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Everything posted by vanquish

  1. 1. Product: Rockford T1000-1BDCP Constant power regulated amp 2. Specs: 1,000 x 1 @ 2Ω & 1Ω 1,600 x 1 @ 1Ω (( Birth-sheet specs) 3. Description/Condition: 9/10 Cosmetic 10/10 functional 4. Price: : 300$ shipped 5. Pictures:
  2. vanquish

    ** FS: JL Audio XD 400/4 **

    BUMP 180$
  3. vanquish

    ** FS: Arc Audio SE 2300 **

  4. That Soundqubed amp is a beast. Keep up the good work! pics pics pics
  5. vanquish

    ** FS: Arc Audio SE 2300 **

  6. vanquish

    ** FS: JL Audio XD 400/4 **

  7. battery terminals? how much pm
  8. Product Brand & Model: JL HD1200/1 (wanted) JL HD750/1 (trade) Condition of all items: mint or close to it partial trade please or outright price. PM me
  9. vanquish

    *** WTT: JL HD-750/1 for 1200/1 ***

    nothing out there?
  10. vanquish

    *** WTT: JL HD-750/1 for 1200/1 ***

    late night bump
  11. vanquish

    *** WTT: JL HD-750/1 for 1200/1 ***

    I've never knew you had to post pics for trades? Sorry I got used to having over minimum itrader feedback of 10+ on other audio forums that I didn't have to post pictures right away. I'll take a cell phone pic right now... if someone wants detailed photos of the amp (9.5/10) condition i'll send more later just PM me Pic:
  12. vanquish

    *** WTT: JL HD-750/1 for 1200/1 ***

    description fixed. looking for trade...
  13. vanquish

    ** WTB: JL HD600/4 + Alpine F6 **

    If you have a JL HD1200/1 for sale or partial trade PM me
  14. Also Alpine M12 New or used... good condition PM ME THANKS
  15. vanquish

    Focal, Diamond, Naka for Sale

    i'm still interested in the focals
  16. Item(s) for Sale: Arc Audio KS-500.1 Efficient Class G/H Item(s) Description/Condition: 10/10 Cosmetic 100% functional Comes with Bass Knob... 600 x 1 @ 2ohm & 1ohm Price: 200$ Item Pictures:
  17. vanquish

    *** FS: AMPS AMPS AMPS ***

    UPDATE: THIS IS WHAT I HAVE LEFT.... MAKE OFFERS 1. Product: 1. Arc Audio KS-500.1 2. Arc Audio 4150 CXLR 9. MTX Thunder 250 (1) 10/10 Cosmetic 100% functional (Comes with Bass Knob... 450x1 @4ohm, 600x1 @2 & 1ohm) (2) 6/10 This amp has definitely seen better days but works 100% because it's built like a tank (90x4 @4ohms and UNDERRATED forsure) (9) 9/10 Cosmetic 100% Functional (250x1 @4ohm & 400x1 @2ohm)
  18. vanquish

    *** FS: AMPS AMPS AMPS ***

    *** NO TRADES!!!!!! *** Item(s) for Sale: 1. Arc Audio KS-500.1 2. Arc Audio 4150 CXLR 3. Arc Audio 2300 SE 4. Alpine F6 5. Digital Designs C1a 6. Kenwood KAC-720 7. Audio Art 200.2 8. A/D/S Power Plate 100 9. MTX Thunder 250 Item(s) Description/Condition: (1) 10/10 Cosmetic 100% functional (Comes with Bass Knob... 450x1 @4ohm, 600x1 @2 & 1ohm) (2) 6/10 This amp has definitely seen better days but works 100% because it's built like a tank (90x4 @4ohms and UNDERRATED forsure) (3) 9/10 Cosmetic 100% functional (330x2 @4ohm, 650x2 @2ohm, 1300x1 @2 & 4ohm) (4) 7.5/10 Cosmetic 100% functional (150x4 @2 & 4ohm, 300x2 @4ohm) (5) 7/10 Condition 100% functional (2x100 @4 ohms, 1x200 @2 ohms) (6) 10/10 Condition on each... One is 100% Working the other is powers up but there is no output I'll throw it in for almost free (45x2 @4ohm) (Made in Japan) (7) 6/10 Cosmetic 100% Functional (200x2 @4 & 2ohm, 400x1 @4ohm) (8) 7/10 Cosmetic 100% Functional (75x2 @4ohm <.01% THD) (9) 9/10 Cosmetic 100% Functional (250x1 @4ohm & 400x1 @2ohm) Price: 1. Arc Audio KS-500.1 ... $260 2. Arc Audio 4150 CXLR .... $250 obo 3. Arc Audio 2300 SE ... $900 4. Alpine F6 .... $350 5. Digital Designs C1a ... $125 6. Kenwood KAC-720... $65 7. Audio Art 200.2 ... $65 8. A/D/S Power Plate 100 ... $75 9. MTX Thunder 250 ... $100 Shipping and Miscellaneous Item Information: PM me Item Pictures: