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About mile098

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  1. the hiss is not engine related, and between songs its non existant, you can hear it fade out with the song..and its different intensity for each song..i thought it was a bad song at first but i tried original CD's, audio burned, mp3's the works..and its the same edit: and its the same if i play it from and usb stick and a cd
  2. first of all im sorry if i missed the forum, mod please move it if i did second..ok here goes:( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok, pls take the time to read this. i have developed a hissing sound on my front speakers lately. i say lately because when i installed the amp it wasn't there..its not much, on the majority of the songs i cant hear it, but on some its annoying. the only thing i changed is up the gain on my front amp speakers, but not enough to clip. now it doesn't matter where the gains are set the hiss increases with the hu's volume. i've had engine whine problems before and it drove me insane and this isn't it, more like static. power and ground are 35mm^2(2 awg i think) till the trunk, distributing into 10mm^2(? awg) to the amps. im losing aprox 0.3-4 volts on the cable at full tilt from the bat to the trunk(my dmm is not 100% accurate tho). i reinfocrced the ground from bat to the engine with 35mm^2, the ground in the trunk is taken from the seat belt motor. and when ever i power up the amps i hear a slight bump on the subs. besides running another 2 awg cable directly from the bat for ground thats the best i coud find. im guessing its bad ground, what do you guys think? edit: when i turn up the volume on the HU i hear a barely noticable cracking sound, which as far as i know has to be bad ground... any input is welcome
  3. mile098

    What is your box ported to?

    3.3 b4 sub and port diplacement, 2x12''s 32 Hz..pretty happy with it
  4. mile098

    truck box question(s)

    what would be the distance in the first sketch? im no expert but i think the distance should be greater then what the pic suggests. and if you're gonna make a box that shallow be sure to use bracing for integrity
  5. mile098

    Do you think???

    define blow? u burnt the coils or did the driver fell apart?
  6. mile098

    video 2 15" fi bls on a saz 3000d [NEW PICS & VIDS!]

    have a friend that had this problem, his soundstream kept popping his trunk too..and its a hatchback:) it is a bitch, he used various clips and chit and eventualy just had to turn the gains down.. with that output i think the locals already know what you got in the car:) plus the screens are a 'take me please' sort of thing. hope you got a good alarm:)
  7. mile098

    video 2 15" fi bls on a saz 3000d [NEW PICS & VIDS!]

    you didnt give an Op you made statements. ...... i simply stated that i have a stong chargeing system. and then i went and did another vid. to show you. i like you miles.... o yeah.. and your right in the first vid it looks like my meter is showing 12's...... and i was wondering is someone may ask about that... but i also figure that people know what its like when you look at say an alarm clock from an angle in the sun... you can see all of the numbers and its weird. see i observe things:) seriously i like your setup, and the reason im saying i think the port is too close is because any 15'' let alone 2 and on that power would have one hell of an output, and they need every sq inch of port area you give them.any obstacles in front of the port gets in the way of the woofer's 'breathing'...if they are at least a diameter of that slot port's aero equivalent distant from the back of the trunk it's all good. i tangle'd that up didn't I?:(i hope you understand what i'm trying to say
  8. mile098

    video 2 15" fi bls on a saz 3000d [NEW PICS & VIDS!]

    chill man, I wasn't flamming you, you put the videos to get feedback and i gave you mine.. read my post again.. the port is too close to the back IMO of course edit: and about the voltage i did say if im reading it correctly, a simple you saw wrong would be sufficiant
  9. mile098

    video 2 15" fi bls on a saz 3000d [NEW PICS & VIDS!]

    looks loud..really loud..but i have two objections tho. 1. is that with the engine on or off? in the first vid if im reading it correctly your voltage drops to almost 12 when the bass hits, you may need to upgrade to a bigger battery or alt. 2. your port is way too close to the back of your trunk, push the box further back if u can.
  10. nice, whats the equipment in there?
  11. you gonna have to clarify that question a little bit? i don't follow what you're asking.
  12. mile098

    My builds...

    soundstream doesn't work well in closed..at all. ebp is around 100 for that sub
  13. it's always better to have a stronger amp then the power you really need. a more powerful amp will produce the power you require under all terms not just 14.4 it will run 'smoother' won't heat up as much and if you don't run it at full throtle the power consumption is less of course, so there is no need for a new alternator or much modifications to the electrical system..im not gonna recommend anything since i don't know what you guys use mostly over there, just thought i'd correct a misconception.. in any case it's a bump:)
  14. mile098

    one woofer gets hot, one dosnt...

    i chcked the tinsel, all the soldering points are good. it only gets hot goin full volume, but its only 1 sub that gets hot! how would i check the coils? could it be that when i reconed the woofer didnt sit strate? when i push the sub down it feels just like the other one. when i reduce the gain it still gets warmer then the other sub, but not as bad... i need to get an oscope i guess... i just really need to fix this problem dustcaps shouldn't get warm..wait thats the sub you reconed? did you center the coils right? any stratching or anything when u push it down with your hand? and check the coils with a dmm
  15. mile098

    VW golf III

    thnx guys...ive developed a hissing problem tho, barely noticable but still and a lil bit of a cracking sound in the speakers as i turn up the volume, have to work on that, once i get the time. probably need to tighten the ground a lil bit more..but it started today, and after i got this amp thats the first thing i listened for because there was engine whine issues in the past and it drove me absolutely insane. the only thing i changed, was turn the gain up a bit, but not enough for it to clip..ill bug you with questions after i try resolving it on my own first