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Everything posted by SeductiveSounds

  1. SeductiveSounds

    2002 Silverado log

    Down in the drivers kick, pull out (move out of the way) the fuse/relay panel there should be iirc a fair sized grommet, you should be able to get 1/0 through there without much issue
  2. SeductiveSounds

    Sundown Audio ftw

  3. SeductiveSounds


    Thanks Delays suck, but what can you do. It just sucks that SSA cant ship any sundown amps to me. They've got the best deals. I dont need the crossover sections, but any improvement is a good thing.
  4. SeductiveSounds


    So I saw that SSA is out of stock of the 100.4's I'm looking to grab up a pair of 3000d's and a 100.4 from them Just wondering if/when they are expected thanks
  5. SeductiveSounds

    TACHOMETER install

    just tap into the wire thats connected to the remote start. its a tach signal, just be sure to setup the gauge accordingly
  6. SeductiveSounds


    I think it would depend on a few things: 1) where they are going 2) method of transport 3) weight of the product My BTL 15's came in cardboard boxes with foam protection, and were shipped via USPS to Canada. Your best bet is to talk to Scott or Nick regarding the shipping (how they're packaged etc)
  7. I think I might go full active, and I would LOVE to go the route of a 6ch amp. I was looking at the Audison VRx6 Direct, damn its expensive. I know PPI had a nice PC6600.2 back in the day before the DEI switch over. SoundStream had the Davinci (overkill for me, I dont need 7channels) Anyone have any other suggestions?
  8. SeductiveSounds

    18" BTL in Mazda 6 running off Memphis 4kw (pics)

    Sweet a FutureShop install! What store? I work @ 601 (Whitby) I have a pair of BTL15's going into my Sentra asap
  9. SeductiveSounds

    Port Locations

    Ok, so I float around a few different forums and everyone has something different on the subject. Could someone please explain port loading? Why would you want have the sub in different locations in relation to the port? (close, far, centered on the face, etc) For example lets say for arguments sake; lets just have the port and sub on the same plain on the box for this discussion. I'm always trying to learn things to help me make louder, better boxes for my customers. I figure understanding this phenomena will help. Thanks in advance
  10. SeductiveSounds


    I have 3 Soundstream Exact10's (Love them btw) Each one has its own issue. Now Soundstrem doesnt carry a recone for this sub. I'm new to the whole reconing thing. So I dont know where to source parts and materials needed Is there anywhere that I'd be able to get one or one that will work? Any help/suggestions greatly apprecited
  11. SeductiveSounds

    need a btl in canada

    I received my BTL's within 3 weeks of them shipping. I think I read a post recently that Fi was no longer going to ship via USPS to canada due to shipments being held up for longer than they need to be. I could be wrong though, read around or contact Fi directly
  12. SeductiveSounds


    I'm looking to get a o-scope. I do have an ancient scope it works, I think, there's just too many dials and chit than I know what to do with. And I rather know how to use it than just guess. What kinds of things should I be looking for? Size, Price, Features, etc. Are there any like idiot proof ones that are accurate and reliable? I saw the Velleman 10 MHz Handheld Oscilloscope over on Partsexpress.com Is it any good? and should I also pick up the Velleman 10:1 Probe as well, or do I really need it? Help me out here guys, I usually set the gains by ear. But not this time around, not with this much power or potential for chit to go really really wrong
  13. SeductiveSounds


    Hopped on over to tequipment to have a look. Found the HPS10SE and the X10 probe with UPS standard shipping just under $170 (USPS was an extra $10, but I might do that rather than suffer the UPS fees at the door) Just need to run it by the bank (aka wife) I'll just tell her that I need it so that I dont blow up the BTL's she bought for me. That'll work. Not to mention its a tax write off if I use it at work as well. Ya the scope I have is old, I think the date stamp is something like 1960
  14. SeductiveSounds

    has any one tried this?

    Didnt JL do a sealed/ported box in one of the mini versions (#2 I think)? IIRC they had use linear actuators to open and close a flap over the port opening. Something I always wanted to try out, just never had the money to just experiment with it.
  15. SeductiveSounds

    in search of a groundpounder

    find another shop its 90% install and 10% equipment
  16. SeductiveSounds


    Here is a pic of the one I have. It was free from my grandfather when he pasted away a few years ago. One of the cool tools I was always fasinated with when I was a kid.
  17. SeductiveSounds

    SSD 18 sealed, Win ISD thoughts

    Get something smaller and use the same size enclosure and port it.
  18. SeductiveSounds

    fi btl port length

    L-shaped port. I think my math is a little off. I think I calculated for the double baffle being on the pot side on the inside. That'll throw the tuning off a little bit (making it a little higher, around Make the port 30" long it'll tune the 32.27Hz My bad
  19. SeductiveSounds

    help me out please

    I'm going to suggest a pair of BL's
  20. SeductiveSounds

    BTL Birthday

    Box number two arrived today. I had to pick it up from the post office. Poor girl behind the desk couldnt lift it, so she dragged it lol. Customs must have opened it as it had straps on it, the plastic ones. Ooo Ooo Ooo, there was a surprise inside the box too!!! Swag from Fi. ^^FOUR (4) of these stickers on ONE box and NONE on the other!!^^ My dad told me the mail man had a very hard time getting the first box out of the truck on Monday. Thanks to Brenda for the BTL's, what an amazing present Thanks Scott for helping Brenda out with the subs and for the sweet shirts and stickers. Thanks to everyone Fi for making a fantastic sub, some of the meanest looking subs I have ever laid my hands on. Watch for my build log! I cant wait to make the subs wang!
  21. SeductiveSounds

    BTL Birthday

    Well my birthday came and I was pumped to be getting all my goodies. My girlfriend was sad as she had ordered something for me, only for it not to arrive in time. Well today package 1 of 2 arrived. A sweet 15" BTL loaded. I took some pics. All the pics taken either mine or otherwise really dont give these subs credit. MASSIVE!!
  22. SeductiveSounds


    Price is a little of an issue, I am only planning on doing basic operations with it. Mostly I want to be able to use it for setting gains. More for myself, but I can use it at works as well. I think I should get the x10 probe as well (6000W is more than 40V) Is it fairly easy to use? I'm no idiot, but I do like idiot proof things.
  23. SeductiveSounds

    BTL Birthday

    the KD was a snack for the pregnant gf. i love her so much, getting me btl's for my b-day
  24. SeductiveSounds

    fi btl port length

    Sorry if it was a little confusing. Here is a pic of what I was thinking
  25. SeductiveSounds

    BTL Birthday

    Cant wait for the second one, apparently there is a little extra surprise in it for me as well. Ya the sticker on the back of the motor is a nice touch. I was planning on inverting the sub, but I think the box either got bumped a little too hard or dropped. The box has a tear in it and the mag has a small chip out of it, I'm really hoping that its purely cosmetic.