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Everything posted by bjfish11

  1. bjfish11

    Fisher Customs/Sundown Benefit Raffle Results

    Bump for updated list.
  2. bjfish11

    Need a box!

    Yep. thats the most recent Mustang box. We can alter the design to fit you driver/needs.
  3. bjfish11

    BJ!! HELP PLEZ!!!... PLEZ!!

    Sorry for not getting to this thread earlier. Last week when the forum was messed up, I couldnt get to this thread. Then I sort of forgot... Still need some help?
  4. bjfish11

    Need a box!

    We can come up with something for you. I believe we already have a design based on the trunk of a 06 Mustang to work off of. We can incorporate an amp rack into the enclosure without a problem. Overall, a box for a pair of 8's wont have much weight to it, so I doubt handles will really be necessary.
  5. bjfish11

    Box Build for mr_kebo

    Here is the box all completed. Just need to get it on a pallet and get it shipped out.
  6. bjfish11

    Fisher Customs/Sundown Benefit Raffle Results

    Thanks Trevor. Im just glad Im in a position where I can help out.
  7. bjfish11

    Mustang Enclosure v4

    Here it is all complete...
  8. bjfish11

    Mustang Enclosure v4

    I believe this is the 4th mustang enclosure with similar designs. All have been ported using aeros. We changed it up a bit, and this might be one of the most difficult enclosures I have done, due to all the different angles. Teaser pic...
  9. bjfish11

    Benefit Raffle for Kyle Hicks

    Thanks guys, let keep this rolling!
  10. I have teamed up with Jacob to sponsor a raffle for a young kid in need of a bone marrow transplant. Basically, he has a rare skin disease, and if he doesnt get this transplant, he will die from skin cancer within 10 years. This certain procedure has only been done twice (IIRC) and therefore Kyle's insurance has deemed in "experimental" and will not provide any financial help. It is estimated that $500,000 is needed for the operation. Since May, nearly $200,000 has been raised. Much more info can be found here: http://cotaforkyleh.com/ I got the opportunity to meet Kyle recently, and this young man is amazing. He has such high spirits and is a very down to earth kid. Kyle loves the Dallas Cowboys, and we talked about their season so far, as well as what we expected for the rest of the season. I felt very privileged to get to meet him, and am very excited that I have the opportunity to help a great kid such as Kyle. Jacob from SundownAudio.com was kind enough to donate an SAE-1200D and I have personally pitched in a 12" SSA Icon/Fisher Customs package. I also want to give a BIG THANK you to the fellas at SoundSolutionsAudio.com. They were kind enough to allow me to exchange a BNIB Dual 1 ohm Icon for a Dual 2 model. Thanks again guys Duece212 just sent me a private message and will be ordering a Kicker 1/0 install kit (PKD1) to add to the raffle. JaggedEdgeKustumVinyl.com has kicked in some vinyl decals to go along with the package. Also, Scott Hall and Jon Buragas from the Amp Repair Center has contributed a free amp repair as a secondary prize. All warranties on the items are transferable to the winner of the raffle. The raffle rules are fairly simple. This is very similar to how Nick from IA has run a couple raffles, and it seems like he has had good success doing it like this. I sure hope he doesnt mind me borrowing his idea. Tickets will be for sale from Nov. 2nd to Nov 23rd. They must be purchased through my online store, at http://www.fishercustoms.com/store/index.p...;products_id=37. But as many, or as little as you want. Every dollar helps! On Nov. 24th the drawing of the raffle will begin. One name will be drawn each day, until any given name has been drawn 3 times. Every ticket that gets drawn, will be put back into the hat, so even a donation of $1 has a chance of winning the raffle items. For example: Day 1- Person #3 Day 2- Person #6 Day 3- Person #1 Day 4- Person #3 Day 5- Person #2 Day 6- Person #1 Day 7- Person #3 In this instance, Person #3 would be the winner of the raffle prize. Tickets will be able to be purchased up until the winner is actually selected. Guys, lets make this as successful as possible. Donate what you can, 100% of the donations will go directly to Kyle's cause. If you want to help further, just simply spread the word. Post this to other forums you visit, link this thread, keep it bumped to the top for us. Just whatever you guys can do. We actually have the opportunity to see a life get saved. New List of Raffle Prizes: More products have been offered, so I will update here as they become official. Raffle Item #1 Sundown Audio SAE1200D 12" SSA Icon Dual1 Fisher Customs Enclosure Kicker 1/0 Amp Install Kit Vinyl Decals Courtesy of Jagged Edge Kustum Vinyl -Sundown windshield banner 5"HX15.5"W -(2) Sundown side window stickers 2.50"HX7.75"W -Fisher Customs rear window decal 13'HX24.48"W Raffle Item #2 (1) Free amp repair compliments of Scott Hall and Jon Buragas at Amp Repair Center
  11. bjfish11

    Project David and Goliath

    If you're talking about me, Nope never thought of the frisby business, haha. Oh, and my name is not Jacob.
  12. bjfish11

    Project Land Rover

    This enclosure is for a pair of 12" SI Mag V4's. Customer wanted to go sealed, and make it very sexy. Between the customer and Dylan, I think they did a fantastic job. This might be one of the coolest projects I have ever done. Should not only sound great, but also should be very, very appealing to the eye when we are all finished Enough of my rambling, here are the pics from tonight.
  13. bjfish11

    Box Build for mr_kebo

    16CuFT@35hz for 4 15" RE Audio SE Powered by a AQ3500D
  14. bjfish11

    Box Build for mr_kebo

    I believe its for an F350 actually.
  15. bjfish11

    Alpine 12" 1.7^3 feet @ 33Hz

    Not a problem. Yes 3.4 cubes is the total volume. So that would be 1.7 per driver.
  16. bjfish11

    Alpine 12" 1.7^3 feet @ 33Hz

    I think that depends a lot of install. I have heard people say each way yielded better results. For just daily driving, I doubt you will be able to notice a difference.
  17. bjfish11

    Benefit Raffle for Kyle Hicks

    1 buck per ticket
  18. bjfish11

    Alpine 12" 1.7^3 feet @ 33Hz

    That price actually includes carpet already. It would be similar to that one, but the one you showed isnt seperate chambers. We would just need to basically add a center divider.
  19. bjfish11

    Benefit Raffle for Kyle Hicks

    Another raffle is in the works already. Shooting for next year though. Dont want to crowd them together. On a side note, bump this up. Lets get to 1500 tickets tonight!
  20. bjfish11

    Benefit Raffle Donation

    Just to inform you guys, its going great. We are closing in on 1500 tickets sold.
  21. bjfish11

    The Elephant Box

    Here is 2 of 2. Enjoy.... This box is off to a slow start.... if you dont know what project Im talking about, here is a thread about it http://www.caraudio.com/forum/showthread.php?t=282423 Got started on this box Friday, cutting all the panels, except the bracing. Spent a little time working on the dual flare, and just couldnt get it to work. I went back to the drawing board, and tonight, got the correct spacing on the kerfs. Hopefully Chris will be able to redesign the flares with the new info. But here is a couple pics of what I have thus far. This should be a pretty cool build in the end....
  22. bjfish11

    Alpine 12" 1.7^3 feet @ 33Hz

    3.4 cubes in seperate chambers will run $215 shipped for the standard enclosure. Extra options are available at an additional cost. Let me know if you have anymore questions.
  23. bjfish11

    Mustang Enclosure v4

    hmm make ur own flared ports or some round spl boxes..just a couple ideas 80 Definitely some ideas. I actually thought about buying up a bunch of vehicle specific speaker adapters and making those.
  24. bjfish11

    Mustang Enclosure v4

    I can make you either one of those things
  25. bjfish11

    Benefit Raffle for Kyle Hicks

    Still bringing in some cash for Kyle. Lets keep it up guys!