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Everything posted by SpeakerBoy

  1. SpeakerBoy

    What subs to buy

    Dude!! Scientific impossibility. "This" summer just passed, and you can't go backwards in time. I think you meant "Next" summer. I just needed to point that out.... Also, I say, save your money now, and do it right later. But if you have to spend now, look at the SSA dcon.
  2. SpeakerBoy

    Fi Q Contest Winner.

    Come on mane! I needs to claim my woofa...But really, who won?
  3. What is da plan for the XXX 18? i say big box+low tune (25-28hz). But thats just me.
  4. SpeakerBoy

    Se 15s

    To solve the first problem, learn basic grammar Not to be an ass, it just makes it a little easier for us to read. Plus, we're detail-aholics. The more info you give, the better we can help. Thanks!
  5. SpeakerBoy

    Mmmm..split coils.

    Split coil makes me think "two magnets?" Either way, sounds nifty!
  6. SpeakerBoy

    Am i wrong here?

    How is the amp in a good hu any different in the noise adding department than a "budget" amplifier, other than the fact you can get more spl out of an externally amplified setup? Based on your technology improves statement, the amplifiers in the newer hu's would also create less noise and put out more power... Tell me why a hu's internal amp is "crappy" other than the mere fact that it puts out only 19wrms... You people still seem to believe that louder = better sound, which is not the case. As I have said before, some of the best speakers I have ever heard are powered by 50wrms. Some of the shittiest speakers I have ever hear are powered by 200wrms... Lolz. . Grow a pair and admit you're wrong! With more power coming from an ampifier, there is a higher level of CLEAN power. While the headunit MIGHT put out 50w, it's clipped to shit. A clean 50w will sound better whether its focal, or pyle!
  7. OMG I bet i could fart louder than those JL's, in that 'shelf' You insult me. What you posted is insulting. Apologies for such a harsh comment, I was having quite the bad day (I got dropped from AP physics because of a new kid who "needed it". School sucks )
  8. Out of curiosity, explain M5?
  9. SpeakerBoy

    I want to play a game....

  10. OMG I bet i could fart louder than those JL's, in that 'shelf' You insult me.
  11. SpeakerBoy

    Lincolns vs. Crown vics

    So. i have been wondering, what is better for bass. An '02 lincoln towncar, or the 89 crown vic. both have trunks the size of a small house, and both guzzle gas. But what would be the better choice? For the sake of argument, both are show off cars, music-wise, and for looks, both would sit on 22" blades (or maybe spokes for the Linc). The intention is a low-end beast. crushing lows. For whichever you choose, list the setup you would think is best for the space available. I am considering one or the other as a 2nd, 3rd, or maybe 4th car after I run in the bug. I would like the lincoln, but my concern is that, I lack the experience in cars to treat it the right way, i'm very clumsy, and I would be horrified if the interior of my lincoln got trashed. The vic is less flashy, but the it only gets 10-12mpg, and its very heavy. What rims would you choose for either? Thanks for the feedback, -Chris Oh and, goal is 145dB+ on music.
  12. SpeakerBoy

    Linear array transducers...

    what is this: http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=299-850 And how the hell do i use one?
  13. SpeakerBoy

    Just Curious

  14. SpeakerBoy

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    This should be good. I always like to see four 18's together.
  15. SpeakerBoy

    more speakers

  16. SpeakerBoy

    how to get louder?

    Make your ground the same size as power for one, i find in most trunk cars i play in, closer to the back is louder, to the ear at least. your box looks pretty big though, so it might be getting choked. try flipping it facing up, or into the cabin, if into the cabing is better, you can further improve by sealing off the trunk.
  17. SpeakerBoy

    Dails Tuning

    I built a box with my friend, tuned @27hz, i loved it cuz it played every note down to 25hz, loud and proud. with a $30 woofer. then he put a half stick of dynamite in it and blew it up a month later cuz it didn't fit in his mustang. Dumbass....
  18. SpeakerBoy

    should i run mayhem 12"s

    Dude, my microwave probably puts out more power than that amp And if you think there are no other woofers that can handle that, you need to do more than 30 seconds of research before doing something x2, i agree with M5
  19. SpeakerBoy

    Parameters of older BTL, double slug

    I'd think, at powerful as the BTLs are, even the old ones, it would shred itself in a bandpass.
  20. SpeakerBoy

    What do you think of a 18" Nightshade for the hometheater?

    I'd do it, but i know nothing about home theater. In my head, more Xmax, and more power means louder, in the correct encolsure however. Then T/S parameters and room acoustics factor into it.
  21. SpeakerBoy

    Lincolns vs. Crown vics

    Is part of my thread gone? i could have sworn i posted a reply to M5's suggestion to spend about as much as the subs, for a front stage.
  22. SpeakerBoy

    advice on some serious bs?

    I have to agree with the fact that subs in your trunk garuntees a ticket, but you can at least call him a traitor. but wait. What sub-lover would give another bumper a ticket? bull dude, bull. He's just bustin your nuts. I say, pay the ticket, crank it in the parking lot, and haul ass outta there.
  23. SpeakerBoy

    Lincolns vs. Crown vics

    *pukes* Can you write an actual sentence or are you only capable of ellipses? 2 ohm components are a marketing gimic and not helpful in your overall plan, the RE's do NOT have especially good midbass, I'd "love" to see you put 300wrms to their tweeter, and who cares about power when your efficiency is crap. All in all that was not a good recommendation at least for the reasons cited. Oh the CDT's you picked out surely won't have midbass though. M5, what would you recommend as a front stage for ~$350 or under? that price is just for speakers, i will use the according sundown amps for highs, for sure, but the sub amp is either a SAZ-3000D (if i can find one used) a SAZ-3500D, or an Audioque 3500D. I have my heart set on Xcons. I am looking for crystal clear sound, without breaking the bank. When i crank the subs, i want to hear the words, loud and proud. Not just tearing up my ears, but actually sounding good. I hear good things about Seas tweets and Peerless mids. Here is that ridiculous car with the giant rims: http://www.hiphopcars.com/cars/40_inch_rims.jpg Totally random, i flipped on the tv and Michael Moore's "Sicko" was on. Cuba, whom we were all taught to dislike, has far superior healthcare. Castro is entirely evil i guess. For our $7k per person medical costs, they have $245. I'm pretty disappointed. Anyway, yeah where is Jon?
  24. SpeakerBoy


    Separately, you have to match the gains, which can be difficult, see as setting the gain 1/2 way on both doesnt necessarily mean they are putting out the same power. i say strapped, cuz im lazy. What's your electrical like?
  25. SpeakerBoy

    Lincolns vs. Crown vics

    That gave me a good laugh. Come on now the spokes walk all over the blades. I think the blades were a one hit wonder man. Spokes have been nicely rooted for years. As for the cars it would be the linc. I had an 87 linc and Id rather have it a little newer. The 02 is gonna have so much better acoustics to start with than the 89. Its 13 years older. Easy choice for me. ...and where the hell is big jon?! Sooo...what'll it be? Thats what i'm wondering. Incidentally, has anyone seen pictures of that ridiculous purple car on 40" rims?