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Everything posted by SpeakerBoy

  1. SpeakerBoy

    Aloha everyone

    Depends on the note in question
  2. SpeakerBoy

    Aloha everyone

    I have a Fi BTL 18d2, fully loaded. Low punches, or kicks can sound empty like that below tuning . I think it's something to do with not enough holdind it back at the end of its stroke so it weakens the sound if that makes sense. I've found that I prefer a much lower tuning, and a strong midbass setup to make up for the woofer's lack of dexterity in that region. You've come to the right place to learn some stuff =)
  3. SpeakerBoy

    Aloha everyone

    That last note is pretty low, I'd say thats the woofer getting beat up below tuning. Hence the weaker sound. I'm tuned several hz lower than you and I'm still reaching a bit for that note. If the higher tuning is what sounds and feels better, what I think the next step is is evaluating the box itself, placement and port placement; maybe more surface area could bring you what you're after.
  4. SpeakerBoy

    Aloha everyone

    Welcome to SSA 38hz is actually a pretty high tuning. When does your woofer makes that hollow sound?
  5. SpeakerBoy

    One or two 15s?

    They'd struggle to perform properly in too small of an enclosure.
  6. SpeakerBoy

    One or two 15s?

    I mean, in a good way
  7. SpeakerBoy


    Had a AQ2200.1 on a pair of Type R's a few years ago, it was a solid performer. Would be happy to own another. However, the Hifonics wins my vote for equivalent performance, and being half the price lol
  8. SpeakerBoy

    sealed off trunk help

    The trunk adds a pseudo bandpass effect, likely boosting what feels quieter now. What's your box tuned to?
  9. SpeakerBoy

    sealed off trunk help

    It's a different kind of sound than the boom you're used to firing off the trunk. In my friends cougar it didn't feel as loud, but it sounded much cleaner and this was only with a pair of kicker comp 12's sealed in 4 cubes on 300w.
  10. SpeakerBoy


    Hifonics brx2000 served my brother and I well. Not very expensive either.
  11. SpeakerBoy

    i need help choosing my sub/amp

    What about working on your front stage and electrical before adding the sub? Front stage can be a mission in and of itself. And you don't need a four inch coil to get mean =)
  12. SpeakerBoy

    How can I hit lower notes?

    Single eighteen is double the area without needing double the power. That'll help dig low
  13. SpeakerBoy

    B2 tahoe

    very nice.
  14. SpeakerBoy

    Help with wood choice?

    I built some enclosures out of 1" acrylic (plexiglass) in the mid 90's for some Focal woofers in a car audio install. It seemed to sound fine, but is a lot of work, took forever, I ruined a ton of material and spent hours buffing out scratches... It was also expensive then, I can only imagine now... I really really want to swap my basket out for a TI on my btl when I eventually recone it, would you mind if I messaged you about the details of building a plexi box when I do so?
  15. SpeakerBoy

    Help with windows 8

    Windows eight is a mistake =( leave the blocky display on smartphones and tablets. My lumia 900 was nice. My friend's new laptop was a headache to learn.
  16. SpeakerBoy

    Help with wood choice?

    Those Sonus Faber speakers are a pleasure to look at o.o While building materials are being brought up, is lexan/plexi an acoustically appropriate material for an enclosure, if it was the primary building material (not a window). /endthreadjack
  17. SpeakerBoy

    Help with wood choice?

    The two best materials are mdf or baltic birch plywood. That would be my opinion. If you want you can build it out of any kind of wood.But a ply wood would be better then solid wood. I wouldn't recommend the other woods. Why wouldn't solid wood be a good choice? Acoustics, or cutting difficulties?
  18. SpeakerBoy

    Perfect8 Audio

    lol one of the reviews said while the price is otherworldly, so is the sound
  19. SpeakerBoy

    Perfect8 Audio

    Has anyone ever had a chance to hear a set of Perfect8's? Was just doing a search on glass speaker enclosures as I think a BTL with a TI basket would look obscene in a lexan or glass enclosure, however impractical; and I ran across Perfect8. They are gorgeous, especially the Force; and knowing youtube can do any speaker no justice, I was curious if they really live up to that offensive price tag. http://www.perfect8.com/force.htm
  20. SpeakerBoy

    How can I hit lower notes?

    You've come to the right place to learn =)
  21. SpeakerBoy

    Perfect8 Audio

    I can't say exactly, that's a pretty hefty number for any set really. Hence why I was curious if anyone's ever heard a set. Every article and review I've found on them seems to say they sound damn near, if not, the same as the original performance. I kinda feel like it's the same deal with critical mass, they know they make a good product, so they price it accordingly. Cosmetics is really what's hard to replicate here I'd say, a skilled DIY'er could likely reproduce that kind of sound. Certainly someone more skilled than myself lol
  22. SpeakerBoy

    Perfect8 Audio

    I didn't expect to hear that anyone has had experience with these, as they run like 560 grand a set, but I couldn't help but be curious. They certainly look lovely.
  23. SpeakerBoy

    How can I hit lower notes?

    I asked what it was set at? Not to adjust.. There is only two settings...Just being safe lol. I get greedy for the low notes myself, and have beaten up several woofers trying to chase a lower note
  24. SpeakerBoy

    How can I hit lower notes?

    Telling him to adjust his subsonic without knowing what his box is tuned to is asking for trouble. However, if you can take measurements of the box, width, height, depth, and port dimensions, including length, and area, we can probably help you figure out if that's a safe option. Can't hurt seeing as it doesn't cost a cent