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Everything posted by molurus73

  1. molurus73

    They are in folks..

    Got any pipcs of the new dustcap?
  2. molurus73

    Ok. Another question from the new guy...

    I got one. That is where I am headed right now. Thanks for the input guys. I will get pics up sooner or later. Still working out the bugs with my new digital camera. Daddy's day is great ya know.
  3. I got my fiberglass box done sorta. It is done to the point that I can get an internal volume. I packed about 15 gallons of packing peanuts in there. That gives me roughly 2 cubic feet. I know peanuts are not the most accurate, but that seemed like the easiest way. So anywho, I have about 1200w to throw at a Magnum that I am gonna get. Should I go ahead and put something in there to take up some space or let it ride and see how it goes? Then make it smaller if need be? Do you trust the peanut method? I don't want to buy a bunch of sand and then have to vacuum it out. What do you guys think? Thanks - Jim
  4. molurus73

    Ok. Another question from the new guy...

    Well, it didn't start out as 2 cu ft. I just estimated what I thought it would be from the shape that I wanted, thinking around 1.5 to 1.7, and 2 is what I got. So if I am careful with the gains the sub should be ok in that size of enclosure with 1200 watts? Beautiful. Next question, anyone want to come to a sanding party?
  5. I am new to the forum. I am looking at the 12"Magnum. Currently I have a PG t1200.1 and a t500.2 for my front stage. I am considering downgrading to a second 500.2. Would the Magnum do well with only 500 or so watts? Or should I just keep the big amp. I don't really need tons of output, just loud good sounding music. Also, what would the best cu ft be for a box for a single 12" Magnum? I have done some searching but didn't really find an exact answer. Anyway, any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jim
  6. molurus73

    Thinking about a Magnum...

    It is in a 1999 Olds Alero. I have a box that I am fiberglassing right now that is about 1.5 to 1.7. Depends on how I finish it off. I can make it smaller if needed for that much power. I am looking for a very accurate reproduction of everything music. I listen to a lot of metal, but every now and then I will listen to just about anything. I want to be able to get loud when I want but normal listening most times. I am thinking about getting some CDT HD's for my front stage. I like the IEK option. I want the sub to blend well. I have had two e coned 12k's, an E12A, currently have 2 E12O's. I want to get a single sub set up that I can leave alone for awhile. I am tired of changing my mind. I am hoping the Magnum might be it. Any suggestions, thoughts, and comments are appreciated. Thanks, Jim