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Everything posted by SpeakerBoy

  1. SpeakerBoy

    Soccer field build log 14k square feet*

    Holy turf... Nice job!
  2. SpeakerBoy

    Happy Birthday to Denim!!

    happy birthday!
  3. SpeakerBoy

    help with dp 21's

    Six warden 21's, two per amp, subs up port back @ 28hz
  4. SpeakerBoy

    IA Birthday Cake FTMFW!!!!

    Holy cake batman! Thats friggin' awesome
  5. SpeakerBoy

    Steel Enclosure

    Doesn't Alan Dante use a concrete box for his DDZ?
  6. SpeakerBoy

    Hello from Sunnyvale, CA

  7. SpeakerBoy

    fi ssd shaking garage

  8. SpeakerBoy

    Does anyone know the res frq of a 01 Grand AM?

    ^^ What he said Aeros would be perfect for that.
  9. SpeakerBoy

    Would adding fans help?

    I think fans are a good idea, either way.
  10. SpeakerBoy

    i want loud!!!

    Sounds like someone has the bassbug...
  11. SpeakerBoy

    Enclosure Build for CoCook83 (One 12 Inch SSA DCON)

    Specs? Nice work!
  12. SpeakerBoy

    AudioQue AQ20k

    Looks legit, no warranty though.
  13. SpeakerBoy

    98 neon build!!!

    Nice catch. That could be an issue
  14. SpeakerBoy

    good tunning 8" 500rms

    38hz is too high for SQ imo...
  15. SpeakerBoy

    Does anyone know the res frq of a 01 Grand AM?

    What are your listening preferences?
  16. SpeakerBoy

    I'm bein told i can't beat Bola... in MECA

    How much power will you be running?
  17. SpeakerBoy

    Legit Site?

    Audio Enhancers JUG12D Dual 12" Slot Ported Sub Box - 2.32 cf per sub ShipSound.com You say moar port?
  18. SpeakerBoy

    DOGY loves MUSIC

    My puppy sniffs out the subwoofer, and just sits right down in front of it.
  19. Well it is a normal ported box. Owned.
  20. SpeakerBoy

    Slowed down

    I am pretty sure it is pinned at Tunez. Thank you, got it.
  21. SpeakerBoy

    Slowed down

    What are some good rap songs to slow down for lower/better bass?
  22. SpeakerBoy

    2 18s vs 4 15s vs 2 21s

    ^^This post made me nauseous .... Read the rules before posting again.