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Everything posted by Brian10962001

  1. Brian10962001

    2 Way Front Stage: Mli-65s and North D25 Tweeters

    So what are you running for the tweeter high pass? I really don't want to stick a cheap crossover in line with my good head unit and good amplifiers. I'm currently running a Kenwood Excelon KDC X791. Is there by chance a setup that has an acctive crossover and a decent EQ that I can pick up for a decent price?
  2. Brian10962001

    2 Way Front Stage: Mli-65s and North D25 Tweeters

    yes that is what he means. What're you all using for crossovers at that high of a frequency? If I did go active then I have to dedicate another amplifier for my subwoofers or I could mix and match the Rockford amp for the highs and run one of the Van Goughs to the subs. I don't really get why it's so much more of an advantage to run an active setup than a passive setup if the slopes are correct and the you're running 2nd order like I was planning.
  3. Brian10962001

    2 Way Front Stage: Mli-65s and North D25 Tweeters

    Alright let me make sure we're on the same page here, by active setup you mean running an active pre amplifier crossover and dedicating a pair of channels to the tweeters alone correct?
  4. Brian10962001

    2 Way Front Stage: Mli-65s and North D25 Tweeters

    Are you saying no because you actually checked out the crossovers I linked, or is that just your opinion on the subject regardless? I'm not going active, I don't have a seperate set of channels to dedicate to running these tweeters, I personally think that's wasteful to begin with. I don't have anything against building seperate crossovers for each driver if that's really the only way I should go.
  5. double post please delete
  6. Brian10962001

    8" subs

    I just asked this question a while back and got directed towards the Ascendant Audio 8. It's about 1/2 of the price of all of the other flagship 8in drivers. I was heavily considering going with an 8 W7 but ended up getting in on the buy one get one free deal of the 07 Pierce Audio WMD 10's. If I had gone through with the 8in subs I definetly would've gone with the Ascendants; the other 2 price range options I checked into werer the Ed and the Id 8's but both of these are more basic steel basket 8in drivers.