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Everything posted by SpeakerBoy

  1. SpeakerBoy

    Jet Set Radio Future

    You've played the game? Edit: I'm not calling you old
  2. SpeakerBoy

    Jet Set Radio Future

    :gasp: i had the double disc with my first xbox, now that i got another (still the original ) i only have the JSRF disc. Loved Sega GT, when i wasnt playing JSRF or sleeping, i was playing that.
  3. SpeakerBoy

    New Hyundai Demo SUV Enclosure by PTS

    You should tune stupid low.... Either way, should be sick
  4. SpeakerBoy

    treo ssp's

    Yup, 23 more posts. Read the rules about buying and selling too.
  5. SpeakerBoy

    Building a Transmission line

    Did you build that just for me? Thats monstrous, for a 10" woofer...... Does she sound good?
  6. SpeakerBoy

    Worst Movie You've Ever Seen

    It was like a train wreck, i couldn't look away only reason i watched it is because there were hot girls in it
  7. SpeakerBoy

    new box build by (iamamp3pimp and me)

    yea, i want to paint it like a piano finish Damn thats nice
  8. SpeakerBoy

    Building a Transmission line

    No, It doesn't has a chamber at all, just a port. You can calculate port lenght by using this formula. 1125(=speed of sound) divided by the desired tuning and then divided by 4. Example: 1125/27=41,67ft 41.67ft /4 =10,417ft This is how long the port needs to be.(10.417ft or 125.00400 inches) Then you need to figure out port area, measure the cone from the surround(inside of it) to surround, then divide by two and take the square of that number and multiply by Pi(3,1415926535897932384626433832795) example(12 inch sub,with a 10inch radius cone): 10/2=5 5²=25 25xPi=25x3,1415926535897932384626433832795=78sq inches of port area. So for a 12 inch sub you need 78sq inches of port area and a lenght of 125 inches. You can also add some stuffing to make the Tline sound less peakier, but this is trail and error. You can fold the Line, so the enclosure looks smaller and thicker. A raw Tline with no dampening added is more efficient then a normal ported box tuned to the same frequency.(i have tested it myself) @Duran, yes a enclosure tuned to 27hz is huge even for a Ten inch sub. How huge? give me a mental picture to work with
  9. SpeakerBoy

    Worst Movie You've Ever Seen

    It was like a train wreck, i couldn't look away
  10. SpeakerBoy

    vegascarshow 013.JPG

    Doesn't look that loud....
  11. SpeakerBoy

    Plum Creek Mdf

    Never heard of it, but it sounds tasty
  12. SpeakerBoy

    Building a Transmission line

    Transmission line is basically a driver in a port, with as little actual chamber volume as possible; correct?
  13. SpeakerBoy

    How to pronounce company name

    Those are acronyms? Care to explain em? I was thinking: SSD = Super Simple Driver. Q = Quality. BL = motor strength. BTL = delicious
  14. SpeakerBoy


  15. SpeakerBoy

    What is your favorite breakfast?

    Thanks. I wouldn't call it a problem though, but instead an opportunity. This thread is not only about Christmas but expanding my ideas for breakfast in general. Anything that you all really like I feel I should add to my repertoire or at least try it twice to see if I'll like it. I am good with all other meals, but pretty generic around breakfast / brunch time. That just sounds extra smart for no reason I'm way late for christmas, but i personally like Eggs In a Nest
  16. SpeakerBoy

    Zombie land

    Totally kidding....?
  17. SpeakerBoy

    Argent Audio Goes Shopping :)

    Can i borrow teh saw Nice stuff
  18. SpeakerBoy

    Addiction sucks.

    Couldn't agree more.
  19. SpeakerBoy

    Addiction sucks.

    My parents are toying with the idea of sending me to a place in Indiana for 6-9 months It's main focus isn't actually drugs though
  20. SpeakerBoy

    i have not been around much

    Drug game
  21. SpeakerBoy

    LVL 4 15's

    You could do subs back, and have some aero's come off the side with an elbow aiming it to the back.
  22. SpeakerBoy

    sealed and ported?

    No, stop it. Icon owns those all day.
  23. SpeakerBoy

    How much power is considered to much?

    you don't even have a car... x2
  24. SpeakerBoy

    Now Playing!

    Gorilla Zoe - Walk with a waddle Makes me feel like i'm bumpin in my headphones