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Trent Hari

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About Trent Hari

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  • Birthday 05/08/1965

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  1. Trent Hari

    Compact Ported Enclosure Advice/Design - SA-12

    I am incredibly frustrated that Quentin came up with the perfect box design and didn't get it to me. He's a great member and I rated him 5 stars, but I never got the design he sent and he won't "resend" it for an unknown reason :/
  2. Trent Hari

    Compact Ported Enclosure Advice/Design - SA-12

    Where should I go to buy a design?
  3. Trent Hari

    Compact Ported Enclosure Advice/Design - SA-12

    Yes, I am just so confused that someone would spend the time to draw a box design up and figure out the dimensions, and then not even send it/or utilize it. It just seems illogical to me.
  4. Trent Hari

    Compact Ported Enclosure Advice/Design - SA-12

    I have not received any design from anyone that i can find
  5. Trent Hari

    Compact Ported Enclosure Advice/Design - SA-12

    I still have no design from anyone to start working on
  6. I would like help with a design of a box for a Sundown Audio SA 12" sub woofer , that is 12" at the bottom, 8" at the top 17" tall and 30" long, with the sub woofer mounted on the slanted side. I would like it to be ported, and tuned to 32 HZ. Again, 3/4" MDF 12" bottom 8" top 17" tall 30" long Tuned to 32 HZ Sub-woofer mounted on slanted side Truck-box style.
  7. Trent Hari

    Compact Ported Enclosure Advice/Design - SA-12

    Oh you did? If i would have known that i would have looked harder. it may have gone to my spam folder. I apologize if this is my fault, and thank you for your time! The dimensions were completely fine. I have been looking for it, if you could re-send it, it would be awesome Okay i looked in my email and i defiantly can not find the email that you sent me with the dimensions, Quentin. If you could re- send it, i would be grateful.
  8. Trent Hari

    Compact Ported Enclosure Advice/Design - SA-12

    Oh you did? If i would have known that i would have looked harder. it may have gone to my spam folder. I apologize if this is my fault, and thank you for your time! The dimensions were completely fine. I have been looking for it, if you could re-send it, it would be awesome
  9. Trent Hari

    Compact Ported Enclosure Advice/Design - SA-12

    Well, i never received the design, as Quentin has not sent it and for some reason wont reply to my PM's
  10. Trent Hari

    Compact Ported Enclosure Advice/Design - SA-12

    ///M5, i never shit on anyone helping me. Alton, Impious,Shogan, and a few others helped me and i thanked them and rated them high for it and never said anything negative to them. Your comments, are rude,discouraging, and unhelpful. so i responded in kind. the problem is with you, not me. no one else on this forum has been that way to me besides you. I am also hardly the only person to think so, i have looked on other threads, and they are friendly and helpful until you add your negative two cents. i love this forum, the only problem is you., obviously, you have the power to stop other members that are helpful from helping me just because i pissed YOU off. so, thanks Asshole, i hope you feel big. Please read this carefully before you trash me, again, in an effort to improve your obvious low self - esteem.
  11. Trent Hari

    Compact Ported Enclosure Advice/Design - SA-12

    Does anyone care about helping a customer of SSA build a box for a sub-woofer that was purchased here? Please?
  12. Trent Hari

    Compact Ported Enclosure Advice/Design - SA-12

    Bump anyone again?