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About chubbz95

  • Rank
  1. chubbz95

    Dual TC-3000 15"s & Orion 2500D

    whats the name of the song by rick ross???
  2. i got a T2K on a pair of Q's and its great...I've had this amp for about 2 years already so its worth every penny...
  3. chubbz95

    i am buying two 12's...

    this kid is confused...first he wanted the best pair of 18's...lil does he know a good 10 runs around $300 and hes looking for the best...
  4. chubbz95

    i am buying two 12's...

    $400 for the best pair...you should probably look at just getting a single 12...
  5. chubbz95

    CF Caps

    Hey I was wondering do the lvl 4 subs have the option of the CF cap?
  6. chubbz95

    Soundstream XXX

    my goal is really to just be loud, and low...i have about 14 cubes to work with so after all the displacement i could probably squeeze out 12 cubes...i know fi makes nice subs with great pricing just wanted to try something different...maybe ill do a single 15 XXX and buy a rockford t4k...
  7. chubbz95

    DC Sounds LvL 3 12" Testing

    you located in WV? if so what part?
  8. chubbz95

    Soundstream XXX

    Hey guys, I was looking at getting two of these and installing them in a blow through enclosure. I was wondering if any of you have had personal experience with them. What type of enclosure, volume, frequency? Also would an two orion 2500D's get the job done? Im not a competitor I just really like to slam my sounds. I love the low end pain and all input would be greatly appreciated.
  9. chubbz95


    bump for a nice pair.
  10. chubbz95

    Box Build for AudioWerks

    nice build man real nice...
  11. chubbz95

    Fi BL or Audioque HDC

    yeah i witnessed what the originals can do but what can the new breed do...you got a link to that video
  12. chubbz95

    What can 1 SAZ-3000D and 1 DD8518G do?

    nice score...
  13. chubbz95

    Fi BL or Audioque HDC

    well they were old and my friend wanted to buy them..for $220 a piece I couldn't go wrong...So now im just running DD2512's..not quite as loud and doesnt get as low but gets the job done...
  14. chubbz95

    Fi BL or Audioque HDC

    I will probably get the Bl's just because I've never heard an HDC3 in person and I do like the way they sound... ill probably wait for now and just keep my DD2512's in save some money maybe pick up another orion 2500D and try out 2 12" btls..
  15. chubbz95

    Fi BL or Audioque HDC

    oh and i just wanted to say that the box is already installed because they housed 2 12" IDmaxes before this...so the enclosure will stay the same...