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About 6pucker

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  1. Hmmm... Would you like mustard with that? for the box design
  2. ill paypal someone $20 bucks for the two mjs. i know it isnt much but im broke!
  3. but i really really want them! what about the maw 15's? i guess ill go with the 15's if i have to. any other suggestions about the mjs. please please i really really want them!
  4. well, i really really want two mj 18's in my trunk but the current box didnt fit! please help me out with a box design. the current dimensions for the box are 38 1/2 inch's wide, 24 3/4 deep, 24 1/4 tall. i just measured again and this is what i came up with...42 inch's wide max, 22 inch's tall max, and 21 inch's deep. please can anyone help me out. this is for my birthday presents which im going to be getting in two weeks. ssa i will be contacting you for two mj 18's really soon! btw i want the box to be ported...i dont care if its slot or aero. leaning more towards an spl box. thanks in advance