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Everything posted by RL-i8_Mr._Jones

  1. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    ascendant audio soft parts

    i dind't re cone them yet i need to. what ever happened to them to make them do that wasn't my fault. and its not your call if fi says ya looks he did it then o well but until then its not your call to say i did it. like i said i still need them re coned i want fi soft cone so all i need is a price for all 4 of them
  2. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    ascendant audio soft parts

    i am hoping those pics will show that it was the company's fault. also i still would like at least a price for the fi soft re cone parts. I would really like to get those no matter what. and still the company makes a good product just for some reason the ones that i got were messed up also as i said before i have a 3rd one that is going out as well so when these things get re coned with the soft parts i will be sending all 4. I would like to do this by the end of the month or being of next month.
  3. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    ascendant audio soft parts

    then wut happened?? n i cleaned off the glue before the install because it looked like crap and there was no point in leaving it all over the speaker. n yea they were all in the same box same size chamber ported at the same hz.
  4. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    dp 21

    dude u can buy one on ssa
  5. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    ascendant audio soft parts

    so ya anyone got anything to say?
  6. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    ascendant audio soft parts

    alright pretty much the surround seperated from the cone and proceeded to try to self destruct on 1 of them but the other 1 i caught in time when it just started to seperate.
  7. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    ascendant audio soft parts

    ok here r some pics
  8. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    ascendant audio soft parts

    ok i am being a dick i will say that it just has been a bad week that went worse. I will try to get pics later tonight
  9. I am waiting for my new amp to get here and hifonics brutus 2000 watt should be here teusday or so
  10. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    ascendant audio soft parts

    i am not sladering there company i love the good subs i have its the other 2 i am pissed about each sub is in about 1 cube chamber tuned to 28 hertz and i do not beat the hell out of them and yes the lanzer is junk but it worked for the tie being i am just more pissed that the subs r fudgeed up and it is the company fault when i get time i will take pics and show u what i mean there is glue all over the basket it just looks like a crack head did these 2 subs cuz the other 2 i have r perfect.
  11. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    on a good note

    i only need 1000 but its still a dman good amp
  12. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    ascendant audio soft parts

    i did that before and no answer they said they didn't even get my email so i said well... they seem to be on the forum a lot talking to there customers so this will be my best chance what pisses me off they were on today looking at there posts but didn't say anything about mine and yes i am bitching i am pissed not really at not saying anything just sending me a crappy product but like i said i know chit happens but when it comes time to fix it give me a answer
  13. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    ascendant audio soft parts

    i am not belive me i am just sick of dealing with my prob with my subs i am just dispointed in fi that they would send them out i know chit happens it is just disapoiting to a person
  14. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    ascendant audio soft parts

    cuz on there profile it says they have ben and also i am sick of having messed up subs the 2 that i told them about the foam surrdoing is ripping and it is not because they have been beaten there r on a 2400 watt lanzer max pro also the other 2 i have r perfect i am just pissed that they "broke" so i need a answer
  15. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    ascendant audio soft parts

    so no one form pucking fi can help me wow
  16. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    ascendant audio soft parts

    can anyone from fi answer?
  17. ok I have 1994 gmc serria 2 wheel drive I need to know if I can fit a 2 din dvd player in there. It already ghas a cd player in it I just need to knwo if I can fut a 2 din player in it.
  18. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    can i fit a 2 din

    the way it looks i cant. But if I get the flip up ones I cant run my heat in the winter when then screen is up the heat would ruin it cuz the ventrs r right there be hind in dats y i wanna go 2 din but its not looking like i can
  19. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    customer service....

    I sent a email and wrote to a person from aa about a re cone kit about 2 weeks ago and have not got a response back...you have a great product but you guys made the subs wrong, on 2 of mine I have 4 aa 8's and 2 of them have uncentered voice coils so i wanted to re cone to fix this prob with out spending the money to send them in, if some one could help me that would be great. But for now I am a slight un happy customer. I under stand that fi and aa r busy but its been about 2 weeks... but again if I can get a re-pile back it would be great Thanks, Craig Jones
  20. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    customer service....

    ya true it dont care if it looks good as long as they preform good so if guleis everywhere but they osund good owell and my buddie willdo the recone i am to dumb to do it lol
  21. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    customer service....

    at least i am not the only one that had a fudge up...well liek i said i wanna know 3 things what comes if i buy the recone kit how much it is and how much would it be is i sent them in. then i can be happy and go on with my audio life lol
  22. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    customer service....

    also you can tell the good one form she chit one..the good ones look clean and the chit look like well chit there is glue everywhere on the basket just looks nasty so who every made these had a bad day but fudge it i know chit happens
  23. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    customer service....

    ummm no it hapend when we got them meaning they came like that we run the 2 good ones and keep the bad ones out i have 4 of them and really it doesn't pucking matter all i wan't r god damn re cone kits lol i need a price and what comes with them
  24. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    customer service....

    wow wha?t they r at my buddies cuz i let him put them in his car
  25. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    customer service....

    well the subs r at my budiies house so i guss just let me know how much a recone is