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Everything posted by Cheesemind

  1. Cheesemind


    I don't think you guys understand. Bush and Obama are related. They both are supported by BIG MONEY. They both have allegience to big money. Therefore, they will be doing what the big money wants them to, because big money is what got them elected. You think they're going to do anything for the common people? Of course not. THERE WILL NOT BE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE 2. The only difference is the MANNER IN WHICH they take our freedoms, and centralize government.
  2. Cheesemind


    They barely talked about McCain at all in the media, compared to Obama. Obama went to visit a ton of cities and it was like a major event in every city he went to. McCain didn't come anywhere near us. To me, he's playing a good "fall guy". Also, when I say he's been trained his whole life, I don't mean trained to be a good president. I just mean trained to be charismatic (like Clinton), so that when the time came, he could run for president and win it, so that the elites had public support. He's very eloquent with his speech, which is going to be needed if the elites plan to take away weapons, and attack foreign countries. Without a keen mind to justify the actions, there will not be public support, and that's what they need right now if they want to take weapons away, round up citizens (they will call them terrorists), attack pakistan, etc.
  3. Cheesemind


    Obama is going to win...He is a member of the council on foreign relations and is related to George Bush and Dick Cheney. Their bloodline is interconnected in the places of power, and alot of their family has been president of the united states. He's already been chosen to win, in fact I believe he's been trained his whole life for this very moment. chit's about to hit the fan fellas, you can laugh if you want, but you should buy extra food and ammo while you can.
  4. Cheesemind

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    Several members of my family are as well, I've thought the history behind it was interesting, especially as it relates to the founding of the US, but even though I'm not a member I've always thought the "conspiracy" bent was pretty laughable Yeah, I don't believe it's freemasonry as well. They're just so secretive that it invites hearsay. It probably adds to the allure. I just mention freemasonry because no one seems to care when you blame them. I believe freemasonry is just a brotherhood. In that sense, I do believe they "conspire" to help each other out when needed. Ie, Freemason Judge does what he can to help a freemason lawyer, etc... But that really has nothing to do with the big conspiracy as a whole, but you can't deny some sort of conspiracy. Something like a world government doesn't come out on it's own. It takes many people pushing for it, and doing what they can, whether it's using world unity as the reason to support it, or crashing the economy in order to create a more "stable" currency, the problems are created and then the solution is offered, and by the time it's offered, most people are begging for it so the people like me out there that are like "hey, that's what they wanted the whole time, it's the reason the crisis was there in the first place" are ridiculed, because people are wanting the solution so bad at this point that they just want it done. It's interesting stuff though, better than just believing Fox News, or CNN.
  5. Do I just look for the most amp hours and lowest esl?
  6. What kind of battery should I look for, or should I use a battcap? What would be best for my situation to prevent dimming and keep voltage up?
  7. Can afford anything, but want the best value. No big 3 yet, need to do that too. Only 1 run of 1/0 to the back, I always wondered why this mattered. I notice people listing the runs they have going to the back. What does adding another run do?
  8. Damn, didn't want to have to answer this question. Got the same wal-mart everstart batt up under the hood. Had a yellow optima for the rear, but the shop didn't use it and instead sold me one of their batteries (they look sorta generic). What kind of batteries do you suggest for my application? I eventually want to run the Mojo 4k off this alternator, what kind of batteries should I get?
  9. Anyone know if it's because of the impedance? Or because I'm somehow sucking down that much power?
  10. Cheesemind


    I think it has more to do with the sub than the power. I'm running about 2500 to a Critical Mass UL12, and it sounds great, and doesn't hurt at all, but my friend has 1500 to 2 L7's and they hurt alot more, and were barely louder.
  11. Cheesemind

    New Sundown Amp coming out?

    Yah, there are so many 1000 RMS subs out right now, that this amp would be perfect for that market. Can't wait.
  12. Cheesemind

    Some basic car audio questions, need some advice.

    You already probably know more than me, as I only know what I've read on the internet! Well, I've installed 2 systems now, woot! I think they just mean, are you gonna be going to comps and using fart boxes to achieve max numbers. If you're just wanting a loud system, that plays music, I think that falls under daily driver. Obviously blaring at a sub with max power, to hit a number, is going to be harder on your sub than daily pounding... Usually SPL is tuned higher (to hit that higher frequency that shakes the car the most . Daily systems are tuned lower I think, like 28-35. http://www.caraudiobook.com/car_audio_basi...udio_basics.htm http://bcae1.com/ Try those sites, just found them a few nights ago though, so sorry if they're not what you're lookin for. Good question, I believe they use a program to figure it out. I think the "tuning" is based on port length/width and area, but not exactly sure. Man, good luck on this one Almost everyone I know bought their first system, learned a ton, and then bought a different one. If you're one of the lucky few to pick the stuff he wants right the first time, then I applaud you. I started out at the beginning of this year with 2 audiobahn 12's, and an audiobahn amp. I currently have (3) RE XXX 12", (3) Critical Mass UL12, (1) RE HC 18", (2) RE SE 12", (2) Stereo Integrity BM 12's, (3) Sundown 1000D's, (2) Orion 2500D's, (1) Memphis 4k Mojo, (1) Memphis Belle 1300, (2) JL a4300, (2) Phoenix Gold Xenon 200.4's, I'm tired of listing, got more... This is a horrible addiction, watch out. But I think you are going a good route, getting high quality gear your first time around, but again you can do well with only 1000, if you're just talking sub amp, and subs. If you're talking everything, including wires, batteries, upgrades, etc, noway. And as for good subs, good as in what. Pure loudness? Or sounds good while getting loud? My friend has 2 kicker L7 12" that is louder than my one Critical Mass UL12 (not by much), but he heard the Cmass and would trade in a second (and he considers himself a basshead). I think it's because alot of people listen to rap, where long sine wave notes are common. Plus, most people have their stuff profesionally installed, and the installers have to warranty their work. So they're gonna try to pick the amp that will most likely not blow the sub. Plus if you consider that most people turn the gains all the way up, it could turn a 1500 RMS amp into an amp that puts out the same heat as a 3000 RMS amp, when clipped. I don't know the exact math behind this I wish I did. If you know what you're doing though, most people DO suggest getting a bigger than RMS amp, so you have headroom to really learn the max of the sub yourself, without trusting the published specs which might be set low in order to prevent warranty work I ended up getting scared (as at the time I knew absolutely nothing, even less than now lol), and paying the shop to do mine. Spent alot more money, and ended up learning to do it myself anyways. But it's all relative. Bill Gates has no problem paying people to do his install for him. Someone who works hard for their money would probably do best to learn to do it himself. You might make a mistake, but you learn fastest from those anyways.
  13. Cheesemind

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    Yah, no real point hiding in a bunker anyways, since you won't be able to survive long enough in the bunkers if they were to use something like nuclear weapons. Only the underground cities and Deep Underground Military Bases are able to sustain themselves for years. Also, people who survived wouldn't be living like cavemen. Technology would still be there, as would knowledge and science. If they were to kill everyone, and people would lose everything, then yes, it would be a dumb theory to implement. But if technology survives, and the knowledge survives, then the people who survived could live pretty well IMO, as long as they didn't permanently damage the atmosphere. But yes, dumb theory. Here's another: Project Lucifer -- Based on the theory that the planets are hollow and can be entered via the north or south poles. They take a space ship, load it with plutonium, fly it into the center of Saturn or Jupiter, and then blow it up and hopefully cause a nuclear reaction strong enough to turn the GAS planet into a 2nd SUN. This sun would be called "Messiah", and would cause debris to enter the earths atmosphere burning to the ground and killing most everything on the surface. People only need to survive underground for a few weeks to outlast the debris storm, and then they can come out of the bunkers (like a phoenix rising from the ashes) and start the new world. http://www.rinf.com/news/nov05/lucifer-project.html This conspiracy IMO is far less plausible, but still interesting nonetheless...
  14. Cheesemind

    1.5cf @ 32Hz for a RE SR10

    What's the advantage of making the port look like a maze like that? How does that affect the sound? Sorry if this is a noob question.
  15. Cheesemind

    Another Icon Enclosure

    Is there a way to tell what type of design would be best for the woofer that I'm about to use? Or do people just find this out through trial and error? I have a few 05 RE XXX 12", and a few Critical Mass UL12, and I'm wanting a box that will maximize it's SPL for a single sub. Is there any way to know which design would probably be the loudest for the single sub application on 2000 RMS? Or do I just have to look for people who have used these subs to know?
  16. Cheesemind

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    And here, that's the way it's done. This isn't the mainstream media, this isn't CA.com. I don't really care what's allowed there or not, that's why I'm not posting there anymore Cool, I don't wish to upset anyone here, for sure. I just noticed that the bashing of everything seemed to be allowed, so I tested the waters to revealing some hidden information and got banned for it. Lesson learned, I'll leave it strictly freemasonic for now, no problem. The information is interesting to me, and not many people know about any of it because there's a ton of effort to keep it hidden. That's the only reason I share it. If it makes people research for themselves, then it's worth it, as everyone could use a little more education about how the world really works, and the mechanisms behind it. But I understand that this isn't America, where you're supposed to have the freedom of speech to protect the absolute truth. As any private property, it can be run however the owner wishes to run it I appreciate the warning though, it was one more than I received on that other dreaded site.
  17. Cheesemind

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    For the same reason that you'd be banned if you blamed the world's problems on black people? So they must have their own conspiracy, too. See why people don't get behind that kind of logic? That ends here...talk about us never landing on the moon, talk about how to construct the best tin foil hats, but if it devolves into degrading a religion, belief system or group of people it doesn't belong here, period. You must be joking right? You hear about degrading the islamic religion on a daily basis, on our very news and comedy shows. You can talk about scientology without any reprocussion! But you talk about the Jewish religion and there's a huge backlash. I respect your line of thought, but it should be enforced uniformly in that case, as everyone should be protected, not just the Jews. The Christian religion is bashed on a daily basis, but you don't see people getting too upset about it. But at the same time, talking negatively about "black people" is allowed on CA.COM, as is bashing the Christian religion or anything else. If the "Jewish" topic was off limits, they should have told me, and I would have stopped. I would hope I would get a warning when delving into "taboo" subjects. You would think absolute truth is more important than possibly offending a guilty party by revealing the truth. The simple fact is there is brainwashing to the effect of making certain topics taboo as far as academic discussions, and I believe the intentions are to cover up the truth, and not so much to protect the feelings of those who might become offended. Here is a website that goes into it a little deeper: http://www.politicallyincorrect.me.uk/ "This site highlights the folly and dangers of Political Correctness and how it is continually changing our lives for the worse."
  18. Cheesemind

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    That's strange that you mention that, because "numerology" is big in the occult world, and that's what doing that is. Seeing numerological significances in things. I think they use it because you can hide meanings in words or events using numbers, and those people with the "code", will understand a different meaning from the content than someone who can only read the words. Here's an interesting site that tells you some interesting things about your name using numerology: http://www.paulsadowski.com/NameData.asp Here's an interesting page about the numerology associated with 911: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardt...ade_centers.htm It's pretty cool when you look into it! the first link is pretty cool i typed my name and all of it describes me to the dot Yah mine was accurate too. Pretty crazy eh
  19. Cheesemind

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    I didn't start chit with anyone on CA.COM. I started talking about the conspiracy in the Lounge over there where supposedly "anything goes", and people were calling me a "chink" and using racist slurs, but I started revealing information about the Jewish conspiracy and had a bunch of people attack me and ban me without reason. They literally had no reason when they banned me, and I found out later that the admin says he was Jewish and that's why he banned me. My crime there was revealing information that certain admins didn't want on the board. I just wish I would have gotten a warning, because having been in the Lounge for quite a while, I noticed there wasn't anything that was supposed to be "off limits" when it came to the topics of conversation. If they would have told me not to talk about Jews or a Jewish conspiracy I would have listened. I just got banned instantly though, permanently. Things like that is what makes me believe it's a Jewish conspiracy rather than a Freemasonry conspiracy. I can talk about freemasonry being behind it on a message board all I want, but if I mention Jewish connections, I get banned pretty fast. Why is that?
  20. Cheesemind

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    That's strange that you mention that, because "numerology" is big in the occult world, and that's what doing that is. Seeing numerological significances in things. I think they use it because you can hide meanings in words or events using numbers, and those people with the "code", will understand a different meaning from the content than someone who can only read the words. Here's an interesting site that tells you some interesting things about your name using numerology: http://www.paulsadowski.com/NameData.asp Here's an interesting page about the numerology associated with 911: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardt...ade_centers.htm It's pretty cool when you look into it!
  21. Cheesemind

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    Yeah Cheesemind is from CA.com...don't know why he is bringing his little jokes over here. I dunno, because it's interesting? Just sharing the interesting things I've read, hoping that some would find it as interesting as the other threads in the "Off Topic" section. To me, the idea of an occult conspiracy to take over the world covertly, is intriguing. Especially when you start to research and find out that it's very plausible. I'm not just into conspiracies though. As you can see, I like car audio too.
  22. Cheesemind

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    I appreciate your comments, and I know I sound crazy, as most people haven't done any research. Do you work for the government though? Cause I"d like to know how you know the level of technology they are at now, they seem to hide it from regular people. Are you referring to the visible military technology currently in use? I watched a discovery channel show about laser guided bullets. Which bombs are you talking about, the ones used in 1942? I didn't mean to offend you with my comment. I do think it's a bit of a silly conspiracy, but most all of us have some crazy thing we believe in, don't we? I do work for the government, but at the state level . So no, I don't truly know the limit of the technology in weapons that we now have. But.....I just don't think it could happen, because of the limit on the number of bombs we could physically have, the astronomical odds that they could bomb everybody basically simultaneously, and why anybody would actually want to do it. I mean, I believe that the earth has become overly crowded with humans and sometimes think we'd be better off if something like 90% of the population disappeared, but I would never actually think it could or would be done, or advocate it happening at all. Yeah, I would think it wouldn't be worth it too. If you're super rich, wouldn't you want to keep the world the same, because the way it is now, they have all the power. But there are just pieces of evidence that can lead one to believe something isn't right. Population control is pushed pretty strongly in various forms (and some say rightly so). There are constant wars, which definitely help keep the population down, on top of dictators who kill their own citizens. Have you seen the Georgia Guidestones? http://www.radioliberty.com/stones.htm That's just one piece, but it should make you wonder. Research into Illuminati or Freemasonry reveals the Occult have been influencing things for a long time. Just look at the street map of washington DC. The roads are made in the shape of occult symbols. If you've ever met anyone who's been there, most people there think the way the roads are made are strange. But have you looked at an overview map of it? http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/chapter3/ Kinda weird, don't you think? The city was made so long ago, way before the religion of "Satanism". Yet the symbols in the design represent what some consider to be "satanic symbols". I dunno, am I just paranoid?
  23. Cheesemind

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    I appreciate your comments, and I know I sound crazy, as most people haven't done any research. Do you work for the government though? Cause I"d like to know how you know the level of technology they are at now, they seem to hide it from regular people. Are you referring to the visible military technology currently in use? I watched a discovery channel show about laser guided bullets. Which bombs are you talking about, the ones used in 1942?
  24. Cheesemind

    Need advice...is this FAIR?

    I don't think it looks bad giving him an option to settle it before court (it actually looks better in a civil case if you give them a way out before going to trial). The main thing is, make sure you have the bill, and ask him to pay it or settle with the merchandise. He might think you are a scammer at this point (getting a high estimate from a dealership in order to use it to scam gear), but if he refuses, then go pay for the repair. This shows that it wasn't a scam, and you were merely offering a solution. Go in again, after you have paid for the repair, and ask him again with receipt for the repair in hand. This time, he will know it wasn't a scam, because you paid for the repair. You're giving him a way out. If he still doesn't do this he's a moron. Make sure you document the days you make the offers to settle, because those look good in court. Make note of any witnesses, because if it goes to trial, you want to be able to list witnesses to your offers to settle before court. You should also take a witness or 2, and document (write names) of people at the shop who are there to witness the offers. Make sure to document the dates. You can beat the civil case by default (winning automatically without having to prove your case), by using a common law default (which is how debt collectors win their court cases). You write up an affidavit of the facts (only facts, not opinions or conclusions) of the night they screwed up your vehicle, and you write the facts point by point, line by line. You get it notarized, and then you mail it certified to him. If he doesn't respond by counter-affidavit, countering your facts point by point, then those "facts" become uncontested in court. He who says nothing, appears to consent. If he doesn't respond in 30 days countering your affidavit, those facts become uncontested in a court of law (meaning established already, meaning you will win automatically because by not responding, he's admitted guilt). After those 30 days, you send another notarized letter, giving him another 20 days to respond, and in this letter, make your offer of settling out of court for the items, and tell him you're only offering this to spare his and your time, and to give him a cheaper way to resolve the issue. In this letter, make sure to note the dollar amount you're asking for, if he doesn't take your offer of gear. This will be a bonus to the 30 day affidavit, as the court will see it as making a good faith effort to resolve the issue without going to court (this is really an issue that they look at seriously). The judge, having seen the facts undisputed (I doubt he will be able to dispute the facts in the correct format without a lawyer, and since you will be sending the letter to him personally, he probably won't even know he has to respond) will look at the facts (which he can't argue later, because he should have argued it in the response-affidavit) and then look at the other letter you sent giving him an out, and 20 more days, and will award you default judgement. He has no other option at that point. More than likely he won't even show up to court because he knows he's guilty, and you'll win a default judgement anyways, but I went ahead and explained the process so you can get started if you wanted to go that route. BTW, I know this works because I used it to sue my uncle for items he stole from me. I couldn't prove it to the cops because there wasn't any proof, so they couldn't file criminal charges. I wrote the affidavit declaring the facts as I knew them, and he didn't respond to them, thereby making them TRUE IN A COURT OF LAW. He automatically lost by default, because he didn't respond to the affidavit, or the follow up letter. GL, and msg me if you need help. Sorry for the novel.
  25. Cheesemind

    From: Amp Clipping

    Damn that sucks. They probably had to take it out cause it was blowing computer speakers, lol.