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Everything posted by SeductiveSounds

  1. SeductiveSounds

    BTL Help

    Scott or Nick Could you please pm the phone # for you guys? No matter which way I want to ship this sub, they require a phone # Thanks
  2. SeductiveSounds

    BTL Help

    I havent powered my subs up yet, nor have the been mounted. They've been sitting in the boxes they came in since I got them last year as a present from my gf. Not dropped or anything like that, its weird I've never seen anything like it. I pulled one out to show a buddy of mine the sheer size and outstanding build quality. While doing so, I noticed a crack in the magnet. Not a small crack either, it goes horizontally, all the way around the sub. And it wasnt there when I got them. I've emailed Scott, but I would like to see what you guys think. I'm a little concerned. And I was planning on inverting them, cause they have a very sexy ass. Here are a pictures of the crack: A couple pictures of the subs new: I haven't resized the pics to show detail.
  3. SeductiveSounds

    How to get Xmax from BL

    I keep reading about deriving an Xmax number from BL. How is that done, and how acurate is it? Please enlighten me.
  4. SeductiveSounds

    How to get Xmax from BL

    Cool, thanks I will try that. I'm not always clear with my typing out thoughts. So I'm sorry if I confused you at all.
  5. SeductiveSounds

    How to get Xmax from BL

    I've noticed that some companies do not offer Xmax measurements. Now the software which i use to design my enclosures requires Xmax. I read that some use 70% of BL or something along those line. I might be off in left field here, i really dont know. It'd just be nice to have the Xmax measurement to put into my software Software is TermPak just so its clear
  6. SeductiveSounds

    SAX-50.4 Close Out Continued

    I believe that Sundown is working on a SAE-100.4 It won't have the elaborate crossover flexiblity as the SAX-100.4
  7. SeductiveSounds

    The wife got me good.

    My gf got me a pair of BTL's loaded. It was cool when they showed up and the mail man could barely carry the boxes. How she did it I'll never know. If only I could get her to get me my amps. Definately the keeper kind of women.
  8. SeductiveSounds

    Saz-3000d MOSFET's (pictures included)

    I wouldn't be surprised if they're soldered to keep the screws in. Might also be a warranty thing too. But I'm just speculating
  9. SeductiveSounds

    BTL Help

    It came via USPS, and they were throughly checked, I open pacakges and check before I accept and sign for them. The crack is a very recent development, it wasnt there 3 months ago when it last came out of the box. Can you please let me know where I'm sending it, I dont know the address and such. Also, I didnt buy them, they were a gift from my girlfriend so should I be sending her info? What info do you need?
  10. SeductiveSounds

    BTL Help

    I'm looking for some thoughts or suggestions here guys. Is it something you would be concerned about? Would it potentially change the magnetic field?
  11. SeductiveSounds

    Remote Gain Controls and Such??? Do you use'em or no

    I'm pretty sure the remote gain, is only funtional when ch3&4 are configured to LP. I dont use the gain controls in my car, just the sub volume on my deck. However with my next install I will be using them. But the next install I have 2 SAZ-3500D's and 2 SAX-100.4's planned.
  12. SeductiveSounds

    05-06 GTO HU

    Metra has all the parts you'll need to get a deck into that GTO
  13. SeductiveSounds

    Lookie what I got

    Mr. FedEx dropped off 3 packages for me today. Sundown Audio Equipment 2x SAZ-1500D's 2x NightShade 12's One set is for me, one set is for a customer. Here are some pics: I'll have some build pics of the Mazda as I go.
  14. SeductiveSounds

    Lookie what I got

    Ya that drum takes a beating daily and just asks for more. I'm pumped to finally have some bass in my car again. Jacob, they got here in record time too, 9:40am Thursday. I was a little surprised to see silver baskets though, not that it matters, the last NS that passed through my hands was all black. I think FedEx is the way to go, well for now until i get the customs/duty/tax papers.
  15. SeductiveSounds

    Lookie what I got

    A Nightshade and 1500D for my daily driver, lol. I'll be ordering up a couple 3500D's and 100.4's for my summer car build over the winter months. A pair of 15" BTL's should love the 3500D's. Such a busy year for me.
  16. SeductiveSounds

    NightShade 12

    I'm looking for a jumping off point for a box size. If someone would be able to help me out that would be great. It's going into a S10 extended cab.
  17. SeductiveSounds

    NightShade 12

    I bought a new driver It's for a customer He wants a spec'd box, not something I design What is a good alignment for an S-10 Pick-up? I'm thinking sub up and port out the passenger side, thoughts and suggestions welcome
  18. SeductiveSounds

    NightShade 12

    Specs come in the box? I'm expecting to get home and open up a box containing a NightShade. I'd really like to get cracking on the enclosure for my customer.
  19. SeductiveSounds

    BTL in Box Software

    I have Term-Pak and am looking at the graph for a box for my BTL It looks horrible. Is it just me or does the sub just plot poorly? I used the specs off the site. I'm using a model of 4ft^3 @ 32Hz
  20. SeductiveSounds

    NightShade 12

    Really? that small eh. Thanks, it gives me somewhere to start.
  21. SeductiveSounds

    Fi SSD box

    I think 34" is about a half inch too wide for my trunk That 1/2" in width isn't going to impact the volume that much. It'll be like .07Ft3 of less space.
  22. So I am in the market for some batteries. I like the Kinetik, however they are a bit rich for my blood at the moment. $699CDN for a single battery is a little steep. I have access to Stinger and Shuriken batteries at a really good price. The Shuriken batteries look to have similar specs with the Kinetik. I'm just looking for some opinions from others on these batteries. I am looking at the following batteries: 1) Kinetik HC2000 (x4) (one under the hood) 2) Kinetik HC2400 (x3) + HC800 under the hood 3) Shuriken SK-BT100 (x4) (one under the hood) 4) Shuriken SK-BT120 (x3) + SKBT35 under the hood While at Performance World I talked with someone at the Kicker truck about what I was wanting to do, he said that I will only need 2 HC2400. But at the Kinetik booth I needed 4 HC2000. Thanks for the help Edit: I guess I should say what I am planning 2 Sundown SAZ-3000D's or SAZ-3500D's (depending on when I money available) & 2 SAX-100.4's
  23. SeductiveSounds


    For the Stinger and Shuriken I'll be getting them at dealer cost. Why are the Shuriken's no good for under the hood?
  24. SeductiveSounds

    That logo that looks like a "2:"

    Its just a Bass Clef
  25. SeductiveSounds

    Trailblazer help

    That would be the smart thing to do. The truck is not in my possession, it's a customers I'm just trying to whip something up in sketchup