It is in a 1999 Olds Alero. I have a box that I am fiberglassing right now that is about 1.5 to 1.7. Depends on how I finish it off. I can make it smaller if needed for that much power. I am looking for a very accurate reproduction of everything music. I listen to a lot of metal, but every now and then I will listen to just about anything. I want to be able to get loud when I want but normal listening most times. I am thinking about getting some CDT HD's for my front stage. I like the IEK option. I want the sub to blend well. I have had two e coned 12k's, an E12A, currently have 2 E12O's. I want to get a single sub set up that I can leave alone for awhile. I am tired of changing my mind. I am hoping the Magnum might be it. Any suggestions, thoughts, and comments are appreciated. Thanks, Jim