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Everything posted by zdoc

  1. Just curious I want to do a small sealed multiple sub setup using either 4 10s or 8s. I have an sae 1000 for amp. How much cone area does each 8 have?
  2. I started my base mold about a week ago, and popped it out after the second layer. Right now im on my fourth layer for the base, and it seems to be getting really stiff. Probably going to end up doing 2 more layers. I have a question though, does fiberglassing polyiester rope to the inside of the box help stiffen it up? i thought I read about that on here but im not sure.
  3. Well the title states it all. Im looking for one 12 to put in a sealed fiberglass box. For power I have a sundown sae-1000d and i have up to 2 cubic feet to work with. i was thinking of running a ssa icon in 1.2 cf. Anybody have any other suggestions?
  4. I have about 300$ but i dont mind spending a lil more or less. Im keeping my eye on the new mag as well. Anybody know if the icons are shipping yet, it says early september on the page?
  5. zdoc

    grills ??????

    Depending how many layers your baffle is you could inlay the sub so its flush with the outside of the box. It might help solve some of your clearance issues and I think it looks nicer.
  6. zdoc

    real power handling of fi q w/ bp power

    I have a friend who has a 1500d on each of his 15" q's with bp power and their fine. I dont know if the could really take 4000 watts though.
  7. zdoc

    box check 2 15"q

    Got the box built and what do you know it flexes so much. The back wall of the box probably moves about half an inch lol. So box=fail. Do you think 2 2x4s going from top to bottom of the back wall and one connecting the back wall to the front double baffle would be enough to fix this? This would be in a new box by the way. Or should I do double front baffle and double up the rear wall as well? Back wall is the I's and front wall is the \'s. -------- I.........\ I...........\ I............ \ I...............\ ---..............\ ....I...............\ ------------- Sorry for the crude drawing but this is the general shape of the box.
  8. zdoc

    box check 2 15"q

    I scored 2 15"q's of ebay for 405$ So im in the process of designing a new box for them. My box total after speaker and bracing displacement is 11.488cuft. So i need about 137-183 inches of port area. I was thinking a 9inx20in port 25.84 inches long for 30hz. That would leave me 8.798cuft after all displacement with 180 inches of port area. Does this sound good? If not what would you reccomend?
  9. zdoc

    bl 15 recone price?

    I have a fully loaded bl 15 dual 1 but with universal and I am possibly going to get it reconed to dual 2. Can anyone tell me how much that would cost and what is involved in a recone, how do you do it? Btw sub options include cooling, flatwind, universal, daily, and universal. I plan on getting another bl at the same time so it should be fun.
  10. I got the fleks 0 and its bigger than my stinger 0. Also my 8 gauge fleks is basically the same as my kicker 8. The fleks is very nice stuff by the way along with everything else I ordered.
  11. Great company. As for shipping I ordered quite a bit of stuff last thursday and received it on wednesday.
  12. zdoc

    Want to be louder

    What options would you suggest on the ssds with only 1500 watts? I already have a box designed with 7 cuft after all displacement tuned to 33hz with 3 4inch aero ports.
  13. zdoc

    Want to be louder

    Well I got used to my one bl and now I want something louder. My current setup is a memphis 1500d (1500 watts @ 2ohm) pushing one 15" fully loaded bl in 3.8cuft tuned to 32hz. Thats after all displacement. So I have another 1500d sitting in the closet that I want to use as well. I figure I can fit a 7 cuft box maybe 8 if im lucky. What do you guys think I should do, get another 15" bl or sell mine and get something else? I would like to stay with fi subs and this is for a daily setup.
  14. zdoc

    Want to be louder

    Yes I am a member on cf and also frontierboard.com, same username as here to. What about 2 15" q's off of one 1500d? Heres a pic for you two as well.
  15. zdoc

    Want to be louder

    Just for clarification I have 2 memphis 1500ds lol, kind of wish they were sundowns but they work great. I have partial big three because of the current thing on the ground wire, everything else is 0 gauge. What do you want pictures of? I have a picture of my box sub and amp I can send you. There is a 225 amp alternator out for my vehicle but the guy I talked to at ohio gen today said it sounded iffy, so I have to call him back tommorow about one.
  16. zdoc

    Want to be louder

    Right now I have a yellow top and knukonceptz 0 gauge. I plan on getting a ho alternator and another yellow top. How many amps should I look for in an alternator. With my current setup I get a little voltage drop at idle playing constant bass.
  17. zdoc

    First time hearing fi

    Wow. that describes it. Last night I heard a 15" btl ran off of 1500 watts and it was so loud. I just ordered a 15" bl on thursday and if my sub gets any where near as loud as that one im gonna be pretty happy. After getting that little taste of fi im impressed.
  18. zdoc

    First time hearing fi

    I have a memphis 1500d. Big 3 is done, optima yellow top under the hood, and i may add a second battery if needed. There are no ho alternator for my truck. My box is already built 3.8cuft after all displacement tuned @ 32hz. So im just waiting for my sub to come in, probably be here next week I guess. I was just really impressed by that btl. It was louder than 2 ported 12" w7s that I have heard and 2 sealed 15" l7s .
  19. zdoc

    Bl 15

    Well i got a decent amount of money back on my taxes so its time for a new system. I have decided on a bl 15 dual 1 ohm and I just want to make sure i got this right. My enclosure is 3.5 cuft after all displacement tuned to 32hz using two 4" tube ports each 15" long. I also will be using a memphis 1500d (1500 watts at 2 ohms). Does all that sound good? Any advice on what options I should add to the sub when ordering? Thanks guys I appreciate it.
  20. Im designing a new box for the new mag whenever it comes out and im going to stick my current sub in it for now (old 10" circle solo baric). I currently have it all figured out for 1.68 cubic feet. After the sub and port displacement that gives me the recommended 1.5 cubic feet with a 4 inch pvc port that is 19.12 inches long for a tuning of 32hz. Now my problem is that my box isnt long enough (20") for that lenght of port. Could I use 2 2 inch pvc ports each 9.55" to get the same tuning of 32hz? This will be going in my 05 king cab frontier so thats why im kinda limited on space. Also im thinking of putting the sub towards front of vehicle and port up, any advice there for in a truck?
  21. zdoc

    Click to learn about the new Mag

    I have heard good things about the mags but have never heard them before. Do you think 2 of these new mags could be safely ran off a memphis 1500d at 2 ohms. Dont want to be putting to much power to them.