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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was thinking you got laid for a minute...I should have re-thought that! Ouch buddy. Ouch. In due time.
  2. KU40

    FI Q wich size?

    The 12 should be fine in sealed. Fi recommends .8-1.5, so you should be around .88 or so and on the low end of the spectrum, but it'll play fine. The only difference is how low it will be able to play. It can play lower with a larger box volume. Polyfill will likely help.
  3. KU40

    SUB moving problem

    box volume will affect loudness. Just because it's tuned to the same frequency doesn't mean that the new box will peak at the same frequency as the smaller box before. Larger boxes also don't handle as much power as smaller.
  4. KU40

    enclosure for a 12" BL

    does your head unit have a highpass crossover on it?
  5. KU40

    Planning to get a new sub

    What amplifier are you going to use? I'd start by looking for a larger alternator. But chances are you will need an additional battery as well. If you do a bandpass you can fire the ports straight up through the back deck. if you do that and seal off the deck around it, that will ensure that all of the sound gets into the cabin.
  6. KU40

    enclosure for a 12" BL

    That box should have that sub moving plenty. Did turning the gain up not make a difference?
  7. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Did a one-hour "Insanity" workout with a girl tonight. That shit is super hard. She has been doing it for three months and this was my first time, but she impressed me. I don't think I've ever been upstaged by a girl at a physical test before, but she took less rests than I did. I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow. I don't really feel tired, like it didn't work my lungs as much as say a 3 mile jog, but it sure would build muscle endurance. All of my leg muscles are tight and fatigued.
  8. KU40

    A few questions

    I have a slightly lower line of planet audio amp and it hasn't disappointed me yet. It's not the greatest but it has outlived other amps I've had in my install. I think the big bang amps are fairly decent. Though I'm not sure who really makes them. What price and for what model are you getting the amp at?
  9. KU40

    enclosure for a 12" BL

    Did it have a full 1000 watts going to it? What were the size and tuning frequency of that box?
  10. KU40

    Planning to get a new sub

    You don't have enough electrical system capacity to run 2,000 watts. You will likely have problems with voltage drop, which will shut off your amp and could possibly damage it. Also, different box types don't have an affect on how well the sound travels into the cabin. That is largely dependant on your vehicle and how you orient the subs/ports. IA has enclosure recommendations under the Tech tab on their website.
  11. If that is your only amp your electrical should have no problem powering it at all. I think you just have to ask yourself if you'll ever use another 2 channels of amplification. If you would ever want a sub and could use the extra two channels on the 4 cahnnel bridged to it, do that one.
  12. KU40

    enclosure for a 12" BL

    what was wrong with your first box?
  13. KU40

    subs in sealed

    You screwed up somehow on that box. Exactly what did you build? I would NOT tune those drivers to 30Hz. Closer to 40Hz will be better for them if output is truly the goal. Pretty sure you have more experience with Kicker than I so I defer to that. However I just made the suggestion because of how disappointed the OP was when he built the Kicker-recommended box with the high tune. I just offered a suggestion to tune lower, which would smooth out the frequency response a bit, although be less loud as you pointed out.
  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Maybe a dead spot in the starter? I had a cutlass that would just crank and crank one night and never turn over. I had to get a ride home 30 minutes away. I come back the next morning expecting to have to tow it, and it started up immediately. I was confused. But I believe that one was the timing belt.
  15. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Caught the end of that on a tv at the gym I was working out at. Speaking of the gym, I went in there today to see about a membership and they want $500 for a year, and that's even with the $200 fall discount they're having now. Wow I didn't know it was so expensive.
  16. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Crazy last 5 minutes! Wow! Of the Pats-Bills game of course. They could get away with putting raiders-chargers this late because nobody outside of california will watch it.
  17. KU40

    subs in sealed

    Tuned to 42 hz is stupid high for daily driving, especially since I imagine Kicker recommends too small of a box for their subs. Their subs need larger than average boxes to sound decent. If the box is too small it will just make it that much harder to play anything low. As Jay-cee said, build a new box and tune to 30 hz.
  18. KU40

    external port

    Only the volume of the aeroports that is inside the box counts as displacement when figuring box volume.
  19. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah I realized that you had enough posts to go into classifieds and doubted any ill-intent. It was more of just an observation than anything. Just because, as Denim says, most whoring by established members goes on in the HOP so it was interesting to see it in the newbie sign in, ha.
  20. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    looks like porkchop was doing some whoring in the newbie sign in
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    shoot, it's basically here. Hasn't been over 85* in like 3 weeks, and projected only upper 70s for the next two.
  22. KU40

    need a box design

    That should be fine
  23. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A blow job every 4 hours for the next 10 years. She could manage that Good idea, I'll mention that to her when I see her next. I'm not sure I'd trust a vegetarian cooking my steak though If your a real steak man you eat it practically rare anyways. Medium rare usually
  24. KU40

    need a box design

    oh, 1". Yeah my numbers were based off 3/4". But your numbers look right.