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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Jensen install

    Caps are a waste and won't help your power situation at all. You say 1000 watts peak, what are the amplifier's model numbers and actual RMS figures? What is the alternator amperage output on the engine?
  2. no, the 200 watts does not transfer to the amp. The RCA outputs on the deck are low level outputs. They only have an actual few tenths of a watt going through them. The speaker leads, however, are the high level outputs and have the 50 x 4 rating, which is a max rating. They're actually about 20 watts RMS each. But yes you can use the RCAs to send a signal to an external amplifier and also use the speaker leads to power speakers directly from the deck.
  3. KU40

    Sub suggestions

    I'd go bigger the first time and just get the Icon. You don't want to get it installed and wish you had more or could use more of the amp's power.
  4. Thank god you posted that. I'm so tired of hearing about impedance rise BS and wanting to run amps below rated.
  5. KU40

    Trade Offer + Money

    Jensen is garbage. Audiobahn too.
  6. KU40

    a new box design?

    You mean a slot port? If there is nothing wrong with your current port (no port noise), there's no reason to change. A slot port tuned to the same frequency will not change anything.
  7. There's no way to tell you. It depends entirely on the input voltage of the head unit as well as what your speakers can handle. I forgot to ask before, what's the hole on top of the box for?
  8. KU40

    11 cft enough for 2 18" btl?

    I think your port and sub displacement is going to exceed 1 cube by quite a bit. Just get two 15s, they'll be much happier.
  9. You need the largest battery you can fit under the hood if you can't spare the room for a second.
  10. KU40

    12" BTL on what?

    The 1500 would do just fine.
  11. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Speaking of funny, if anybody has seen Total Recall, there are two parts at the end which are frickin' hysterical. I watched it today, hence the thought. There's the part where Ah-nald is walking into this room of pillars just stacked with bad guys with guns. He has this wristwatch-like device which makes a hologram of himself, so he walks the hologram in. Of course the bad guys surround it and shoot it, but the hologram remains unscathed (how they don't shoot each other in the crossfire is beyond me). Arnold's hologram laughs, then the real arnold comes out from behind and shoots a bunch of them. Some escape. Then it shows three guys looking around, when Arnold comes out from behind a pillar. The three guys just look at him, and Arnold says "Do you think I'm the hologram?" Then rears back and laughs. The three bad guys look at each other, kinda bewildered. Then Arnold cuts off his laugh and says "I'm not" and shoots them. oh my jeez I busted up laughing so hard. The other part is more in-depth to try and explain the joke, so I won't. I guess just know that a bad guy party is planned for later. But it's when him and a second in charge bad guy are fighting as they are riding an open elevator going up. Arnold has the guy dangling over the edge, holding onto him by his arms, when the elevator goes up beside a rock face and the bad guy's arms get cut off between the rock and the elevator floor. Obviously the bad guy falls to his death while arnold is still holding onto his severed hands. Then he throws the hands out of the elevator back toward the bad guy and says "See you at the party." Oh and a scene where Arnold uses a random guy on an escalator as a human shield, and the poor guy gets hit about 143 times with bullets, turning to face him different directions a couple of times. Then Arnold throws his corpse at the bad guys. But mostly the movie was just terrible special effects. Oh man when anybody's face had to be changed due to bulging from lack of air, it looked incredibly fake it was ridiculous. Like the B movie it was I suppose, although I thought it was billed as a huge action movie back then.
  12. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A SHO that has been taken care of so well I wouldn't want even for the price of scrap. I was going to part it out. Only reason I made an offer. I should've realized you weren't crazy. Parting out makes sense. Whenever I hear of an SHO I think of a Conan O'Brien skit where he went out into the street to show everybody his car, which was an SHO. He said something like "And this is what I call the ranch" as he opens the hood, "because this is where the horses live." Haha it was so funny.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    dammit why didn't I remember to think of PE when I needed a digital audio cable yesterday. I went to Best Buy and bought a damn monster cable for $45 because that's all they had. I hate monster. Could have bought a Dayton cable on PE for like 12 bucks. return the shit to b.b. I didn't think they'd let me return something after I had to completely mangle the packaging to get at the product. Not sure if I still have the scraps of packaging or not.
  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    *getting pissed off that he let his wife talk him into switching from a lifetime of easy to use, very reliable and durable Nokia's to a constantly crashing/freezing and app failing LG* That stinks that you've had bad luck. Or maybe I've just had good luck. My LG has been with me for 4 years, and the one before that for about 3. Neither has ever had a problem, and I think I've dropped them as much as anybody. Though granted they aren't the top of the line models by any means, I don't want or need all that on my phone.
  15. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wow, Tiger Woods is incredible.
  16. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Fabolous's "My Time" is the coolest song I've heard in a while. Might have to put it on repeat as I lift today.
  17. I would imagine that if you use the 2 channel switch, you can just plug in one set of RCAs and the amp will split that signal over all 5 channels. If you put it on 4 channel input, you put in both front and rear RCAs, and I imagine the sub gets its signal from those. If you put it on 5 channel, it expects front, rear, and sub inputs.
  18. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The bad thing about being sublimely happy all week is that when it does finally end and you go back to normal, you feel depressed compared to what it was. That's what I get for allowing emotion. time to go back to machine mode.
  19. Thanks for the reply! I read the setting gains thread here on SSA and it says you should not run the deck over 3/4 of its max volume, is this generally true? Oh, and the morel integra ovation 6, sadly, don't have the tweeter and mid using different power sources, power for both come from the same terminal/signal. But what I'm getting at, is since they are similar to coaxials, should I run them off of 2 way active, or just "normal"? Yes, generally 3/4 of head unit volume is a good rule to follow. Most head units will begin to clip somewhere above that level. I'm not sure what you mean by active or "normal." Active means a single channel of amplification to each individual speaker to control the crossover going to each speaker. That set of speakers comes with a passive crossover. If you use that crossover, it's passive no matter how you wire it. If you go active you would not use that crossover, and instead use the crossovers on the head unit, amp, or external powered crossover.
  20. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    dammit why didn't I remember to think of PE when I needed a digital audio cable yesterday. I went to Best Buy and bought a damn monster cable for $45 because that's all they had. I hate monster. Could have bought a Dayton cable on PE for like 12 bucks.
  21. KU40

    2 18 BTLs and 2 RF4000.1?

    You can always limit the power an amplifier puts out. I could put a 10,000 watt amp on a 5 watt tweeter and play it for 100 years and never blow it. Just because he has a 4000 watt amp on the sub doesn't mean he's using all 4000 watts. Chances are he's wasting half of the amp's capabilities.
  22. KU40

    remote gain on SAE-1200D

    I would guess a bad remote. Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in? Maybe there's just a loose connection or something. Also retrace the wire's length throughout your car, make sure you didn't accidentally screw a panel down into it and cut the cord a little.
  23. KU40

    Havoc 12" Optimum Box

    Probably something like 2.2 cubes @ 32 hz would work well for you.
  24. Wow, the port takes up more room than the airspace for the subs, ha. IMO, setting a gain for interior speakers with a dmm is fairly worthless. Just use your ears. Depending on your install of the mids and where they're crossed over, chances are those bottoming out will be the limiting factor, not thermal power handling of the mid and tweet. Plus both the tweeter and mid could start breaking up with less than 120 watts, and you'll just need your ears for that. To run active you need 4 channels of amplification for the component set, not just two. So you'd have to get a different amplifier.