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Everything posted by RL-i8_Mr._Jones

  1. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    only 1 set of coils on kicker l5

    lol o sweet i am going to get a bunch!! it will go great with my audiobahn flame q lol
  2. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    idk if u got my pm
  3. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    only 1 set of coils on kicker l5

    that thing looks bad ass i want one. lol do you know where your friend got this?
  4. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    Nick did you get payment?
  5. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    Nick like I said subs were sent out saterday payment was sent out today. If need ay other info just get ahold of me some how.
  6. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    last time i checked i didn't care...and i still dont
  7. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    I was able to send out the subs wendsay i paid for shipping there and ack there should be a paper u just have to put back on the box and use the same box. also i out in a paper wiht my info and i am sending paypal tonight. thanks
  8. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    how is the site doing?

    everything going good for the company? would love to see it get updated when ya guys r ready
  9. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    wut p1sses me off

    I've been warned for this post.
  10. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    wut p1sses me off

    i dont think he gives a fudge you guys r arsehos on here he is just speaking the truth
  11. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    wut p1sses me off

    omg nice
  12. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    wut p1sses me off

    lol omg funny chit
  13. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    Check Out What UPS Delivered Today!!!

    i love it
  14. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    some things happend and I wont be able to send payment and subs out until next wendsay thats when I get my next pay check. thanks for helping me out and ya i am not bright
  15. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    i re did it and now it works
  16. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    well..fudge u i haven't done this before so sorry if I don't understand something I have never done
  17. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    is that alright nick, get a money order and send it with the subs?
  18. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    i think i am just going to see if nick with take a money order lol
  19. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    i dont think i am doing it right...i put in the info to send the money clcik send money then...it goes to a screen where it says add crdit card or debit card then what do i do
  20. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    can some one help me. I am at the point that i type in the info to send the money but there is no comment box on that screen
  21. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    i have never used paypal lol how do it do it i dont see a comment box
  22. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    OK i am sending out the subs wensday. How would U like me to pay? I am creating a paypal account. I have never sent anything back
  23. RL-i8_Mr._Jones

    dp 21

    My friend is getting the dp 21 what yall think? Has anyone played with one of the new dp's? how do they sound?
  24. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    thanks nick
  25. RL-i8_Mr._Jones


    I know Nick I am bothering you...but I really need to know the info to ship the subs and payment for the recones. I will the cash this week. and the sooner they go out the sooner i can get them back and working right. so please tell me were to ship them. and anythign else I n eed to know to ship them. thank you, Craig