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Everything posted by mobilecreations

  1. mobilecreations

    15 AA HAVOC vids and pics

    here is a pic & vid of a single 15" havoc on 2000rms. tuned to 32hz. doing a 143.6 at 34hz peaked at 146.7 at 44 hz http://n.b5z.net/i/u/6141309/i/aa/Photo_040408_001.jpg vid vid2vid3
  2. mobilecreations

    new /old aa lines

    i dont see why not, i am a dealer, and those are the retail prices for the product. they are the same where ever you go. those are directly from scott. mdmstang65 if you have a problem with prices call me at 219-210-5201 kyle
  3. mobilecreations

    new /old aa lines

  4. mobilecreations

    new /old aa lines

    check out www.ascendantaudio.com there are pics and info there. and the line is now dealer based only.
  5. mobilecreations


    oh and the sub in my sig is the mayhem
  6. mobilecreations


    it is spl geared, and is available for sale now, local dealers have them. prices are as follows. mayhem 12 $645.00 mayhem 15 $685.00 mayhem 18 $715.00 if you are in the in/il area hit me up if you need any aa stuff
  7. mobilecreations

    15 AA HAVOC vids and pics

    hopin to get to a 153.00 with the new mayhem's we should get at the shop this week. and a totally different box.
  8. mobilecreations

    Box Build of Havoc 15" dual 2 ran by Sundown SAZ~1500D

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=16397 that is my single sub. i have been testing this sub for about 6 months now. i have had best luck with about 4cuft. with 70 inches of port. tuned to 30hz. as you can see from my score it is getting there. not to bad for a LSQ sub. and it is nice being a dealer for them. scott if real helpful.
  9. mobilecreations

    15 AA HAVOC vids and pics

    sorry 151 at 44, 146 at 34hz. sorry for the confusion. and 1 group 31 optima in factory trunk location. and a modified massive audio amp. i have no up front amp. this is in a 2000 mercedes 230 kompressor. and the whole car has 3 layers of sounddeadening.
  10. mobilecreations

    15 AA HAVOC vids and pics

    broke a 151. at 44hz. still same score at 34. not bad so far.
  11. mobilecreations

    15 AA HAVOC vids and pics

    aa1 aa2 aa3
  12. mobilecreations

    15 AA HAVOC vids and pics

  13. mobilecreations

    Mayhem 18's w/ pic

    here is a pic of the new ascendant audio mayhem.
  14. mobilecreations

    Mayhem 18's w/ pic

    i will try to get some more pics. they are takin apart right now. as we are building a wall for them.. i ordered them not assembled. i have one more pic of the side.
  15. mobilecreations

    Who has a single Havoc 12 or 15 ported?

    we have done a couple single 15 havoc installs and all of them have done atleast a 143. on the tl. and one has done a 149.6 it is a solid sub. also the new mayhem is out. if interested let me know
  16. mobilecreations

    AA Havoc 1 15 or 2 12 (Pics)

    I would say 1 15 with the power you have. i am a dealer and have had very good results with them. we have done several systems with 1 15. and they all do mid to high 140's on the termlab.
  17. mobilecreations

    battery for 96 accord

    also, keep inmind that most factory alts, put out max power at highway speeds. 2500rpms or so
  18. mobilecreations

    battery for 96 accord

    optima's are not the best battery, just the best marketed. kinetik, stinger, ect. are good batts. xtatic
  19. mobilecreations


  20. mobilecreations

    battery for 96 accord

    that is a good deal from you friend for the battery. just make sure it wi.ll fit.
  21. mobilecreations

    Getting the basics done

    you want to replace your factory wiring with 0ga, and for deadening, i have a 2001 expo. and we used about 200sqfeet for the basic deadening.
  22. mobilecreations

    Get your cheap Oscilloscopes here!

    some of those are old!!!
  23. mobilecreations

    Havocs sealed?

    2 ported, i have one doing a 149.6 .at 36hz this is a kick ass sub.
  24. mobilecreations

    need some sub advice

    ascendant audio Havoc's
  25. mobilecreations

    alternator help

    excessive is a great company, i know nate personally. make good stuff