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Everything posted by thecartel

  1. thecartel


    looks good and putting up good numbers.....congrats and my hat is off to you
  2. thecartel

    Sundown 3kd

    sorry i got everything last nite...thanks for offering
  3. thecartel

    Sundown 3kd

    I'm ready to play with the big boyz so i'm looking to get a second SD 3kd. So if anyone has one they will let go for 500 shipped let me know. I also need a Term lab. I'll do 450 shipped on that. Someone help me out. Got money now!!!!
  4. thecartel

    Sundown 3kd

    well i guess u need to get someone to make u a Moderator.....but guess until then you have to read this post here
  5. thecartel

    Sundown 3kd

    i put it here because i only want a sundown amp!!!! this is the best place because everyone that comes here owns sundown stuff. And some are looking to upgrade to 3500's so maybe they need to sell there 3kd
  6. thecartel

    Hey Jacob

    are you staying in that class?
  7. thecartel

    Hey Jacob

    Hey jacob you plan on doing alot of NSPL ? I plan on getting another SD 3kd and thats going to put me in the no-wall 5001-10k class And i know thats the class you run in. I know i'm not going to be doing 54's and up. So i'm wondering what your clamp is or are you planning to run another class? I'm hopping your over 10k . you running 2 3500 or 2 4500? I i know you went back to a 17 volt system. Dj is hooking me up with his alt. Hes going to replace my AC compressor with one off his truck but its still a 12 volt system. but its going to be fun this year
  8. thecartel

    Hey Jacob

    you have the record in the 5001-10k class? 2010 NSPL World Records As of 11-29-09 Beginner 1001-1800 William Hartwig 146.2 Kicker/Kicker Car 1801-3600 Team Nemesis Jay 149.5 Sundown/Sundown Truck/suv 0-1800 Team Eastgate Anthony 147.4 MMATS/DD Truck/suv Hardcore Team Eastgate Anthony 150.1 MMATS/DD No Wall 0-2500 Team Pawn Way John 144.8 Power Acoustik/MMATS No Wall 2501-5000 Team Pawn Way Nick 147.3 Rockford/Orion No Wall 5001-up Jacob Fuller 154.3 Sundown/Sundown No Wall 0-24 Sprout 155 Stetsom/DD No Wall 25-48 Terry Brocks 158 HiFonics/DD No Wall 49-up Team Nemesis Robert 153 Sundown/Sundown No Wall Hardcore 0-24 Sprout 156.7 DD/DD No Wall Hardcore 25-up Team Pawn Way Nick 149.5 Rockford/Orion Wall Hardcore 5001-10000 Team Eastgate Auten 159.8 Stetsom/Audio Q Spl Eliminator 13-24 Team Pawn Way John 138.9 Power Acoustik/MMATS Spl Eliminator 25-48 Team Outcast Walt 149.2 Sundown/Sundown Spl Eliminator 121-up Team Nemesis Robert 151.1 Sundown/Sundown Insane Craig Butler 181.8 Sound Digital/DD Modified Three-four Craig Butler 181 Sound Digital/DD
  9. thecartel

    I'll vouch for bdufner

    bdufner has some amps forsale in the forsale section. And poeple are asking for refs. I don't have enouch post to post there so i'm posting it here. I got my subs from him. They where shipped the same day i paid. So he a great seller and i wouldn't think twice about something esle from him. Also he held the subs for me until my tax money came in to pay him. Real good guy here.
  10. thecartel

    Sold on Sundown now

    look good...who did the box for you
  11. thecartel

    someone help me with enclosure

    yea should find for daily...a alittle low for numbers ?
  12. thecartel

    someone help me with enclosure

    yes ..but i would have to fire the port to the side instead of to the back. Because it would be right on the rear of the car. Think I would try 3 -6" ports. What do you think?
  13. thecartel

    someone help me with enclosure

    this box would work in my car !!! You don't mind if I try it do you ?
  14. thecartel

    voltage issues

    man there is something else wrong. check you fuses. i have a 90 alt and kinetik 800 & 2400 for my SD 3K and my voltage doesn't drop below 12.4 at full volume. it did at first but after i checked it out. I found out i had a bad fuse. It wasn't blown just no good. so i was running off the rear battery only. so check your voltage before each fuse.
  15. thecartel

    Sundown Rides Pages

    i'll send my install after i get it pretty :bigclap:
  16. thecartel

    Black Toyota Fortuner

  17. thecartel

    2008 Mazda Miata Build

    looks good man...love to see more
  18. thecartel

    Nightshade 15" enclosure

    3 cu ft net per sub
  19. thecartel

    Trade-In Program

    oh i'm doing this!!!! get 2 -2k here asap. i got 2 kicker zx1500.1 for trade-in
  20. thecartel

    Mercedes Benz E55 AMG goes Sundown Audio

    looks great does this crimp 0/1 ga wire? where can i get one