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Everything posted by toxicmods

  1. So basically what your stateing is they dont make such a thing... my other problems are I dont have higher then a 120 alt so how am I getting that much power out of them when just running one strand of 0 Guage wire and see people like running four I dont understand all this shit man but im about done with it all im sick of getting fucked around ive spent way too much money over three years for this too happen
  2. toxicmods

    ANY ONE UP Need help blew subs

    Have three batterys one under hood look it up on usaci and midwest the numbers are all there not into forum for arguments I only state true facts and whats going on period last year was a 153 something and when they blew im almost positive it was close too 157 or fekt that way ive been inside vans hitting 160s before
  3. See thats the thing im completely stuck with the two amps I have and im wanting too run 6000 whatts what type of coils do I need too get and tell them dknt I need dual 2 at 4ohm or what is the best for what im doing too keep them from blowing so quickly and dose anyone know about the cubic air space there required too have
  4. I gotta get too bed guys keep me posted on stuff I will post some more stuff that the shop owner tells me and gotta call incriminator tomorrow about reconeing them if u know anyone wanting my 18ns there for sale as we speak
  5. So my big major question is then guys how the hell am I going to fixs this problem with baby coming and all I cant afford a pot too piss in right now but as people know me around missouri I go the hell big or go home but my spending days are done after I just dropped basically two grand alone in amp that was my last buy now all this happens I almost knew when j bought them this was going to be bad on my subs couldn't the air space and box dimensions be wrong possibly making them heat up and not breath
  6. I haven't ever really posted pics or videos I used to have pics on my old phone still trying to configure how you all are saying im pushing too much power too them when there way under rated there the same as dd 9500 18inch subs and I know personally dd 9500 can handle 6000 whatts easy. So are you all saying ssa subs or sundown are better and can hold the power because my subs walked over sundown.
  7. I haven't ever really posted pics or videos I used to have pics on my old phone still trying to configure how you all are saying im pushing too much power too them when there way under rated there the same as dd 9500 18inch subs and I know personally dd 9500 can handle 6000 whatts easy. So are you all saying ssa subs or sundown are better and can hold the power because my subs walked over sundown.
  8. toxicmods

    ANY ONE UP Need help blew subs

    Im being dead serious about the numbers last week on a term lab with one m3a amp I did a 154.6 hatch open and driver's door open there at mid west I did a 148.6 at h and h audio
  9. toxicmods

    ANY ONE UP Need help blew subs

    And I dont have photo bucket or how too use it im not much of a computer person if you all cant tell im sorry I have face book is there any other way too post pics and what type of cubic space should I have you all think in my car with that much power and two 18ns I feel after the years ive done two boxes its not the right space and cubes
  10. toxicmods

    ANY ONE UP Need help blew subs

    Where are you from brutal basser have I seen you before or your team I have the red zx3 focus that says toxic mods on it
  11. toxicmods

    ANY ONE UP Need help blew subs

    I know for sure with these amps and the right power with what I had yesterday I was close or right at 157.7 db or more just off the two batterys and alt so is there any thing you all can tell me I need too do post anything up show you all anything I need all the help in the world this shit I eat sleep and breath for honor of my past grandmother and grandparents
  12. toxicmods

    ANY ONE UP Need help blew subs

    Im in like three classes now 0 to 1000 modified 0 two 2000 and 0 two 3000 modified in missouri
  13. toxicmods

    ANY ONE UP Need help blew subs

    How could I send any pics too you all my team cut the coil out I can show you all what the damn thing look likes yea ive been pretty damn hard on them over the years I mean ive done spl with what I got hitting 151.3 db every time lowest 148.6 but having low voltage how would that make a sub clip I thought that was just amps that could clip and im running sub sonic filter too not peak the subs out lower then 30 or something like that .
  14. toxicmods

    ANY ONE UP Need help blew subs

    Hey guys whats going on im totally new too all this how do I get notifications from you all I need alot of help and fast low on money but going for a new record in my class this year in missouri hears the thing I have two 18 inch incriminator audio 18 inch subs in wall in a focus zx3 on two digital designs m3b the brand new ones they can do 3800 each am I over pushing them or can they handle that power I was told they could or what am I doing wrong could the box be too small or air space as I said im new some what its tuned at 32 hz