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Everything posted by molurus73

  1. molurus73

    Oh so close

    That is my next thing. I have an extra pair of 6.5 coax speaks I am going to test the rear channel with. Right now I am using the front and rear channels from the headunit. I am not using the dedicated sub preout. Same on the amp. Yah, I know the gain knob is not a volume knob. Right now I can turn the volume up full tilt and get absolutely no distortion. I like that. I am going to just fine tune everything and set the gains properly. If that means it goes up then cool. If not then that's cool too. It just feels good to be down to the fine tuning and finishing stage finally.
  2. molurus73

    Oh so close

    I hope I can get some help here. I hooked up my SI 302 components tonight. They are in their temporary location until I figure out the best spot for the best sound. They are currently located where the stock speaks would go on my door of my 1999 Olds Alero. There are no door panels on currently. The mids are mounted pretty well onto a double MDF baffle that is 1.5" thick. The doors are as sealed as I could possibly get. They have a layer of liquid sound deadening on the inside of the door cavity and the skin of the door. Over this is a layer of mat type deadening. They are being run off of the bridged front and rear channels of a Memphis Belle. Now my dilemma. The left channel doesn't seem to want to work. I can feel the mid vibrating with the bass but can hear no sound from it. The tweet gives me nothing. I hooked up an old 6.5" speak to the tweeter wire and nothing. I hooked the tweet up to the right channel and it works. This leads me to believe the drivers are fine. My question is where do I start troubleshooting? I am thinking maybe the left channel on the amp could be messed up. Maybe the wires from the crossover to the speakers? Doubtful, but maybe the crossover was damaged in shipping? Is it possible to feel the beats and vibrations if the mid is not receiving a signal? It didn't look like it was moving. I just thought that maybe it was receiving less power than the right side. Maybe the left channel has gone out on my head unit? Some ideas: Unbridge the front and rear and run them front L&R or rear L&R. Hooking up the right channel wires out from the amp to the output from the left channel of the amp. I have a DMM but am not very profficient with it. If you guys could throw me some pointers on where to start I would love you long time. Maybe tell me what to check to see where the signal begins and ends without unhooking a ton of wires. I will do whatever I need to, just looking for some quick and easy ideas. I am getting close to finishing and getting frustrated when it isn't going as planned.
  3. molurus73

    Oh so close

    Yah. The front works just fine. Bridged or unbridged. The rear does not work bridged. I have not tried it unbridged yet. It has been so long since I have had good tunes in the car, I just played with it like it is. I will say that for only 75 watts these SI 302's frickin' jam. I still have a little room left on the gain knob I believe(only about 1/3 now), so when they are broken in, it's on. Taking it really easy now. I will get back to figuring the amp out after I get my door panels done and the comps permanently mounted. Thanks guys. You were a big help. -Jim
  4. molurus73

    Oh so close

    I switched the right channel that I knew was working with the other and it didn't work either. I hooked up both sets to the front channels only and voila, music. Each side is only getting about 75 watts but both sides work. So I am guessing that I can not bridge the rear channels on this amp. Something might be screwy with it. Oh well, I didn't really need 150 to 200 watts for the speakers anyway. I may have it looked at sometime in the future if the opportunity presents itself. Do you guys think that my assumption is correct about the rear channel being bad? I hope it is this simple. I can always get that fixed possibly. Thanks everyone for your help. I appreciate it.
  5. Just kidding. That's from one of my favorite movies. My Magnum finally lives. Got it all hooked up today. Just in time to get delayed at an airport on my way to Florida. Anywho, now it's on to the next phase. My doors and my front stage. So far it sounds pretty good. I haven't tweeked anything and all I have inside the car is a couple of POS stock speakers. I can feel the bass and see my mirror move more than I can hear it. I guess that is good. Anyway, after all this time I can finally say thanks Nick. It was definitely worth the wait. And I know this type of thread is worthless without pics, so here ya go. Sorry the pics aren't the best. Kinda excited and kinda in a hurry. Got so much to do before I leave on vacation. Get better ones later. Here are a couple of the amp rack in its various stages. Anyway. Just wanted to share before I left. Any comments or opinions are much appreciated. Thanks. -Jim
  6. molurus73

    My SD page updated....

    Looks nice. Clean and simple. I like it.
  7. molurus73

    It lives...It breathes...It aerobicizes

    "*edit* This is Nick. Hoss was signed on my computer and I accidentally posted under his name. The PM from "Hoss" was actually from me. " Nick, if you could send the PM again or maybe email it to [email protected] that would be great. For some reason I can't seem to get to any of my PM's. It shows that I have 9 messages stored but will not show me any of them.
  8. molurus73

    It lives...It breathes...It aerobicizes

    Thanks for the kind words. I will get all of my pics on my sounddomain page and get them up this week. Gotta get back into the swing of things again this week. Uggghhh.
  9. molurus73

    It lives...It breathes...It aerobicizes

    Thanks for the kind words everyone. I will get it a little more polished and get better pics when i get back from the land of hurricanes. I was just so excited to be done. Sorta. It is like I finally took a big step in the right direction.
  10. molurus73

    Vitamin D2!!

    Very nice. I like the lines on the sub part of the box. They have a very smooth flow to them. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  11. molurus73

    IN SHOCK....

    Any update on the insurance situation or any leads or anything?
  12. molurus73

    IN SHOCK....

    I hope everything goes well with insurance tomorrow. That would be a real travesty for SI to no longer exist. Nick you are such an awesome person to deal with that it seems you would be really cool to hang out with. Hopefully everything will work out for you. It may seem really bleak right now, but we believe you can build it again. We will support you as much as possible. I don't think those 2 Mags would be stolen. I thought all of the Mags with logos were gone. I could be wrong though.
  13. molurus73

    IN SHOCK....

    I guess I'm the lucky one in all this as the 302's are mine. That just really sucks. I hope everything works out with the insurance. I don't think that someone would really try to unload the woofers on Ebay. Just too easy to get caught. Hoss, Sundownz, or any other rep please keep us updated if you can. It seems like it will be hard for Nick to get online for awhile. Best of luck.
  14. molurus73

    IN SHOCK....

    That sucks man. I wish you the best and hope everything works out. That is just sad that people feel the need to do this. Good luck. -Jim
  15. molurus73

    My kicks

    Look really nice. Where do you have the speakers aimed at? Don't you just love pinholes? It looks like you have enough room in the doors for a pair of 8's. Is that the plan?
  16. Would this be too much? For daily driving type of stuff? Someone said the Memphis Belle will bridge to about 200 watts each for the front. I am considering buying one of these if this won't be too much for the 302's. Anyone got some suggestions?
  17. molurus73

    302 mid dimensions??

    Thanks very much.
  18. molurus73

    302 mid dimensions??

    Hello, I have a pair of 302's coming soon from SI. I was wondering if anyone knows the dimensions on these things. Specifically the mounting flange overall diameter and the cutout diameter. Also cutout diameter for the tweets and mounting flange size (l x w) would help to. I am nearing the end of my trunk install and need to focus on some mounting rings for the mids and tweets. I want to be able to position, fleece and glass once they get here. Nick, Sundownz, K-mart I think you guys all have experience with these. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jim
  19. molurus73

    Aiming 302's

  20. molurus73

    Aiming 302's

    I know the 302's are meant for off axis in door applications. Does this mean that the mid and tweet are BOTH aimed off axis? Just aiming straight across at each other, right? I just want to get this right. Any help or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks, Jim
  21. molurus73

    302 mid dimensions??

  22. molurus73

    Aiming 302's

  23. molurus73

    What would you do?

    Yah. I will get some up tonight. I am kinda just waiting on my 302's to get here so I can get the crossovers measured and holes drilled before I carpet the amprack. Other than that I just need to sand a little more and carpet the rack. Then the doors.
  24. molurus73

    What would you do?

    OK. I have narrowed it down to two different ways to design my amp rack. I want your opinions. Tell me which you think looks the best or which of the 2 you would do. If you have any other ideas let me know. I am open. These are my favorite so far. The sub is a 12" SI Magnum and the amps are a PG t1200.1 and a PG t500.2. There will be crossovers for a set of SI 302 components. So here ya go. Whataya think? A:
  25. molurus73

    302 mid dimensions??

    Is that 2 1/6" overall on the tweet a 2 1/16" l x w dimension?