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About jkrueger07

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  • Real Name
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  • Location
    Toledo ohio
  • Interests
    Audio!! Car audioooo!!
  • Vehicle
    99 Chevy s10 blazer
  1. i recently just replaced my 4 guage power wire with 0 guage wire well my car ran fine on my way to work, but then i went to leave work and it wouldnt start, i had it towed and had a mechanic look at it, we've replaced my coil, map sensor, distributor cap, roter and still nothing, my battery is not dead, both batteries are reading around 12.7 volts if someone can please help itd be great, thinking it may be sensors, fuses etc.
  2. Okay I just upgraded my 4 Guage to 0 gauge , me and my buddy both wired our cars, his car for some reason wouldn't start. He thought it was his battery, anyways my car worked fine, about 12 hrs later I go to start my car and it will not start, its not my battery, I checked it and its at about 12.5 volts, I unhooked the main source and still nothing, any ideas of what it could possibly be??? Sensors, relays, fuses etc.
  3. jkrueger07

    what FI sub would you reccomend

    i have no idea how to recone subs an all tht ive always been the one to buy name brand stuff like L7s, type rs, and the new t1s, ive owned nearly every name brand sub their is, jl, kicker,alpine fosgate, mtx, kenwoods, massive audio, orion, etc. but now im gettin into the good stuff lol my buddy wants me to buy an smd 18" the guy from our local car audio store wants me to but tht mmatts juggernaut 18", what sub should i get the cheaper the better, but price isnt very much an issue, what about sundown audio or dc audio, opinions needed, thanks alot
  4. jkrueger07

    what FI sub would you reccomend

    well i cant really build my own box, i dont have the equipment to do it, hes charging me 200 to build my box, is tht decent??? and whats options should i get if i go with the bl 18"
  5. jkrueger07

    what FI sub would you reccomend

    okay thanks alot im gonna look into those then, and a guy at the local audio store is trying to talk me into getting the 18" mmatts juggernaut? what do you guys think of them, yes no? its 2000 rms, and hes builing my box as well... total cost of it all is 918$
  6. jkrueger07

    what FI sub would you reccomend

    yeah i planned on getting a new alternator and doing the big 3
  7. jkrueger07

    what FI sub would you reccomend

    but does the bl or btl hit the lows veyr well? and hows sound quality on them?
  8. jkrueger07

    what FI sub would you reccomend

    i dont really have a budget lol if i want it im gonna save up an get it, but i just didnt wanna spend a rediculous amount bc im gonna be getting rid of it all in a yr or sooner bc ill be off in the military, another question, i currently have 4 guage but it would prly help alot if i went with 0 guage huh? i just bought some knu konceptz 0 guage flex
  9. jkrueger07

    what FI sub would you reccomend

    and nothings wrong with my current system now i love it, but i wanna go alot louder, should i go with an 18"?
  10. jkrueger07

    what FI sub would you reccomend

    I have the whole back of a 99 blazer from the back seat back and i want somethn a lil louder, everyones telling me 18s are bada**
  11. jkrueger07

    what FI sub would you reccomend

    Ive been looking into getting an Fi sub ... but which one? i want a 15" or 18" mainly leaning towards an 18", currently i have a Fi q 12 an i love it, but i need somethn a lil bigger, i was thinking the Fi Q 18" but whats a good amp for it? currently i have a rockford fosgate t1500-1bd soon to go bigger, someone help