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Everything posted by Thumpper

  1. I just watched a news feed about a Toyota sedan racing down the highway at high speeds while a Police Car got ahead of it and helped it come to a stop......... I know that Toyota has recalled most cars because of this problem but I see a bigger one that JUST BOGGLES MY MIND why didn't he just TURN OFF THE IGNITION and kill the engine or put the damn thing in NEUTRAL ??? instead he let it race out at high speeds riding the brakes ,burning them off while calling 911......JUST WOW...LOL are people really that dumb??????? wholly
  2. Thumpper

    The Toyota "Sticking Gas Pedal Syndrome"

    WOW...it's almost like the guy in the video took the thoughts right out of my head!!!!!
  3. Thumpper

    Blow Through Bandpass Design

    Can you make the design? unfortunately I don't sell designs anymore.....
  4. Thumpper

    camaro 12" sub box

    I need a bit more info contact me direct at [email protected]
  5. Thumpper

    The Toyota "Sticking Gas Pedal Syndrome"

    How can you compare a driving emergency to running out of gas? Those are two totally different situations. it was leaned towards the ability to coat a vehicle to a stop with out the engine running I don't look at a sticking throttle as a driving emergency....... it is not a check mate situation and can be dealt with quickly with the use of common sense that everyone with a drivers liscense should be able to deal with
  6. Thumpper

    The Toyota "Sticking Gas Pedal Syndrome"

    ....what happens if you run out of gas doing 80mph .....do you panic and crash ??? seriously though.... a drivers liscense should NOT be given to someone who can't handle turning the key off and coast a car to a stop
  7. Thumpper

    The Toyota "Sticking Gas Pedal Syndrome"

    here is an Idea.....turn your key on so the stearing un locks and have a buddy push while you stear.......it'a a little harder to deal with but not impossible
  8. Thumpper

    The Toyota "Sticking Gas Pedal Syndrome"

    it's only power assist...the stearing still works with the engine off you should try driving an old vehicle with armstrong stearing (my bad..most kids now adays have NO Idea what that is...LOL)
  9. Thumpper

    The Toyota "Sticking Gas Pedal Syndrome"

    the stearing still works ( a little harder but it still functions) whrn I was younger me and my friends used to coast our vehicles from Big White turn off on Highway 33 ( 1/2 hour drive from Kelowna ) and we used to coast right into town with out any problems....LOTS of corners my first car had a throttle cable that would frey every 6 months or so and start sticking ( it was a 1972 TOYOTA Corolla...LOL )..... all I would do is shut off the ignition and pull over to stop....hell....once I even used a shoe lace to go thru the fire wall and connect the pedal to the carborator...
  10. I remember what these things were like in the Windstar... he is gonna be able to experience Vurred Blission with this set up
  11. a little test fit with a sub...... I still have a couple trim peices to go and some bracing on the back side of the Horn but it all fits into place...hope to have it installed next weekend still have door pods to go and possible pillar pods for tweets
  12. a little test fit before the paint and carpet......... the brackets for the rear seats will give an extra 2" to push the box back when removed so therer is lots of room
  13. Thumpper

    Dual 15" spl ported box

    contact me direct at [email protected]
  14. Thumpper

    Blow Through Bandpass Design

    Yes I live in Canada.......... and 90% of the e mails I get are from the US.. .....almost tempted by a couple offers from US investors thrown at me to come work down there
  15. Thumpper

    Blow Through Bandpass Design

    I could build it but I would like to have the vehicle to line everything up properly
  16. a little test fit on the amp rack....... the cosmetics I have planned will really show off the amp
  17. Thumpper

    New Forum Member Icons

    by far the best Car Audio Forum on the web......... I like my new Icon.......
  18. now for the hard labour part....... lots of sanding and paint prep
  19. no plexi.......a bit of fiberglass though this is a three peice amp rack..it will make sense soon
  20. this is how it will sit in the Xcab..........some trim peices and it will be a wall
  21. LOL.......... you wanted two 15" in a LITTLE cab...... you got it
  22. it's almosy to big to flip aroound on the table...I'm gonna have to make a platform on casters for anything this large in the future