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Everything posted by Bigpimpin91

  1. Alrighty. Let me know.
  2. I'll save you the e-mail. He only has the 8ohm re-cones. About $45 shipped depending on when I send it out. But, the 8Ω recones are probably the deal breaker.
  3. Old style. MJ18's. I has pics.
  4. I have 5 Just plain motors, no baskets. 1 Motor + Basket combo. The Zip Code 17847 has numerous locations. What's the city name?
  5. Yeah. I've had it for quite some time. Been running my MJ18's off of it. If things go as planned, You'll bee seeing 4 15's if you come to the Taylor show. *knock on wood*
  6. Amp Name: Audiopipe AP-30001D Specs: 2000w @ 4Ω 3000w @ 2Ω Pictures (required): Reference/Credit : Bigpimpin91
  7. That will make 6 MJ18 Motors I have if any needs to buy some.
  8. It did. Same guy I bought my current subs off of had a whole spare MJ18. :bigclap:
  9. That you do not. $50 locally got me a replacement.
  10. Yeah. That turtle wax is amazing stuff.
  11. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    It was actually 48hz. I burped it at 32hz so the batteries were a little drained already. I recently bought a 250a Alt from Mechman and upgraded to a Kinetik 1800 in the rear. Voltage drop is a thing of the past. Hoping to meter again soon. I did blow a sub and amp Last weekend though. Amps getting replaced, sub is SOL until I get a recone or buy one off of Stu Padasso.
  12. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    2 Mach 5 MJ18's on 600w's to the pair. I absolutely love these subs. I've rivaled systems with 4.5 times the power I have. This sound pretty good on some rock and classical too.
  13. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    Hey Andy, I blew a sub Last Saturday. I tried calling you a few weeks ago but got no answer, you just kinda dropped off the map. LoL
  14. Bigpimpin91

    Orphan 8's Need a Home!

    This still happening?
  15. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    Thanks. I don't expect these to get much louder. Of course when everyone sees 2 18's they think Hairtricks, but fudge them. I would recommend M5 to anyone as a beginner sub. I love these things and the lows are wonderful. Of course this is no longer 600w. It's closer to 2k and these MJ's are taking it like a champ. Hardly get smelly and only when playing below box tuning for extended periods of time.
  16. Bigpimpin91

    fi phone number (urgent!)

    I would call UPS and ask them who singed for the package. They are responsible for the package in tell YOU SING FOR IT But I have a horrible voice...
  17. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    With limited playtime and a guess at my peak frequency. Here's the results. This is after I burped it at 32hz and without the MLA so the batts were pre-drained. More meter play time in 2 weeks. Also did a 135 and change at 26hz.
  18. Bigpimpin91

    I hope Meade got his posted, here's mine

    Not Yet...
  19. Bigpimpin91

    I hope Meade got his posted, here's mine

    Meter it yet?
  20. Full testing specs? A/C Current A/C Voltage D/C Voltage Ohm load each amp was tested at? Any box rise?
  21. Bigpimpin91

    DJ putting a hurrting on some people

    Sig worthy.
  22. Bigpimpin91

    Bigpimpin91's 1988 Ford Bronco II

    16hz Action. Slow frame rate FTL. New Track I'm working on. Upgraded Mirror Trick. Napkin Trick. LoL More coming.
  23. Bigpimpin91

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    Another new amp ='s More DEEEBEEZ. 16hz Action. Slow frame rate FTL. New Track I'm working on. Upgraded Mirror Trick. Napkin Trick. LoL More coming.
  24. Bigpimpin91

