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Everything posted by SpeakerBoy

  1. SpeakerBoy

    Happy Birthday Speaker boy

    Very much so; learning about speakers keeps me out of trouble, and on the right track. Without SSA, I don't know where I'd be!
  2. SpeakerBoy

    Happy Birthday Speaker boy

    Thank you all =)
  3. SpeakerBoy

    ARMYKYLE1's Blazer build! GFY it's slowwww

    Any updates? Excited to see the finished product
  4. SpeakerBoy

    Happy Birthday Speaker boy

    Thank you
  5. SpeakerBoy

    Trunk 4th order build

    Looks awesome
  6. SpeakerBoy

    6 18's 60k Yukon

    Christ the enclosure alone adds almost a ton?!
  7. SpeakerBoy

    Kents 08 Lexus ES350 Build

    Looking great so far!!
  8. yah man. i didnt know anyone else in this area was on this forum lol I live in Indiana, but my friend attends SIUe, I keep trying to get him to join; you should give him a demo, but tell him you won't unless he joins lol
  9. SpeakerBoy

    6 18's 60k Yukon

    Gorgeous truck =)
  10. My friend just saw your car parked and texted me a pic rofl "He's like, it looked low so I creeped a bit and it's walllllled :O" You go to siu?
  11. SpeakerBoy

    07 Passat daily driver, Fi BL12 6th order

    Looking very good
  12. SpeakerBoy

    Lil project

    Tuned in
  13. SpeakerBoy

    Thinking of switching sub setup..

    Buy a new six inch aero, and place a wood block or two inside the existing enclosure, maybe even add overkill bracing to lower volume, no doubt cheaper than a new box.
  14. SpeakerBoy

    External PA Speaker?

    Genuinely curious, what's the purpose for these? Shows?
  15. I am quickly becoming overwhelmed trying to plan a box for my BTL. I want to rebuild, as my current box is water damaged and pretty ugly at that; not to mention, it's tiny; 5cu @ 34 before displacement, and the port is small as well, 4" x 15.5" (it was free with my woofer) My max dimensions are 34"x26"x23", and i'm aiming for a pretty low tuning, thinking 28-30hz, I like a lot of slowed music, Decaf, etc. I have a local builder, but I haven't seen any of his work in some time, so I'd feel better walking in with a design in hand, and simply having him make the cuts and assemble it. It'll end up in an SUV, so I'm thinking sub up port back, same as my current box. Would anyone here be willing to help me come up with a design?
  16. SpeakerBoy

    Sub enclosure software iPhone

    29-33hz is usually pretty good.
  17. SpeakerBoy

    T-line for 3 SSA DCON 12's ???

    Why do you want a Transmission line?
  18. SpeakerBoy

    A Icon on 400 wrms.

    Plug the port and run it sealed.
  19. SpeakerBoy

    Xcon 18 Sub Up Port Back

    My box for my BTL is very similar and I don't have any issues.
  20. SpeakerBoy

    Xcon 18 Sub Up Port Back

    It actually tends to be louder sub up port back in SUV's. happy thumpin'
  21. SpeakerBoy

    Decent replacement for Sony Midbass woofer?

    If you had to ask in the first place, you have no room to tell everyone who says it won't work, that they are wrong.
  22. SpeakerBoy

    Ethos and Trident preorder

    No teasers?
  23. SpeakerBoy

    2013 Chrysler 300 (Fi, Crescendo, SSA)

    Excellent so far, can't wait to see moar