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About girlzluvbass2

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  • Birthday May 14

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    Joanie :)
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  1. girlzluvbass2

    270 amp alt and 6k on incriminator deaths

    Kevin--please STOP posting on here!!! Like I have stated on your previous post--when you seek advice you have to be willing to take it. What everyone doesn't realize is-just like them we can "advise" many things to you but nobody can force you to take our advice. Please stop making posts on here--you are causing nothing but drama and wasting everyone's time. You are making the shop/team look bad because you don't listen to anyone!!! If you need someone to talk to then join a chat group--stop posting on here. This is a forum for people interested in audio and for real audio concerns. The people on here don't need to be wasting their time on someone that WON'T LISTEN!!!! My honest advice to you would be to DELETE THIS FORUM (and all audio forums for that matter) and STOP POSTING!!!! You came to the shop yesterday and ask ALL these same questions--yet you don't listen to the advice--you continue to ask the same thing!!
  2. Not trying to be rude at all but we have tried to explain ohms/watts/stereo setup to him (Toxicmod) for over 4 years now. He doesn't listen. He is never happy with any system he's had no matter how big the number he gets from it. I have personally witnessed him at comp. excited about his system one second and then complaining about it when another competitor gets a higher score than him. He doesn't take into consideration any of the aspects of their car/system. His car was never metered at 6k because he blew the subs before it can be done. He is NOT a record holder!! He will not only seek advice on this forum but anywhere he can get it. I understand that it's great to seek advice--but you have to be willing to SEEK AND USE IT!!. Again I feel like I am being mean but after 4 years this gets very old. Like I said earlier if I can't get him to listen to the owner of Incriminator regarding box specs for his DP sub--who is he going to listen to??
  3. sorry about the "edit" on previous post--I noticed a spelling error I made.
  4. I was wrong when I said "no one can run 6000 watts to any pair of subs daily" what I should of said is--you have to be smart if you want to run subs daily at 6000 watts and know what you are doing.
  5. girlzluvbass2

    My 1st Hello--

    Sending out my first Hello...wondering if I'll get a few back???
  6. Rain, Rain Go Away....

    1. mlcantin


      Come again another day

  7. We have told him that he can't put so much power continuously on any sub!! His subs will handle the 6000 wtts on a burp. He wanted his numbers louder thats why we advised the M3b. Nobody with any sub can expect it to be played every day/all day at 6000 wtts. We have spoke to Incriminator and even put him on the phone with the owner of Incriminator and he was told 6000-8000 wtts on a 3-5 second burp!!. (The DP subs can handle the power) When you are playing music---turn it down!! I am not wasting my time with him--if you can't get someone to listen to the OWNER of INCRIMINATOR who are you going to listen to??? I agree with the post I have read from all of you---if you don't know how to play the game--stay out the lanes and watch the big boys/girls play!! (If someone is trying to help you play--listen to the advice you receive).