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Everything posted by Bigpimpin91

  1. Bigpimpin91

    Bigpimpin91's 1988 Ford Bronco II

    What do you mean by that? The sub model I found on Google under Sketchup Models. Yup. 4 MJ18's in a Bronco II.
  2. Bigpimpin91

    Bigpimpin91's 1988 Ford Bronco II

    Here's the plan as of now. Circles are the outer diameter of the subs, not just mounting holes. All Thread Rod Between every sub and across the box through the port.
  3. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    Thanks Mark. The roof flex video is at 26hz for the low. The MJ's seem to love going below box tuning , however my vehicle does not.
  4. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    New amps = New Videos. Roof Flex. I crank it about 20 seconds in. Woofer Excursion Please excuse the dust cap. My sister introduced her armor plated purse to my woofer; She walked home that day.
  5. Bigpimpin91

    Bigpimpin91's 1988 Ford Bronco II

    OK. I can't keep this secret anymore since I need your guy's help. Ordered these Friday, hopefully shipped today. I'm going to wall it over Christmas break. I was going to 4th Order it but a BR will have a higher and flatter output. I want to tune it to 33hz like the box I have now, but I hear from several sources to tune higher, to 35-40hz. I love the low, lows, The C&S Version of Put On in this Vid low. Low notes are 27 and 20hz. What should I go with?
  6. Bigpimpin91

    Bigpimpin91's 1988 Ford Bronco II

    http://www.jamesduff.com/broncoII/broncoII.html Bronco Grave Yard. Only two places I know off hand that might.
  7. Bigpimpin91

    Bigpimpin91's 1988 Ford Bronco II

    Pretty close. The '89s have the flatter front and share lights with the Explorer IIRC. However, engine and electrical should be the same.
  8. Bigpimpin91

    Bigpimpin91's 1988 Ford Bronco II

    New amps here on Wednesday, along with new vids.
  9. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    Actually it was one 12". LoL
  10. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    No, I'm not in Maryland. I did donate to Randy's build and got a duck in return.
  11. Bigpimpin91

    2 Mach 5 IXL-12.2.2 or 3 Mach 5 MJ-18Ms?

    Too late to vote I guess,
  12. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    YGPM back.
  13. Bigpimpin91

    8 mj-18m's in my 97 astro van

    We could atleast guarantee a 140.
  14. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    YGPM Back.
  15. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    Won't do that but if you give me your e-mail we can work something out. Download links don't or or video links? Give me your e-mail and I can send you JustBump'N.
  16. Bigpimpin91

    8 mj-18m's in my 97 astro van

    Pushing it. Not saying it's not possible, but seriously.
  17. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    All of my songs can be downloaded here. The drop comes in 40secs into the song.
  18. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    Kind of. It's a lot louder than the video would lead you to believe.
  19. Bigpimpin91

    Bigpimpin91's 1988 Ford Bronco II

    9 Cubes after displacements at 33hz.
  20. Bigpimpin91

    Bigpimpin91's 1988 Ford Bronco II

    Woofer Porn Seat Flex Bass Gives me gas.
  21. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    9 Cubes after displacements. 33hz.
  22. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    More excursion than camera shows, but you get the idea. Song is Young Jeezy - Put On (Mega-S&C) Made it my self. Notes are 40hz, 31hz, 24hz, and 20hz.
  23. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    My voltage is stays ar 13.6-13.9v depending on song. MJ's are only rated for 600w rms. I have the pair on 600w rms. Or 300w per sub like you said. Hell no it's not an SPL set-up. This is meant to hammer out lows all day non stop.
  24. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    I made a vid but it was too dark, I'll go make another one right now.