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About Karleon

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  1. Karleon

    magnum surround rip

    Whats up forum, i have a buddy over at caraudio.com who has a rip in his surround. I dont know details on it, but if u dont mind checking this out for him it would be much appreciated. Here is the link http://forums.caraudio.com/vb/showthread.p...8534#post608534 Do anyone know if it could lead to worse problems and if it can be fixed or not?
  2. Karleon

    IN SHOCK....

    wow thats very good news. Im happy to hear things is looking better and better.
  3. Karleon

    IN SHOCK....

    Not to be getting off topic or anything, but when you were replying to the other guy and said u had two 15 magnums in your possesion, were u meaning just in your possession or in your posessions ready to sell? I was really needing 2 15 inch magnums. And was planning on ordering 2 of them as soon as i could sell my two 12" inch Magnum models. Anyways, let me know if you were willing to sell them. I need them bad for a set up i was wanting
  4. Karleon

    comparable products

    What kind of SQ they have? It doesnt have to be terrific or anything. Im not really going to compete, i just want a loud azz daily driver. Something that will bring tears to my eyes, and lumps in my throat.
  5. Karleon

    comparable products

    You think that will be louder than my dual mag 12s and just as loud or nearly as loud as two dual Mag 15s? What do everyone else think about this?
  6. Karleon

    comparable products

    Man, i really had my heart set on sellings my two magnum 12s and getting two of the 15s. Those theives piss me off. Anyways, since there is no telling when stereo integrity will get back on their feet, i need a sub/subs that will work off my Tsunami 1800. I want them to perform (spl wise) like two 15" D2s would. And i will be tuning the subs low, so i can hit the real low lows. I just dont know what to get. 18inch XXX was an option, but i dont know if it will give me the SPL i was lookin for. What ever the case, it must hit harder than my dual Mag 12s. Please help me out as soon as possible
  7. Karleon

    IN SHOCK....

    But he has no computers, therefore he doesnt know who all order what and how much of what they ordered
  8. Karleon

    IN SHOCK....

    Man its sad that something like this has happened. But im curious about one thing, for the people who have placed an order. How would you go about getting them their product. I mean, computers and stuff gone, its going to be hard. Plus just anybody could call you up and say they were suppose to have some D2s on the way. I guess what im saying is, its a tragic that something like this has happened, but peoples money is instake also.
  9. Karleon

    Magnum 15s

    How does the Magnum 15s compare to any of DD subs? I have a friend who keeps telling me to try DD and not get my magnum 15s. Im skeptical about doing this, but as i said, i want a very very loud setup that will work well with 900W RMS and maybe eventually 1000-1200W RMS each
  10. Karleon

    Magnum 15s

    If im not mistaken, i think it said it was out of stock.
  11. Karleon

    Magnum 15s

    Man, i hate having a small car. So i keep measuring and thinking about ways to get the most space. So far im very close. Just need to think of a way to squeeze out a lil more cu ft. Right now i am at 7.659 after wood displacement. still not adding driver and vent displacement. But i will see what i can do.
  12. Karleon

    Magnum 15s

    I havent really been keeping up with the status of these drivers, so forgive my ignorance if its known already but i was wondering if you all still had some of these in stock. And if you are close to selling out. Reason being, as stated before, im going to get rid of my Magnum 12s and get a pair of the 15s. I just dont know how long it woud take me to sell my 12s. And i didnt want to end up selling my 12s, just to be too late for the 15 d2s. Also, would 900W Rms be efficient enough for a magnum 15? Im planning on keeping my Tsunami 1800, but i didnt know if the magnum 15 would be starved for more power. Plus in the future, i might sell my current amp and get two 1200W amps and put one of those to each 15. But for the mean time, i just have 900W rms each to work with. I think this is my last question, but my honda accord trunk is really really small. Im doing my best to squeeze out the 8cubes i will need for the 15s. But is that the absolute smallest i should put the 15s in? I might be able to get real close to the 8cubes, but after vent and sub displacement, it may drop to 7 or so cubes. Would that be enough, or do i just need to look into a totally different driver. Im craving more spl than my magnum 12s, just dont know if i have the power or space for the 15s
  13. Karleon


    Man i must have gotten used to my Magnum 12s because they are not cutting it for me now. Maybe i just need to stop being lazy and go ahead and get my 180amp alternator installed. Dont get me wrong, the bass still hits amazingly hard, but im used to it. So i keep trying to turn the knob up more and more. Anywayz, i thought about selling my old claw style 12s and use that money plus some to go ahead and get two of the 15s. Only problem with that is, i have a 96 Honda accord. My trunk isnt big at all. And i love ported boxes. Right now my 12s are in a 2cu box tuned to 29hz. And thats basically my whole trunk. Im sure i can squeeze a tad bit more room, but not much at all. Basically i dont know what to do about my bass craving problem. Any of you guys have any opinions for me? If anyone is ever online and have some spare time to talk audio, im on aol and my screen name is Primetime186 I really need some advice for my bass cravings
  14. Karleon

    DB numbers

    I have no clue. it was my first comp., and i just played a cd i have with all kinds of frequencys. I really love competiting. My friend has 4 memphis 12s in his SUV and he hit 148 at the last car show. I know i can get up there with my Magnums, but its going to be hard considering i have a honda accord and he is in a suv. And i think his box is tuned to 45hz but it gives you lots and lots of that ground shaking bass i love. So i figured i would see how a higher tuned box would work for me. I dont know, i just really want to get the most of my set up. And since im not a hard competitor i dont know all the tips and tricks all of you guys do. I searched though, came up with a few things, just dont know if that will let me put up the numbers i want while sounding the way i want.
  15. Karleon

    DB numbers

    Hmmmm, i want to get the most of my system. I love the really really deep ground shaking bass. My current set up is 2 Magnum D2 12s running off a Tsunami 1800T. My enclosure is a lil bit more than 2 cu ft each and its tuned @ around 29-30hz. It gives me lots of the ground shaking bass i love, but i thought i would be hitting higher numbers than what im hitting. Last time i had a chance with a mic i hit 142.3 I thought that was really good, because i was thinking it was the termlab. It was actually an AC. I just found that out. Now im disappointed. I see many people on the boards who have a similar set up, but are hitting way higher numbers. I just finished a competition box, which ended up being a bit too big for my car and it was tuned to 46hz. So im going to have to sell that and build another box. Anywayz, by tuning my box higher and closer to my cars resonant frequency, i know i should see higher numbers, but will i loose that deep ground shaking bass i love? I listen to nothing but rap music in my car, so what kind of tuning would be best? Or does that sound like an accurate number for my box tuning?