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Everything posted by Thumpper

  1. Thumpper

    Twin 12" Xcon Flared Port

    Toyopl's enclosure and Glenneress's door pods are next Marks enclosure will not be a simple 3 day build.....there will be some specialty glass and machining done on this one......I'll be working on the wood framework soon
  2. Thumpper

    Twin 12" Xcon Flared Port

    great to hear... cant wait to see the build on my box yours is gonna be interesting for shure.....I made a small change in design that will show the subs off better ......
  3. Thumpper

    Twin 12" Xcon Flared Port

    these subs are sickening for SQ subs tuned at 30hz ( I figure the Labrynth air drag brings it down to 28hz ) brand new out of the box with only an hour of play they hit 144db on the dash ( legal comp reading ) ..this is also seriously under powered they are much much louder with an extra 4+ hours of break in and I'll be doubling the power as soon as the Reactor gets back from repair.....I see an easy 4 db gain much nicer than the four 15"..........I can hear the front stage really well and the van does not want to fall apart anymore....
  4. Thumpper

    Twin 12" Xcon Flared Port

    I was scared the body metal was going to fatigue and rip from flexing when I had the four 15" in these two 12" Xcons are friggin crazy on this pewny little 2400w amp I can't wait to get the A3000gti on them..that's gonna be nuts I would have loved to do the cosmetics on this one but I just don't have the spare time with the line up of builds I got coming..it's gonna have to wait
  5. Thumpper

    2~15" Icon's Build

    good job young grasshopper
  6. Thumpper

    15" xcon not good at upper bass??

    midbass usually comes from the mids if installed properly I can bounce my mirrors with my midbass ( two sets of 6.5" components) the enclosure could be at fault....I'v installed both the 12" and 15" Xcons and they hit the upper double kick drums nicely
  7. Thumpper

    Twin 12" Xcon Flared Port

    this is by far the fastest flared port build I have ever done.....it will stay bare wood untill my Crown Amp comes back from repair then I will work on the cosmestics...build the amp rack cover and clean the wiring up not to shabby for only 1200w rms per sub ( EXILE 2400 ) everything on the rear of the enclosure by the hatch is for the front stage..(mids n tweets ).. two Exile Xi 800.4's running two channel briged ( 400w rms x 4 )
  8. Thumpper

    Twin 12" Xcon Flared Port

    Molson Canadian just kidding...... yours is already partially built and will be painted at the same time as this one I HAD room to work on two projects in the old shop..now I'm bumping my head on the Florecent lights and wacking my tailbone on the corner of my Miter Saw table ...... Yippy !!!!! it's gonna take some getting use to
  9. just a simple sealed enclosure...
  10. Thumpper

    Twin 12" Xcon Flared Port

    this enclosure will be used to Demo the 12" Xcons for the season and most likely Bass Race I'll build something more complicated and technical for myself once the spring/summer boom is over and I have more time for personal stuff
  11. Thumpper

    Twin 12" Xcon Flared Port

    hey hey hey, get in line buddy! LOL....I beleive he is in line
  12. Thumpper

    enclosure shipping problem

    this is a very common problem with UPS..... I have sent about 50 enclosures that just dissapear off the screen and majically show up at the customers doorstep a week late with no tracking movement hope it all works out for you
  13. Thumpper

    2~15" Icon's Build

  14. Thumpper

    Ernie's 2 12" Demo Car Build | New PICS p4

    I have built alot of enclosures configured like this one ...... hit 149db with a pair of 12" RF T2's in a VW hatchback with one of them you would want to reverse it so the port is on the drivers side though ...you will have better out put on the mic
  15. Thumpper

    New Hyundai Demo SUV Enclosure by PTS

    this thread is a prime example of premature ejaculation
  16. Thumpper

    New Hyundai Demo SUV Enclosure by PTS

    Oh no! Did you find another location? I do have another location
  17. Thumpper

    Specific Order Information

    that and some other stuff....contact me direct at [email protected]
  18. Thumpper

    New Hyundai Demo SUV Enclosure by PTS

    LOL.... Mark knows what I got planned so he's getting antzy....... for those who don't know my brother in law sold the property my shop was set up on so I had to make another move...I should be making dust again by the weekend
  19. Thumpper

    Mark LaFountain visits SMD

    nice...... I'm gonna try and make it down there when my install is done BTW.... I would like to get my hands on your ride and upgrade that front stage install
  20. Thumpper

    New Hyundai Demo SUV Enclosure by PTS

    this is gonna be an interesting build
  21. Thumpper

    colapsed expanding foam? PLEASE HELP!

    I know that spraing expanding foam with water will drastically speed up the curing process....