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  1. ROB-BOB

    Sound advice

    Dang...I did give them the credit of alot of work and that they are overlooked. But you don't agree that for the most part the average person isn't looking for a true SQ setup? Uneducated?? Maybe on the true dynamics of a SQ vehicle, like balance and imaging..etc. I will never really care about SQ because I'm a bass head....give me a 60ft^3 7th order with 16 10s and some PA speakers for highs
  2. That's insane man. It's great that you buld true ground pounders and let everyone experience them!!
  3. ROB-BOB

    Sound advice

    SQ nerds are a whole different breed. The average person doesn't care.....nor can tell if you have a perfectly balanced system. I believe this guys doesn't want to dump 300lbs of dynamat, some focal utopias and a weak sounding sealed box into his truck so he can go to shows and play pink noise, then hit a 117dB at the headrest. He most like wants to have a good sounding subwoofer system and highs that can make out the words. I could be wrong...but thats what I gather. SQ vehicles are very very over looked in the amount of work people put into them...the average joe thinks they are pretty to look at, but they can't get the WOW effect that Tommy M gets when he plays his truck HO PROMBLEMS(which is very far from a SQ setup). Since you have an SUV you have a lot of room to play with....how much room are you willing to give up for your sub system? Robert Marks
  4. ROB-BOB

    see if this makes sense

    If you have two DVC4ohm subs and you wire each vc together (para) you'd receive a 1ohm load. 4ohm/4 coils= 1ohm. Just like if you had two DVC2ohm subs and you wired them para that would be 2ohm/4 coils= .5ohm. Does that make sense?
  5. ROB-BOB

    Box Opinion??

    You can fit 2 cubes with ease. What are you looking for out of your system? This is will us detn what style enclosure would best fit you. For example, most important how much room do you want to give up, what kind of sound are you looking for, etc....If your running just one sub get the dual 2, most d-class amps prefer a one ohm load. Robert Marks
  6. ROB-BOB

    Best SPL: SSD's vs. BTL

    same thing
  7. ROB-BOB

    Port Calculations

    if you want to do it by hand .159 x (Sq Rt of the Vent Area(in^2) x 1.84 x 10^8 / (Enclosure Volume(in^3)(Vent Lenght(in)+.823(Sq Rt of the Vent Area(in^2)))
  8. ROB-BOB

    In need of a box design

    Are you using a slot port or a round port(aero port, pvc)? If I were you I'd..Now it's hard to say I'm sitting here playing with some box designs and I wouldn't make the enclosure any smaller...but that's your call. If you want to drop with size put it in 2.2 total internal....with a slot port, boundary loaded @20in^2, 19in deep with a box that small the port is probably going to have a bend in it. I would also flare the back of the port atleast 3 in, that will decrease the velocity of your port....amongst other things. That will leave you with 1.9ft^3 raw and a tuning of 35hz. Good Luck!! Robert Marks
  9. ROB-BOB

    Best SPL: SSD's vs. BTL

    Personally....and this is just persoanlly. I'd run the two SSDs in an Iso-Loaded Single Reflex Bandpass. I'd do 1.5ft^3 sealed and 4ft^3 ported..that would leave you a cube to play with port size/tuning. Ported Enclosures.....who needs them?