Kevin--please STOP posting on here!!! Like I have stated on your previous post--when you seek advice you have to be willing to take it. What everyone doesn't realize is-just like them we can "advise" many things to you but nobody can force you to take our advice. Please stop making posts on here--you are causing nothing but drama and wasting everyone's time. You are making the shop/team look bad because you don't listen to anyone!!! If you need someone to talk to then join a chat group--stop posting on here. This is a forum for people interested in audio and for real audio concerns. The people on here don't need to be wasting their time on someone that WON'T LISTEN!!!! My honest advice to you would be to DELETE THIS FORUM (and all audio forums for that matter) and STOP POSTING!!!! You came to the shop yesterday and ask ALL these same questions--yet you don't listen to the advice--you continue to ask the same thing!!