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Everything posted by bjfish11

  1. bjfish11

    Box Build for AudioWerks

    All thats left is to sand it all up, and carpet it. Then we just need to do the plexi work...
  2. bjfish11

    Box Build for AudioWerks

    Gotcha. Yea, I confused a lot of people with that, LOL. Really only way I could think to get the inside painted good. Thanks for the compliments man
  3. bjfish11

    Box Build for AudioWerks

    What you mean? Talking about the Fi logo? It is actually white, just masked off from when I painted the inside last night....
  4. bjfish11

    Box Build for AudioWerks

    I ran out of red paint tonight, so Ill have to get another can tomorrow. Then I plan on painting it some more, before putting the top panel on. Then this weekend I should get it completely assembled and carpeted, then just have to wait and see what we can do about the plexi and the CNC...
  5. bjfish11

    Box Build for AudioWerks

    Ok, here we go..... Here are a couple pics from last night. Just basically painted anywhere that was going to be behind the brace. I thought this would make it easier to finish up painting later on. Now tonight, I started assembling the box. Its really taking shape now, and I think is starting to look pretty sweet....
  6. bjfish11

    Under Construction: Fisher Custom Enclosure

    Just noticed this thread.... I have on up in the Build Logs section that is updated, if anyone wants to check it out...
  7. bjfish11

    Box Build for AudioWerks

    Spent about 2 and a half hours cutting out this brace tonight. Took a little longer than I was expecting, but I decided to use the Jig Saw for the entire thing. Thought about using the router and flush cut bit for most of it, but decided to try my hand at the jig saw. Anyways, got it all cut out, masked off, and got the FI logo painted white. May need another coat tomorrow, this white just wasnt covering very well. Onto the pics....
  8. bjfish11

    The Elephant Box

    Nope, no FG. Wood glue will be put into the grooves prior to bending it. It is VERY strong when all cured up...
  9. bjfish11

    New Memeber Here...

    Im new over here. Checked it out for awhile, so I thought Id join. Recognize a lot of the people from around other forums. Looking forward to a good time.