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Everything posted by SpeakerBoy

  1. SpeakerBoy

    2013 Chrysler 300 (Fi, Crescendo, SSA)

    I was asking about the 300. He has the Sundowns/Morels in the 300.
  2. SpeakerBoy

    Whoops forget to check in.

    Welcome to the forum
  3. SpeakerBoy

    2013 Chrysler 300 (Fi, Crescendo, SSA)

    Where do you have those Morels crossed at?
  4. You'll want shorter power wires. Try relocating the amps so that you can keep grounds under 18" long. The shorter the better. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/62974-is-my-electrical-sufficient-and-powerground-question/ You don't need to make a duplicate thread asking the same question.
  5. SpeakerBoy

    Team Ascendant Audio 18"

    Same here.
  6. SpeakerBoy

    Sundown SCV-4000D Amp Dyno Test

  7. SpeakerBoy

    VIOLENT Bass Demo! 4 SSA 18's On 4 Nendo 5500s

    What have you guys created o.o
  8. SpeakerBoy

    Weird Website selling subwoofers?

    Payment in iTunes giftcards? Lol...
  9. SpeakerBoy

    Help with SP4 18" Box build

    You'll have to do forward firing to make that work if that is in a sedan.
  10. SpeakerBoy

    SANdowns vErsus DEEcee!!1!

    Welcome aboard =]
  11. SpeakerBoy

    4th order or wall for 18's

    Why do you want a bandpass?
  12. Salty ._. Wish I had the moneys.
  13. SpeakerBoy

    2 sa 15s 130 db

    Why does it matter? Not to mention, that's a pretty low goal o.O If you're interested in competition, there's plenty on this site to learn from. Many successful competitors. Simple answer: way too many variables to answer that. Vehicle, enclosure, electrical, to name a few.
  14. SpeakerBoy

    JL W6W12 Advice

    What I think he's saying is, from the way you put it, you want louder, not necessarily cleaner sounding. Plenty of cheaper options than a pair of JL's especially since you're already concerned with whether or not it will be loud enough.
  15. SpeakerBoy

    4th order for x10?

    Bandpass is meant to provide an even response over a small range. It's not magically louder. Stick with ported.
  16. SpeakerBoy


  17. SpeakerBoy

    BTL UFO motor styles pie vs single plate

    I have the pie motor, aren't those cooling channels?
  18. SpeakerBoy

    Soundqubed Stick

    I bet he's trying to say that they are good woofers for being the bottom line.
  19. SpeakerBoy

    Not Ready to Give up on FI yet. what would you do?

    Battery > Cap. A cap won't help nearly as much as you'd think.
  20. SpeakerBoy

    Team Ascendant Audio 18"

    Why did you end up listing it for sale?
  21. SpeakerBoy

    cs 1100.4 stable on 16v

    Which is it, 14, or 16?