the postal box out on the street at the shop..in which it jams in there and we had a hell of a time trying to get it open.
  21. NDMstang65

    UFO mag compataibility

    As long as they are both of the "UFO" motor style then yeah it will be fine.
  22. NDMstang65

    How Well Does FI Q 15 Perform in Small Box?

    It'l work fine
  23. NDMstang65

    16 New X 12's in action

    They will be available shortly, 3" coil 750w woofer. This is 16 of them in the green truck with ~200 watts (if that) a piece. Sorry for the quality of the video, just got the phone that I could make a video with.
  24. NDMstang65

    16 New X 12's in action
